Articles: Political Sciences

Dobrodum, O. V., Martinuk, E. I., & Nykytchenko, O. E. (2022). Exercising religious freedom during covid-19 pandemic. The Third Special Humanitarian Issue of Ukrainian Scientists. European Scientific e-Journal, 5 (20), 39-47. Ostrava: Tuculart Edition. (in Ukrainian)

DOI: 10.47451/phi2022-05-01


The article presents a review of pandemic aspects of religious freedom. It is noted that in democracies, freedom of conscience has not been reproduced without problems, and non-democracies have persecuted believers, often emphasizing that this does not impede religious freedom in their countries. Democracies find it harder to fight the pandemic than more authoritarian countries, but outside democracies, and in some cases not to the same extent, freedom of conscience suffers from both sporadic violations and persistent obstacles. In countries where believers have been persecuted, this disease has only become part of the repression and has intensified it, including vaccination, which is another means of discriminating against members of religious organizations who are persecuted. In the current situation, even authoritarian states have an understanding of the importance of collective immunity, and although totalitarian or authoritarian regimes promote vaccination, it does not promote freedom of conscience as such. In this study of religious freedom at the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, we emphasized its uniqueness in the constellation of all other human rights and freedoms, and at the same time the need to respect all these rights and freedoms for its realization. In our scientific work, we have warned against the inadmissibility of overgrowth of temporary restrictions on freedom of religion or belief due to the need to implement quarantine regulations to persecute believers outside of this global crisis. The vast majority of violations of religious freedom during the pandemic occurred in countries where even before the spread of the coronavirus, religious minorities were pressured, discriminated against and repressed.


freedom of religion, COVID-19 pandemic, religious organizations, attitude of religions to vaccination, свобода релігії, пандемія COVID-19, релігійні організації, ставлення релігій до вакцинації.


Stetsenko, V., & Galuiko, R. (2022). Conceptual pluralism of religious and philosophical thought in Ukraine in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. The Second Special Humanitarian Issue of Ukrainian Scientists. European Scientific e-Journal, 3 (18), 117-124. Ostrava: Tuculart Edition. (in Ukrainian)

DOI: 10.47451/phi2022-04-02


The conceptual pluralism of religious and philosophical thought in Ukraine in the late 19th and early 20th centuries was considered. Its main directions, ideological connection with the corresponding directions and currents of Western European and domestic philosophy are analyzed. In particular, the peculiarities of religious and philosophical views of O. Kozlov, O. Gilyarov, G. Chelpanov, S. Bulgakov, E. Trubetsky, V. Zenkovsky, G. Florovsky, L. Shestov and M. Berdyaev, whose life and work in the late 19th and early 20th centuries were related to Ukraine. Their personal contribution to the development of philosophy in Ukraine and its integration into the same European philosophical process was clarified. Thus, the works of O. Kozlov and O. Gilyarov were greatly influenced by the ideas of panpsychism, in the context of which they in their original teachings uniquely interpreted the theocentric doctrine. The most influential follower of neo-Kantianism in the academic philosophy of Ukraine in the late 19th and early 20th century was G. Chelpanov. In contrast to these philosophers, typical representatives of spiritual philosophy – V. Zenkovsky and G. Florovsky substantiated in their philosophizing the traditional Orthodox doctrine of theocentric. S. Bulgakov and E. Trubetskoy, following their ideological predecessor V. Solovyov, developed various sophiological concepts of “metaphysics of omnipresence”. L. Shestov and M. Berdyaev became the creators of special versions of existential-humanistic philosophy within the “new religious consciousness”, for which they are also considered to be prominent representatives of religious personalism.


panpsychism, personalism, neo-Kantianism, existentialism, Orthodox philosophical tradition, “metaphysics of omnipresence”, sophiology, “God-seeking”, панпсихізм, персоналізм, неокантіанство, екзистенціалізм, православна філософська традиція, "метафізика всеєдності", софіологія, "богошукання".


Lebyedyeva, N. A. (2022). Features of the structural role of the sacred in the system of spatiotemporal coordinates of the ethnic world picture. The Second Special Humanitarian Issue of Ukrainian Scientists. European Scientific e-Journal, 3 (18), 105-116. Ostrava: Tuculart Edition.

DOI: 10.47451/phi2022-04-01


In our time of progress, a world in which innovative technologies are rapidly developing, the problem of the structural role of the sacred in the space-time coordinate system of the ethnic world picture remains relevant. The study’s purpose is to consider the features of the structural role of the sacred in the system of spatiotemporal coordinates of the ethnic world picture. In the course of this research, the author of the article set the following tasks: to consider scientific sources of foreign and Ukrainian scientists and to analyze and synthesize the acquired knowledge. The method of a systematic approach to the study of the researched problem is used. The article has a problem-theoretical character and may be of interest to foreign scholars because it contains knowledge acquired by Ukrainian scientists. As a result of the research it was concluded that the sacred as a filling of the spiritual space has its development in time, embodied through social processes, which together fill the picture of the world of the ethnos.


structural role, sacred, temporal, system, coordinates, ethnos, picture of the world, space, time, структурна роль, сакральне, темпоральне, система, координати, етнос, картина світу, простір, пора.


Lebedeva, G. N. (2021). Pan-Slavism: the history of the geopolitical idea. Philosophical thought of the 21st century: if there is a future for philosophy. European Scientific e-Journal, 9 (15), 16-26. Hlučín-Bobrovníky: “Anisiia Tomanek” OSVČ.

DOI: 10.47451/phi2021-10-003


The article examines the phenomenon of “pan-Slavism” as an attempt to explain the variety of problems associated with the cultural, ethnic and political unity of the Slavs. For the first time, the ideology of pan-Slavism arose among the Western Slavs, which then reached Russia. For the Slavs, the ideas of pan-Slavism were a means of self-defence against the threat of assimilation and dissolution in the surrounding peoples. In addition to political and social, most foreign Slavs also experienced cultural humiliation. In the Russian Empire and the USSR, pan-Slavism had an oppositional character. The author used historical, logical, comparative and other methods to achieve the study tasks. In the study course, famous pan-Slavism philosophers’ works of the past and present are used. The author concludes that pan-Slavism played an outstanding role in awakening the national consciousness of the Slavic peoples, including those aliens to Russia, by suspending the assimilation of the Slavs by Western and Eastern conquerors. The Balkan Slavs generally gained independence from the hands of Russia.


pan-Slavism, geopolitical ideas, Slavs, Slavs, Haushofer, Krizhanich, I.S. Aksakov, N.Y. Danilevsky, A.F. Gilferding, S.V. Lebedev.


Lebedev, S. V. (2021). The problem of postmodern perception. Philosophical thought of the 21st century: if there is a future for philosophy. European Scientific e-Journal, 9 (15), 7-15. Hlučín-Bobrovníky: “Anisiia Tomanek” OSVČ.

DOI: 10.47451/phi2021-10-002


The concept of “postmodern” has turned from a philosophical term into a fashionable word, used incredibly widely by a variety of people under a variety of circumstances. As is often the case with popular words, it becomes difficult to give a concrete and generally accepted definition of what lies behind the concept of postmodernity. Postmodernism is also understood as the latest artistic and architectural trends. It seems that as many people as there are postmoderns. The study aimed to clarify the detection of postmodernism in philosophical thought based on the modern paradigm. In the study course, historical, comparative and logical methods were applied. To solve the research tasks, the works of leading modern specialists in postmodernism were used. The author concludes that the beginning of the 21st century will go down in history as a time of timelessness: no great ideas, no great feats, even no great crimes. On the other hand, Russia can take a leading place in the post-Western world if only it does not forget that it is a Eurasian country with its development path.


postmodernism, postmodern philosophy, multiculturalism, post-western era, deindustrialization.


Klujev, A. S. (2021). Nikolai Onufrievich Lossky’s intuitivism: philosophy of music. Philosophical thought of the 21st century: if there is a future for philosophy. European Scientific e-Journal, 9 (15), 27-39. Hlučín-Bobrovníky: “Anisiia Tomanek” OSVČ.

DOI: 10.47451/phi2021-10-001


The article reveals the features of philosophical ideas about the music of N.O. Lossky. It is established that Lossky’s philosophical judgments about music are organically connected with his philosophical doctrine – intuitivism. The study purpose is to learn the philosophy of music through the Nikolai Onufrievich Lossky’s intuitivism. The most important, from the point of view of the author of the article, provisions of Lossky’s intuitivism are noted: 1) intuitivism provides a direct vision of the object by the knowing subject in the original, and not by means of a copy, symbol, construction, etc.; 2) intuitivism is based on intuition, acting in three types (modes): sensual, intellectual and mystical, while taking into account the legitimization of two spheres by the philosopher: the world and the Superworld (the Kingdom of God), sensual and intellectual intuition work in the world, mystical intuition prepares a breakthrough into the Superworld (the Kingdom of God). It is shown that music is an integral component – a staple – of Lossky’s philosophical doctrine. It is argued that, according to Lossky, it is music that contributes to the most distinct vision of the object by the cognizing subject in the original, and the full realization of the mission intended for them by all three types of intuition. Comparative, historical and logical research methods were used to solve the tasks. The study used the works of the author, Nikolai Lossky and prominent philosophers such as B.V. Asafyev, A. Bergson, A.F. Losev, P.A. Florensky, and the memoirs of Prince E.N. Trubetskoy.


philosophy, music, Nikolai Onufrievich Lossky, intuitivism, sensory intuition, intellectual intuition, mystical intuition, Kingdom of God.


Kapitsa, V. F. (2021). Innovative development of science on the basis of noosphere world understanding, noo-knowledge and methodology of noo-scientific cognition. Philosophical thought of the 21st century: if there is a future for philosophy. European Scientific e-Journal, 9 (15), 40-54. Hlučín-Bobrovníky: “Anisiia Tomanek” OSVČ. (in Ukrainian)

DOI: 10.47451/phi2021-09-001


The essence of the noosphere-cognitive approach in the innovative development of science, the process of forming the scientific reality of noosphere knowledge and cognition is revealed. The noosphere nomonology of research programs and the corresponding basic principles of noosphere-programmable methodology of innovative research are presented. Five clusters of noosphere research program for the implementation of design noo-innovations have been identified. The development and implementation of such programs is a critical problem of innovative development of science in the areas of formation of noosphere-scientific world understanding, noosphere episthemology and methodology of noo-science. The article reveals that in Noonan logical cognition the methods of worldview-methodological reflection, system-nomonological forecasting of innovations, information-semantic method and method of creative-synergistic synthesis, methods of noosphere-semiotic programming, noosphere-imprintine modeling in noo-mental patterns and constructs of noosphere-technological NT praxis are used most effectively.


innovative development of science, noospheric cognition, noo-methodology, noosphere world understanding, nomonology of research programs, noo-program, clusters of methodological innovations, noo-science, logonomos of noonanological development, noo-project, noo-mental pattern, noosphere of knowledge and noo-knowledge configurators.


Buychik, A. (2021). The formation of klironomical thinking in the system of the social outlook. Eastern European humanitarian collection of mini monographs. Collection of Scientific Articles. European Scientific e-Journal, 1 (7), 108-154. European Scientific e-Journal. Hlučín-Bobrovníky: “Anisiia Tomanek” OSVČ.

DOI: 10.47451/phi2020-12-001


The article, based on the first two chapters of the monograph on Klironomy, a new science on the preservation of cultural heritage, is an analysis of the evolution of the formation of a special kind of worldview in humans and society, based on klironomical thinking, i.e., the idea of preserving the past for the future.


outlook, klironomy, klironomic thinking, historical and cultural heritage, preservation of cultural heritage.


Voloshina, L. A. (2020). About synesthesia as a way of perception. Past and present in the philosophy of social development. Collection of Scientific Articles. European Scientific e-Journal, 2 (2), 25-32. Hlučín-Bobrovníky: “Anisiia Tomanek” OSVČ.
Волошина, Л. А. (2020). О синестезии как способе восприятия. Past and present in the philosophy of social development. Collection of Scientific Articles. European Scientific e-Journal, 2 (2), 25-32. Hlučín-Bobrovníky: “Anisiia Tomanek” OSVČ.

DOI: 10.47451/phi2020-09-002


Synesthesia is a complex form of human sensuality. Its most common definition is associated with the concept of ‘color hearing’. However, today, when synesthesia has become a serious subject of scientific research, many types of this phenomenon have already been identified. Moreover, all researchers note the importance of this ability for a person, in particular, the connection of synesthesia with creative activity, a bright perception of the world. The author presents synesthesia as an object of scientific research. This phenomenon is related to brain activity and sensory features. Synesthesia is considered as an object of research by neuroscientists, people of the art world, and psychiatrists. The topic of synesthesia in childhood is presented separately. How important this is feeling when a child perceives the world that opens up to him as a phenomenon? What it means as a feature of perception for an adult. Can synesthesia be considered another kind of sensory perception of the world? This range of questions is the basis of this article.


synesthesia, sensory perception, individual perception, phenomenon, aesthetic phenomenon, sensory cognition.


Kanysheva, O. A. (2020). Leibniz on the psyche and consciousness: the phenomenon of the unconscious (in Russian). Past and present in the philosophy of social development. Collection of Scientific Articles. European Scientific e-Journal, 2 (2), 4-16. Hlučín-Bobrovníky: “Anisiia Tomanek” OSVČ.
Канышева, O. A. (2020). Лейбниц о психике и сознании: явление бессознательного. Past and present in the philosophy of social development. Collection of Scientific Articles. European Scientific e-Journal, 2 (2), 4-16. Hlučín-Bobrovníky: “Anisiia Tomanek” OSVČ.

DOI: 10.47451/phi2020-09-001


René Descartes put consciousness at the head of the psyche, made it the central theme of philosophy. Its tradition is continued by Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz, who divided the concepts of psyche and consciousness. Along with the concept of the soul, the term psyche appears. Now, not two terms have appeared: soul and consciousness, but three: soul, consciousness, psyche. The article examines Leibniz’s doctrine of monads, the nature of which resembles Aristotle’s description of the entelechy, which allows Leibniz to get away from the dualism of Descartes’ substances, to show their metaphysical connection through the hierarchy of ascent from simple monads to complex ones due to the ability to reflect one monad into another through the all-pervading unity of God. The author makes a complex conclusion about the contribution of Wilhelm Leibniz to the psychology of consciousness.


monad, entelechy, substance, soul, consciousness, unconscious, pre-established harmony, God, reason, all-connection, nature, metaphysics.


Boedov, A. A. (2020). Tradition as a factor of self-organization of society. Past and present in the philosophy of social development. Collection of Scientific Articles. European Scientific e-Journal, 2 (2), 17-24. Hlučín-Bobrovníky: “Anisiia Tomanek” OSVČ.
Боедов, A.A. (2020). Традиция как фактор самоорганизации общества. Past and present in the philosophy of social development. Collection of Scientific Articles. European Scientific e-Journal, 2 (2), 17-24. Hlučín-Bobrovníky: “Anisiia Tomanek” OSVČ.

DOI: 10.47451/phi2020-08-001


Considering the process of self-organization of such a complex evolving system as human society, it seems necessary to determine the role and significance of such a phenomenon as tradition in it. Interest in tradition is actively growing in society, which can be explained to a certain extent by new psycho-historical challenges, the precarious state of the world, the increase in entropy, the growth of hostility and global chaos. The article deals with the phenomenon of tradition, which acts as a factor of self-organization of society. The analysis of tradition and tradition in the context of cultural-historical and cultural-psychological approaches is carried out. The role and significance of tradition in the system of functioning and development of social organisms of various levels are noted. The author concludes that traditions and the process of tradition are a kind of protection against the fragmentation of the world, limiting its fragmentation, and this mission is particularly in need of impulses to unite with reality, society in general and a small social group in particular. As a result, ‘tradition’ becomes a psychological practice of self-organization of society, an antientropic factor.


tradition, traditional values, self-organization of society, the making of symbols out, neotraditionalism.


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