Articles: Sociology

Krymchak, L. Yu. (2024). The main aspects of forming the social work digitalisation strategy. Actual Issues of Modern Science. European Scientific e-Journal, 29, pp. 76-87. Ostrava: Tuculart Edition & European Institute for Innovation Development (In Ukrainian)

DOI: 10.47451/soc2024-04-01 ---------- Author's Certificate


Today’s need to improve the process of providing social services to needy segments of the population finding themselves in difficult life circumstances has intensified interest in forming a strategy for digitalising social work. The study object is strategies for digitalising social work. The subject of this study is the factors and conditions that influence the formation of strategies for digitalising social work. The purpose is to study the factors and conditions to choose digital technologies by social work specialists, in particular those that ensure the provision of social services. During the study, the author used methods of analysis, synthesis, generalisation, and comparison. The website content of the Ministry of Digital Transformation of Ukraine was analysed; Decree of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine “On approval of the Strategy of Digital Transformation of the Social Sphere” and Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine “On Approval of the Regulation on the Unified Information System in the Social Sphere”. The scientific works of A. Hrytsenko, T. Burlai, H. Davydenko, T. Yehorova-Lutsenko, V. Malinovskyi, L. Khromushyna, in which modern approaches to various social work digitalisation strategies in Ukraine are studied; V. Togobytska and M. Khaustova, examining benefits, risks and problems for the social sphere during digital transformation; V. Prysiazhnyuk, investigating the digital transformation of the social sphere in the conditions of war. The author concludes that this process should be general, in which the key role is played by the state, involving various stakeholders, including Social Work specialists, clients and heads of Social Services, Information Technology Developers, academic institutions and non-profit organisations engaged in social work and perform socially useful functions. It confirms the need for further scientific research in social work digitalisation, contributing to improving the practice of Social Work and requires state support.


social work, digitalisation strategy of social work, digital technologies in the process of social support, difficult life circumstances, approach to strategy evaluation.

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Muhtaroğulları, A. (2022). Femicide and child marriages in Turkey. Actual Issues of Modern Science. European Scientific e-Journal, 22, 94-109. Ostrava: Tuculart Edition, European Institute for Innovation Development.

DOI: 10.47451/soc2022-09-01 --------- Author's Certificate


In Turkey, each day women killed because of the domestic violence and also families forced their children to marry before 18s. The legal age of marriage is 18, but also children can marry at the age of 17 and 16 with the permission of family and courts. (Unicef Türkiye). In addition, in Turkey both femicide and early child marriages are connected to each other. Both of them are results of the social biases, which are prejudges, stereotype, and the gender discrimination or the gender inequality. Because of the illiteracy, economic difficulties, education system, and political or government policies, Turkey fights with gender discrimination and early child marriages. The purpose of the study is to analyse the femicide and child marriage cases in Turkey by using the statistical sources to show that femicide and child marriages are one of the big problems of Turkey. The tasks of the study are to finish with the reasons of femicide and child marriages, and offer some solutions to those problems.


femicide, child, marriages, Turkey, biases, stereotypes, prejudges, education.

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Dulik, T. O., Alexandriuk, T. Y., & Poliskyi, D. S. (2022). Directions of the development of socially responsible business. The Second Special Humanitarian Issue of Ukrainian Scientists. European Scientific e-Journal, 3(18), 125-138. Ostrava: Tuculart Edition. (In Ukrainian)
Дулік, T.О., Александрюк, Т.Ю. та Полiський, Д.С. (2022). Напрями розвитку соціально відповідального бізнесу. The Second Special Humanitarian Issue of Ukrainian Scientists. European Scientific e-Journal, 3(18), 125-138. Ostrava: Tuculart Edition.

DOI: 10.47451/soc2022-04-01 ------- Author's Certificate 1 ------- Author's Certificate 2 ------- Author's Certificate 3


The article is devoted to the study of the actual processes of functioning of socially responsible business, its role as a subject of the modern democratic state of sustainable development, in solving social problems. The basis for the formation of corporate social responsibility of business and factors that contribute to or hinder the implementation of its initiative are clarified. The purpose of the article is to summarize the directions of development of socially responsible business and justify the possibility of adapting the Corporate Social Responsibility initiative in Ukraine in the context of dynamic changes. The methodological basis of the carried-out researches was general theoretical approaches and philosophical methods of scientific knowledge: induction and deduction; historical; analysis and synthesis; systematic approach; method of expert assessments and generalizations, etc. The information base of the study was the current regulatory and legislative acts on the formation of state social standards and state social guarantees in Ukraine, official analytical and statistical materials, monographic and periodicals of domestic and foreign scientists. In particular, modern trends in the implementation of socially oriented principles in the activities of business structures in Ukraine were investigated by T.P. Gitis, A.H. Zinchenko, A.M. Kolot, N.V. Losovska, K.P. Lyashuk, M.A. Saprykina, L.S. Seliverstova, O.O. Trut and others. Among the foreign authors, whose works on this topic are of considerable interest, should be called I. Alon, K. Yeh, A. Carnegie, A. Carroll, M. Kitzmueller, Ph. Kotler, C. Lattemann, W. Leoński, N. Lee, S. Li, G. Fioretti, М. Friedman, M. Fetscherin, J. Shimshack and others. These sources provided a generalization of scientific approaches to the definition of the concept of “socially responsible business”, clarification of problematic issues that require urgent solution and barriers that prevent an increase in the level of social responsibility of business in Ukraine. The authors analyze modern models of corporate social responsibility management and the possibility of their adaptation to domestic conditions. In particular, it may be the use that is most acceptable for the Ukrainian post-war economy – a European model in which the practice of optimal state regulation is a priority, with appropriate social programs for social protection of the population.


соціально відповідальний бізнес, суб’єкти бізнес-структур, корпоративна соціальна відповідальність, соціальне забезпечення, соціальний захист громадян, державні соціальні стандарти та державні соціальні гарантії, socially responsible business, subjects of business structures, corporate social responsibility, social security, social protection of citizens, state social standards and state social guarantees.

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