Articles: Political Sciences

Kliachyn, A. K. (2024). Trending topics of political discourse in the context of forming the agenda of Ukrainian political parties in the future parliamentary elections. Actual Issues of Modern Science. European Scientific e-Journal, 28, 39-62. Ostrava: Tuculart Edition. (In Ukrainian)

DOI: 10.47451/pol2024-01-01 -------_ Author's Certificate


The outcome of Ukraine’s upcoming parliamentary elections will determine not only the composition of the Verkhovna Rada but also the strategic decisions regarding post-war reconstruction and development, institutional and normative reforms in the Ukrainian political system, societal consolidation around Ukraine’s integration into the community of European democracies, and the transformation of Ukraine into a stronghold of security and democratic development in Eastern Europe. Therefore, the analysis of the preconditions for the future electoral process is relevant: the currently formed “trendy” topics of the political discourse and the positioning of political parties in the context of Ukrainian electoral traditions. Study object was the substantive content of the political discourse in Ukraine in 2023. Study subject was trending topics of the political discourse in Ukraine that potentially may become elements of the agenda for Ukrainian political parties during the upcoming pre-election campaign. Study purpose was to identify and provide a meaningful characterization of the trending themes in the Ukrainian political discourse that have the potential to become part of the agenda for Ukrainian political parties within the context of Ukraine’s electoral traditions. Following methods such as analysis of normative and statistical data related to Ukraine’s electoral system, analysis of Ukraine’s information space in the context of political discourse, historical-genetic and comparative analysis of models of Ukraine’s electoral system, modelling to determine the influence of trending themes in political discourse on the agenda of political parties in the future pre-election campaign were used. Study base was 1) materials from informational resources (media, Telegram channels); 2) Ukrainian legislative acts related to the regulation of the electoral process; 3) analytical studies on different models of electoral systems; 4) analytical materials on key themes of political discourse in Ukraine, traditions of pre-election campaigns in Ukraine, and the positioning of political parties. The author concludes that there are twelve trending themes in the political discourse of Ukraine that are likely to become part of the party agenda in the upcoming pre-election campaign. These themes shape five points of the political discourse: «Central Government – Local Government», «Government – Society», «Affluent – Less Affluent», «Military – Civilian», «Parties Loyal to Non-Putin Russia – Society – Parties of Radical Patriots». Given the objective conditions in the upcoming parliamentary campaign, the use of a modification of the proportional electoral system is more likely, making the party agenda more relevant than the individual agendas of politicians.


political discourse in Ukraine, Ukrainian political parties, election campaign agenda, transformation of the electoral system of Ukraine, positioning of political parties, політичний дискурс в Україні, українські політичні партії, порядок денний передвиборчої кампанії, трансформація виборчої системи України, позиціонування політичних партій.

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Lebedev, S. V., & Lebedeva, G. N. (2022). Religionisation of politics, culture and economy of the modern world. Actual Issues of Modern Science. European Scientific e-Journal, 23 (8), 83-94. Ostrava: Tuculart Edition.

DOI: 10.47451/pol2022-11-01 -------_ Author's Certificate 1 ----- Author's Certificate 2


The end of the last 20th and the first two decades of the present 21st centuries were marked by an amasing social and cultural phenomenon – a sharp increase in the role of religion in all spheres of human life. In politics, economics, culture, the religious factor plays a significant, and in many regions of the Earth, and a determining role everywhere. This phenomenon became to be unexpected for most scientists, and even for many traditional religious figures. Such influential philosophical systems of the 19th and 20th centuries as Positivism or Marxism also proceeded from the fact that religion is just opium for the people. Liberals regarded religion only as a private matter of the individual, but not a matter of society. Even conservatives viewed religion as part of the great historical tradition of their country, but not as something giving the world a transcendent idea. The secularisation of culture and politics, which began in Europe around the 17th century, seemed gradually to lead to a natural result – the complete disappearance of religion – under the influence of European culture and Western colonialism on all other continents. Since the 1970s, philosophers and political scientists have been talking about a religious renaissance in many regions of the world. The subject of the study was the religious sphere of the modern world with the rise of the Islamic movement and the Islamic revolution in Iran. The object of the study was the processes for religionising politics, culture, and economics of the modern world. The purpose of the study was to present the main patterns of the religionisation of politics, culture, and economics of the modern world. Historical, logical, analytical, and comparative methods were applied to achieve the purpose and solve the tasks set in the study. The authors used the works of prominent scientists and researchers, including A.J. Toynbee, U. Beck, P. Nolan, G.E. Lenski, C. Hackett, and E. Smith. Based on the study, the authors conclude that the resistance to globalisation under Western conditions has many directions, among which the inconspicuous protection of national culture and its spiritual basis – traditional religion – stands out. It is not by chance that not only philosophers, but also sociologists and cultural scientists started talking about the “return of ethnicity”. It is the real threat of dissolving into mass Americanised culture that motivates many citizens to turn to the sources of their national culture in principle.


secular ideologies, inter-confessionalism, politicisation of religion, religionisation of politics, post-Christianity, liberation theology, светские идеологии, интерконфессиональность, политизация религии, религиозация политики, постхристианство, теология освобождения.

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Lebedev, S. V. (2022). Demo-totalitarianism: the Baltic version. Actual Issues of Modern Science. European Scientific e-Journal, 6(21), 24-37. Ostrava: Tuculart Edition.

DOI: 10.47451/pol2022-06-01 -------------- Author's Certificate


The purpose of the study is to define demo-totalitarianism as a social and political phenomenon in the independent Baltic countries at the present stage of development of the European community. The political history of many countries, including the Baltic countries (Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania), is distinguished by its originality, sharply distinguishing these countries from countries with a democratic regime. Quite democratic procedures coexist in the Baltic States, but at the same time, discrimination of so-called “non-titular” population is carried out. These regimes can be characterized as demo-tatotal. To achieve the goal set in the study and solve problems, historical-genetic, historical-comparative, actualization and chronological methods were used. In the course of the study, numerous archival and journalistic materials were used, which are freely available and do not violate the legal framework of the Baltic states. The author concludes that the change of the demototalitarian regime will not occur as a result of a people’s revolution, since the bulk of the “titular” Balts defend the status quo in order to at least see their significance in something. Due to geopolitics, the West will not notice human rights violations in the Baltics. Because of this, Baltic demo-totalitarianism will continue to exist in the foreseeable future. The author takes full responsibility for the complexity and political ambiguity of the research topic, therefore he defines it as purely scientific.


political regime, democracy, totalitarianism, demo-totalitarianism, discrimination, политический режим, демократия, тоталитаризм, демототалитаризм, дискриминация.

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Lebedev, S. V. (2022). The phenomenon of “soft power” and its main problems in Russia. Actual Issues of Modern Science. European Scientific e-Journal, 6(21), 46-58. Ostrava: Tuculart Edition.

DOI: 10.47451/pol2022-05-02 -------------- Author's Certificate


IThe purpose of the study is to define demo-totalitarianism as a social and political phenomenon in the independent Baltic countries at the present stage of development of the European community. The political history of many countries, including the Baltic countries (Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania), is distinguished by its originality, sharply distinguishing these countries from countries with a democratic regime. Quite democratic procedures coexist in the Baltic States, but at the same time, discrimination of so-called “non-titular” population is carried out. These regimes can be characterized as demo-tatotal. To achieve the goal set in the study and solve problems, historical-genetic, historical-comparative, actualization and chronological methods were used. In the course of the study, numerous archival and journalistic materials were used, which are freely available and do not violate the legal framework of the Baltic states. The author concludes that the change of the demototalitarian regime will not occur as a result of a people’s revolution, since the bulk of the “titular” Balts defend the status quo in order to at least see their significance in something. Due to geopolitics, the West will not notice human rights violations in the Baltics. Because of this, Baltic demo-totalitarianism will continue to exist in the foreseeable future. The author takes full responsibility for the complexity and political ambiguity of the research topic, therefore he defines it as purely scientific.


political regime, democracy, totalitarianism, demo-totalitarianism, discrimination, политический режим, демократия, тоталитаризм, демототалитаризм, дискриминация.

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Semenets-Orlova, I., Mykhailych, O., Protasova, N., & Poltorak, V. (2022). Citizenship patriotism as a new model of patriotism: theoretical and methodological basis. Actual Issues of Today Politics, History, and Philosophy. European Scientific e-Journal, 5(20), 48-66. Ostrava: Tuculart Edition.

DOI: 10.47451/pol2022-04-01 ---- Author's Certificate 1 ---- Author's Certificate 2 ---- Author's Certificate 3 ---- Author's Certificate 4


Political transit determines two main prerequisites for a successful transition to democracy: the presence of an appropriate level of national unity, political will for a democratic transition and a real struggle for democracy. Based on a massive sociological survey conducted within the framework of the Swiss-Ukrainian project, the article analyses the state of citizenship of Ukrainians through the prism of developing their patriotic attitudes. The authors make a theoretical attempt to combine the notions of “citizenship” and “patriotism” with a view to their mutual informative reinforcement in the new model of citizenship patriotism. It is determined that the most integrative potential for the successful completion of democratic transit in Ukraine is a model of citizenship patriotism, based on a high level of citizenship competence of individuals (which implies a well-grounded positive assessment of the national realities, the attitude of conscious fulfilment of civil duties and active position of citizens in the field of protection of public interest).


patriotism, citizenship, citizenship competences, citizenship patriotism.

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Borisova, O. V. (2022). Development of the “just war” doctrine of Thomas Aquinas and Francisco de Vitoria. The First Special Humanitarian Issue of Ukrainian Scientists. European Scientific e-Journal, 2 (17), 94-104. Ostrava: Tuculart Edition. (In Ukrainian)
Борисова, О. В. (2022). Розробка доктрини «справедливої війни» Фомою Аквінським і Франсіско де Віторія. The First Special Humanitarian Issue of Ukrainian Scientists. European Scientific e-Journal, 2 (17), 94-104. Ostrava: Tuculart Edition.

DOI: 10.47451/pol2022-03-01 -------------- Author's Certificate


In the last decade, the religious factor has been observed in almost most military conflicts in the world, including Russia’s war against Ukraine. Such processes threatening the modern world order force us to turn to political and legal concepts. Based on historical sources and scientific literature, the author analyses the foundations of the Christian “just war” doctrine, which developed during the Middle Ages and did not undergo significant changes until the Second Vatican Council (1963-1965). It is shown that the architects of the “just war” doctrine were medieval Christian authors, starting with Ambrose of Milan, but the author of the “just war” doctrine as such was Thomas Aquinas. Without much change, the doctrine was supplemented by later scholastics, including Francisco de Vitoria. This topic also has scientific value to study the role of traditions, including religious and ethical ones, and war and armed conflicts are such human existence elements, which occupy an important place in it throughout the history of mankind.


war, just war, doctrine of just war, Christian theology, Christian doctrine of war, війна, війна справедлива, доктрина справедливої війни, християнська теологія, християнське вчення про війну.

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Samoilenko, O. (2021). Features of lobbyism development in Ukraine. Rethinking of History: Conflict of Facts and Hypotheses. European Scientific e-Journal, 7 (13), 145-156. Hlučín: “Anisiia Tomanek” OSVČ. (In Ukrainian)
Самойленко, О. (2021). Особливостi розвитку лобiзму в Украïнi. Rethinking of History: Conflict of Facts and Hypotheses. European Scientific e-Journal, 7 (13), 145-156. Hlučín: “Anisiia Tomanek” OSVČ.

DOI: 10.47451/pol2021-09-002 ----- Author's Certificate ----- Conference Certificate


The study briefly reviewed and summarized some of the most common scientific approaches to identifying the problem of lobbying in Ukraine. The main lobbying trends and problems are described. In particular, special attention was paid to the substantiation of legislative initiatives to legalize lobbying in Ukraine as a specific type of professional activity. The main preconditions to realize the idea of legislative consolidation of lobbying activity are defined. Certain obstacles to the possibility of synchronizing lobbying activities with the current anti-corruption legislation have also been substantiated. The main stages of the model of lobbying development in Ukraine are substantiated. Relevant conclusions have been made on the legal basis for solving the problem of legalization of lobbying, in particular, the emphasis is on the existence of several potential advantages of this process. One of the main advantages of legalizing lobbying in Ukraine may be the withdrawal from the shadow trade of significant amounts of funds, which are currently circulating in the relations system of illegal lobbying. Taxation of these funds can be an additional source of replenishment of the state budget. According to the research results, the author offers his vision for solving the problems of lobbying development in Ukraine. It is determined that the implementation of initiatives to legalize lobbying in Ukraine, on the one hand, will strengthen the right of businesses to defend their interests before public authorities, and on the other, will provide the latter with clear levers to legally assess lobbyists and their necessary regulation.


lobbying, institute, legalization, democracy; лобізм, інститут, легалізація, демократія.

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Naboka, A. V. (2021). International terrorism activities in the context of globalization. Rethinking of History: Conflict of Facts and Hypotheses. European Scientific e-Journal, 7 (13), 136-144. Hlučín: “Anisiia Tomanek” OSVČ. (In Ukrainian)
Набока, А.В. (2021).Міжнародна терористична діяльність в контексті глобалізації. Rethinking of History: Conflict of Facts and Hypotheses. European Scientific e-Journal, 7 (13), 136-144. Hlučín: “Anisiia Tomanek” OSVČ.

DOI: 10.47451/pol2021-09-001 ----- Author's Certificate ----- Conference Certificate


Theses study the features of the phenomenon of international terrorism and its impact on the international political system. The specifics of international terrorism in the age of global turbulence are considered. The world political system is analyzed from the standpoint of geopolitical actors’ use of various methods to achieve political goals, including terrorism. The nature and spheres of influence of international terrorism in the modern world are shown. Particular attention is paid to regional and global security in the context of terrorist groups in the Middle East. The article focuses on the activities of the ISIS group and the peculiarities of its functioning in the modern globalized world. The formation of the structure and activity of terrorist groups in the historical context is singled out. The role and principles of international terrorism in the context of geopolitical confrontation are defined.


terrorism, globalization, international relations, political system, confrontation, geopolitical influence; тероризм, глобалізація, міжнародні відносини, політична система, протистояння, геополітичний вплив.

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Orlov, I. B. (2020). An alternative view of the fateful periods in Russian political history. Historical values and problems of their interpretation. European Scientific e-Journal, 5(5), 52-65. Hlučín-Bobrovníky: “Anisiia Tomanek” OSVČ.
Орлов, И.Б. (2020). Альтернативный взгляд на судьбоносные периоды в российской политической истории. Historical values and problems of their interpretation. European Scientific e-Journal, 5(5), 52-65. Hlučín-Bobrovníky: “Anisiia Tomanek” OSVČ.

DOI: 10.47451/pol2020-12-001 ---------- EOI: 10.11244/pol2020-12-001 ---------- Certificate


Russian historical science has developed a certain approach to the interpretation of the most important periods of the formation and development of the Russian state. To a large extent, it relies on such absolute authorities as Karamzin, Klyuchevsky, Solovyov, Rybakov, and Platonov. However, with the development of scientific knowledge, a number of provisions established in Russian political history have been criticized, on the basis of which new hypotheses arise. The article considers various points of view on the fateful periods of Russian history that changed the vector of its development, analyzes the factual evidence base of existing scientific theories and put forward scientific hypotheses. The author concludes that without dismissing these two approaches to understanding the Soviet period, it is necessary to pay attention to the pendulum movement in the political drift of Russia. The analysis of historical material shows that the pendulum movement occupies a significant place in the political drift of Russian society.


periods of Russian history, vector of development of Russian history, new hypotheses of fateful periods of Russian history.

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Buychik, A. The Theory of Wave Dualism of Cracy as a tool for modeling various processes in society. Past and Present in the Philosophy of Social Development. European Scientific e-Journal, 2(2), 33-49. Hlučín-Bobrovníky: “Anisiia Tomanek” OSVČ.

DOI: 10.47451/pol2020-10-001 ---------- Certificate


At the turn of the 20th and 21st centuries, there was an urgent need to measure the political activity of certain elites, which determine the direction of development of society both within the state and in the international arena. Political elites of society set up certain markers that allow them to create the necessary social background in the state for the purpose of lobbying interests. The author presents basic principles of the Theory of Wave Dualism of Cracy (Power), which are design for modeling and forecasting political, social, economic and cultural processes in the society. The theory consists of general and specific terms parameters that have multi-level characteristics, which can contribute to more correct verification of processes. The author concludes that Theory of Wave Dualism of Cracy forms a more objective approach to historical processes and events in various fields of society.


dualism, power, political processes, political event, Second World War, postulation, classification of political processes, social matrix.

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Orlova, L. Y. (2020). Possible and probable models of formation of a civil society in modern Russia. Past and Present in the Philosophy of Social Development. European Scientific e-Journal, 2(2), 50-62. Hlučín-Bobrovníky: “Anisiia Tomanek” OSVČ.

DOI: 10.47451/pol2020-09-001 ---------- Certificate


The author considers three possible and probable models of civil society formation in modern Russia, based on a philosophical understanding of the meaning of these categories. The opportunity is an objective reality of becoming subject, as expressed in the conditions for its occurrence; the probability is a concept describing a quantitative measure of the possibility of occurrence of some event under certain conditions. In article political, economic, administrative, society cultural resources of possible formation of various models of a civil society in modern Russia are analyzed. The author concludes that during the periods when Russia was turning towards civil society, its formation was mainly based on the domestic model. Its distinctive feature is rightly considered to be the construction of civil society ‘from above’ by the state. Their awareness of the need to rely on the capabilities of civil society is the key to the development of the latter.


models of formation of a civil society in modern Russia, social and cultural resources of formation of a civil society in modern Russia.

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