European Scientific e-Journal: How to Publish
How to publish your article and get into the collection
  1. Write an article with unique content and title not copying last works.
  2. Fill out Section Registration Form in your own or comfortable language version in the web site.
  3. Get our answer with pre-catalogue article number.
  4. Send your article to email - - for scientific review and anti-plagiarism.
  5. Get approval and an invoice for the article.
  6. Your article is sent to the Board of Reviewers.
  7. Then the article is sent to the Editorial Board.
Every article must be reviewed by the member the Board of Reviewers of the reviewer of your organization.
The review of an article can be published if the Journal considers it necessary.
Your manuscript will be verifying about 10 days.
Your manuscript will be reviewed about 20 days.
Your article will be published after review and verification in 7 days.
DOI number is assigned and already included in the invoice.
The Administration of the Journal informs you about the article's publication and sends the Certificate of Author.
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