Articles: Urbanistics

Posternak, I., Posternak, S, & Posternak, O. (2022). The Corporate Scientific and Technical Complex of Town-Planning Power Reconstruction: architectural and historical development of Odessa in the 19th and beginning of the 20th centuries. The First Special Humanitarian Issue of Ukrainian Scientists. European Scientific e-Journal, 2 (17), 120-127. Ostrava: Tuculart Edition.

DOI: 10.47451/urb2022-04-01 -------------- Author's Certificate 1 -------- Author's Certificate 2 -------- Author's Certificate 3


Cities as a generation of human society have several millennia of their existence. Destinies cities are various and instructive: one has ceased to exist for a long time, others have grown till the huge sizes; one stay in oblivion, other steels world famous. The ancient history the majority cities clearly appears in character their lay-out and a silhouette. Each epoch and each society spontaneously or meaningly transformed and adapted those cities which received in the inheritance from previous epoch for the requirements. The authors offer an analysis of Odessa “CSTC T-PPR”, as innovative organizational structure for reconstruction of buildings of historical building of Odessa under standards power efficiency. It is executed researches of historically-style development. Superstructures were carried out in a city practically during all history its development. The mansard floor is an effective variant a superstructure buildings of background building.


corporate scientific and technical complex, town-planning power reconstruction, architectural styles, buildings of historical building.

Article's Index

Kolosha, M. (2022). Assessing the quality of urban development by analysing indicators at the local level. The First Special Humanitarian Issue of Ukrainian Scientists. European Scientific e-Journal, 2 (17), 115-119. Ostrava: Tuculart Edition.

DOI: 10.47451/urb2022-03-01 -------------- Author's Certificate


Territorial development is a basic concept of urban planning and spatial planning. This concept is complex in nature, as it includes indicators such as design, surveying, economic and social development of territories, environmental issues, humanitarian aspects, and others. Therefore, to ensure the fullest possible identification of factors influencing urban systems to improve the quality of the environment, it is advisable to develop a set of indicators that would meet the parameters of the task at different stages of urban development. The article analyses the approaches to the formation of a system of indicators for assessing the quality of the urban environment. The author proposes a comprehensive system of indicators that allows the most complete description of urban development processes, to develop proposals for their improvement. The article is based on an in-depth analysis of regulatory and legal support of urban planning processes, analysis of periodical scientific literature, and leading world experience that can be implemented in the system of national urban planning. The grouping of factors for assessing the quality of the formation of the urban environment is carried out. Each group of factors is structured and described. Descriptions of the group of factors allowed to determine their impact on the urban planning system and the environment. An analysis of the relationship between the factors in assessing the quality of the urban environment, allowed us to determine their systemic and mutual influence. It is determined that only by using a set of factors and their rational structuring it is expedient to ensure the effectiveness of the processes of formation of the urban environment, which would meet the requirements and demands of the population at each stage of society.


urban planning, territorial planning, territorial management, assessment of territorial development.

Article's Index

Bratu, D.-P. (2022). Smart city ideas for a medieval fortress – Sighisoara. Actual Issues of Modern Science. European Scientific e-Journal, 4 (19), 38-51. Ostrava: Tuculart Edition.

DOI: 10.47451/urb2022-01-001 -------------- Author's Certificate


A smart city represents a caring urban area that uses different types of sensors to collect an electronic data in order to provide information that is used to efficiently manage its resources. The smart city concept comprises six major areas: smart environment, smart mobility, smart government, smart people, smart living and smart economy. This paper aims to present aspects of the urban development of Sighisoara that can be classified in the smart city category. Although it is a small municipality, with a population of 24,447 inhabitants, according to INSEE on January 1, 2020, and has its hearth located on one of the oldest historical localities in Romania, being at the same time a UNESCO site, it has been experiencing in recent years an application of smart projects in the field of urbanism. Without going into contradiction with the medieval vestiges of the municipality, in Sighisoara we try to intertwine the historical environment with the new technologies of the 21th century based on digitalization. The Internet of Things (IoT) is already present in the city by implementing programs in transport, infrastructure and parking. Projects are underway on the construction of smart residential complexes and the transition of digitalization to industry and agriculture. The new global challenge of SARS-COV-2 virus requires a more alert development of smart systems that help to comply with the rules imposed by the authorities without creating discomfort to citizens. The smart citizen is the most important tool in the fight against the pandemic. A citizen who learns to communicate with public authorities and institutions with the help of the internet, who pays his taxes and taxes online is one of the answers of technology to the problems raised by the COVID-19 pandemic. At present, more than 7 billion euros of European funds are available at EU level for the smart development of communities. Sighisoara is among the cities that have seen this development opportunity.


digitalization, economy, innovation, smart city, Sighisoara, Romania.

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