Articles: Psychology

Spytska, L. (2024). Socio-psychological characteristics of sociopaths in relationships. Actual Issues of Modern Science. European Scientific e-Journal, 29, pp. 76-87. Ostrava: Tuculart Edition & European Institute for Innovation Development (In Ukrainian)

DOI: 10.47451/psy2024-03-01 ---------- Author's Certificate


The relevance of the problem under study lies in the controversial issue that modern psychologists and psychotherapists are trying to solve: antisocial personality disorder is caused by heredity or is it the result of negligent upbringing? A sociopath has difficulty adapting to society, ignores the norms and rules of society, and has a low development of emotional intelligence. Given deviant behaviours, people with such a mental disorder are prone to breaking the law and committing serious crimes, so such people can be dangerous to others. Thus, the purpose of this study is to examine the manifestation of the personal characteristics of a sociopath in relations with the environment. The main method that was used to examine this problem was a psychological experiment, through which it was possible to comprehensively consider the characteristic features of sociopaths and analyse the main types of attachments. The main result of the study is proving that a certain parenting style in infancy activates the inherited gene of this mental illness. The study also presents the criteria by which it will be possible to quickly establish the diagnosis of antisocial psychopathy. The main prerequisites for the development of sociopathy are covered and the features of their manifestation in adult life are identified. The use of techniques as the most successful diagnostic tools for investigating the psychological phenomenon stated in the subject of the study is justified. In practical terms, the materials of the study allow expanding the context of sociopathic diseases. In clinical practice, specialists will be able to improve the treatment protocol: from the very beginning of therapy, it is necessary to consider negative childhood experiences, difficulties in socialisation and emotional regulation. Given the specific features of building relationships of a sociopath with other people, this study highlights the importance of forming a collaborative, well-defined therapeutic relationship that is key to the recovery of a patient. The study also notes the need for preventive measures by the social service among parents, during which the importance of a harmonious family environment and parent-child relationships are highlighted.


personal mental disorder, psychopathy, psychotraumatic factor, personality of the patient, antisocial behaviour.

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Dutkevych, T. (2022). Sophia Rousova’s views about personality development in the scientific discourse of social knowledge at the beginning of the 20th century. The First Special Humanitarian Issue of Ukrainian Scientists. European Scientific e-Journal, 2(17), 105-114. Ostrava: Tuculart Edition. (In Ukrainian)
Дуткевич, Т. (2022). Погляди Софії Русової на розвиток особистості у науковому дискурсі суспільствознавства початку ХХ століття. Special Humanitarian Issue of Ukrainian Scientists. European Scientific e-Journal.European Scientific e-Journal, 2(17), 105-114. Ostrava: Tuculart Edition.

DOI: 10.47451/psy2022-04-01 ---------- Author's Certificate


The article analyses the influence of European and American social sciences representatives of the early 20th century on Sofia Rusova’s views on the main issues of the theory of personality development. The ideological connections between the works of leading social scientists of that time and Sofia Rusova’s interpretation of such issues as the interaction of personality development and social progress, the role of community and citizenship in personality development, the biosocial problem, the nature of interpersonal relationships between adults and children were discovered. It is shown that in elaborating her views Sofia Rusova relied on advanced studies of Western European (V.A. Lai, G. Spencer, J.-G. Tarde, Z. Freud, etc.) and American (G.S. Hall, G. Sullivan, etc.) scientists in the field of sociology, psychology, philosophy, and pedagogy. Sofia Rusova’s original contribution to the creating of the theory of personality development taking into account sociological, psychological and pedagogical aspects is shown.


personality, development, citizenship, imitation, social instinct, heritage, environment, socialization, upbringing.

Article's Index

Abroze, E.A. (2020). Prevention of neurosis in parents of children with disabilities. European Scientific e-Journal, 6(6), 1, 50-55. Hlučín-Bobrovníky: “Anisiia Tomanek” OSVČ.
Аброзе, Е.А. (2020). Профилактика неврозов у родителей детей с ограниченными возможностями здоровья. European Scientific e-Journal, 6(6), 1, 50-55. Hlučín-Bobrovníky: “Anisiia Tomanek” OSVČ.

DOI: 10.47451/psy2020-09-001 ---------- Author's Certificate


According to statistics, for every 10,000 healthy children, there are more than 250 children with disabilities in developed countries. Official data of the World Health Organization confirms these figures. In the Russian Federation, 568,000 disabled children were registered in 2013, and by 2020 their number has increased to 688,000. The author examines the main psychological problems of families with children with disabilities, as well as the therapeutic use of methods for preventing neurotic disorders in children. The article analyzes the possibilities of innovative types of neurosis prevention – with the help of psycho-hygiene and psychological cultural studies. The author concludes that disability and concomitant diseases are a powerful stressful factor that forms a complex of experiences, negative psychological deformities in both children and their parents. Deeply correlated psychological complexes actively influence the processes of therapeutic and rehabilitation activities of the child and the adaptation of the family negatively affecting the positive result in every possible way.


prevention of neuroses, modern psychiatry, hygiene, psychological cultural studies.

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