Articles: Pedagogics

Korostylov, H. L., Petrova, L. O., Bilozorov, O. S., & Tsemma, O. V. (2024). Electrical engineering as a modern fundamental discipline and the logic of its teaching in military higher education institutions. Actual Issues of Modern Science. European Scientific e-Journal, 31, pp. 30-40. Ostrava: Tuculart Edition & European Institute for Innovation Development.

DOI: 10.47451/hum2024-08-01


Understanding the processes that relate to the formation and transformation of the modern army and as a consequence of the modernization of the education system of the Military University, the article pays special attention to the formation of a modern officer as a specialist not only in military affairs, but also in military engineering. Military leaders must have electrical knowledge and the ability to choose and use appropriate modern military management technologies and information and technical means, the element base of which is electrical engineering, and the scientific and technical basis of Electrical Engineering is the synthesis of such fundamental sciences as mathematics, physics and chemistry. The aim of the study is scientific and methodological conclusions on updating the teaching methodology and mathematical tools of electrical education. In the Ukrainian literature, a discourse on this issue has already been formed. Examples include the monograph “Methodological System for Forming Integrated Knowledge in Physics in the Process of Training Technology Teachers”, the article “Integration of Physics and Electrical Engineering in the System of Training Technology Teachers” and others. A. Didyk, L. Pavlyuk, and I. Petritsina describe intersubject relations and the role of physics as the basis of technical disciplines in more detail. These works deal with the scientific and methodological problems of electrotechnical education in modern universities. The authors point to the growing demand for professional training of Higher Education graduates, which entails the need to move from traditional teaching styles to innovative ones. The article emphasizes that in modern society, engineering education is of great significance, and as for military affairs, it has become its necessary component. Military personnel who have received a high-quality modern electrical engineering education usually have developed technical skills, understand the technological features of modern weapons, and have a common scientific base for innovations.


military university, education, modernization of education, information technologies, simulation models, computer modeling languages.

Article's Index

Varypaiev, O. M., & Minosian, A. S. (2024). Philosophical, historical, and cultural aspects of humanitarian training in the educational environment. Actual Issues of Modern Science. European Scientific e-Journal, 31, pp. 30-40. Ostrava: Tuculart Edition & European Institute for Innovation Development.

DOI: 10.47451/hum2024-05-01


In the Ukrainian higher education system, in addition to challenges such as the impact of COVID-19, quarantine measures, and the Russian invasion, there are trends such as a flood of information that is not easy to absorb, and the prevalence of multi-subject courses that break interdisciplinary coherence and promote fragmented understanding and technocentric thinking instead of a holistic worldview. A broader shift in education toward personal and cognitive development is underscored by the saturation of the curriculum with specialized subjects. The study of innovative teaching methodologies in this context seems appropriate and justified. The study subject is the consideration of creative teaching methods from the viewpoint of the humanistic concept of education. The purpose is the analysis of research issues of humanization of education, and the emergence and separation of disciplines with a focus on universal values. The article analyzes and considers such trends in the Ukrainian higher education system as the explosion of information and the spread of multidisciplinary courses, disrupting interdisciplinary coherence and promote fragmented understanding and technocentric thinking instead of a holistic view of the world. A broader shift in education toward personal and cognitive development is underscored by the saturation of the curriculum with specialized subjects. The study of innovative teaching methodologies in this context seems appropriate and justified. The authors emphasize that the main task of humanization and humanization of education is to immerse people in reaching humanitarian culture in the educational framework and various student engagement forms. This will counteract the one-dimensional nature of the individual imposed by professional specialization and promote a more holistic development. The historical context of the term defines “humanistic” as a reflection of a value system that uplifts people by providing policies and institutions that promote human well-being, happiness, justice, and empowerment. Thus, “humanitarian” refers to professions, focusing on understanding and interpreting human behavior, spirituality, and cultural phenomena. The final version notes that humanism is a dynamic worldview that evolves and is subject to diverse interpretations in different social groups and cultures, including differences between Western and Eastern perspectives. The debate about humanism in education continues unabated in the context of Ukraine, forming its identity according to Western models.


humanization of education, humanization, identity formation, value system, personality needs, humanistic education.

Article's Index

Kacherova, O. G. (2024). The art of artificial intelligence – creativity or necessity in the development of elementary school teachers based on the integration of distance learning forms. Actual Issues of Modern Science. European Scientific e-Journal, 28, pp. 146-151. Ostrava: Tuculart Edition & European Institute for Innovation Development. (In Ukrainian)

DOI: 10.47451/ped2024-01-01


The current processes of educational reform are aimed at awakening artistic and creative activity and fostering creative personality development starting from preschool age. The decline in spiritual and aesthetic perception of creativity, as well as the lack of emotional and value-related development among preschoolers towards various forms of art, suppresses children’s creative potential and, consequently, the development of their creative abilities as a whole. Currently, there are issues with improving the education system, the continuity and consistency of which should support the overall development of creative personality. The emergence of Artificial Intelligence (AI) has sparked debates among teachers about whether neural networks contribute to the development of creativity, critical thinking, individuality of elementary education learners, and future elementary school teachers. This article explores the impact of integrating AI technologies into the preparation of future elementary school teachers, focusing on distance and face-to-face teaching methods. The relevance of this integration in the context of personal and professional development of teachers in relation to modern educational requirements is investigated. Through theoretical justification and various research methods, the contributions of leading researchers, this study reveals the potential impact of AI on the creativity and overall development of future teachers and the educational process. Methodological recommendations for using AI in elementary school teacher’s practice in the context of integrating distance learning forms are developed. It is proven that the use of AI contributes to the development of creative potential, creativity, information literacy, and other personal qualities of elementary school teachers. The findings contribute to a better understanding of the complex relationship between AI integration and the cultivation of creativity in the educational environment.


artificial intelligence, primary education, teacher training, distance learning, creativity, штучний інтелект, початкова освіта, підготовка вчителів, дистанційне навчання, креативність.

Article's Index

Dimkova, R. (2023). Contemporary education and concepts of leadership of the modern teacher. Actual Issues of Modern Science. European Scientific e-Journal, 27, pp. 39-46. Ostrava: Tuculart Edition & European Institute for Innovation Development.

DOI: 10.47451/ped2023-12-02 ---------- Author's Certificate


Effеctive lеаdership in modern education mаkes it easier to fit into nеw situаtions and adаpt work to chаnged circumstancеs, which еnables the sustаinability of the еducation systеm. Аs this lеarning prоcess has undergone many changes оver the years, from the last trаditional оrganizаtion to the implеmentation and еvaluаtion, it is obvious where the teacher can have in his lеadеrship pоsition for the further course of the lеarning prоcess, whether we are tаlking about trаditionаl educatiоn or digitаl еducation. The leаrning prоcess lеadership purpоse is to set a direction for action and exert influence, while the way to achieve this and the persоnality of the one who leads the lеarning prоcess further lеad to differеnt typеs of leаdership in which we can recоgnize the modern teаcher. A lеader inspires and еmpоwers others, he must think hоlistically, outside the framе wоrk of the оrganization he leads, to аchieve stable results, clarify priorities and plan appropriate activities for their realization. For a tеacher to be a good leader, he must first of all see himself as a pеrson who instigаtes changеs in the organizatiоn, he must act as an аdvocate for the change he wants to аchieve, he must have an interеst in the prоblems that are аrticulated and have leаdership skills to mоtivate оthers in the chаnge prоcess. The purpose of this article is to present the leadership competencies and basic concepts of the leadership of the modern teacher. The tasks of the research are: 1. Establishing leadership strategies and competencies of teachers. 2. Analyzing the impact of the teachers’ leadership activities in the reflection of the students’ achievements. The main goal of the educational system is to form professional competence in the future teaching staff. Leadership and management are key foundations of modern education and concepts of great importance in pedagogy. The improvement of educational organizations depends on the ability to take leadership actions and the readiness to acquire leadership competencies of all participants in the educational system. A successful leader in education creates a stimulating work environment, provides direct support to followers, ensures their commitment to higher goals and creates conditions for the development of their potential. In order to succeed in this, the participants in school life must be aware of their leadership skills and direct all activities in the direction of improving the quality of teaching and learning.


lеаdership, strаtegiеs, cоmpetences, tеachеrs, studеnts, аchiеvemеnt, лидерство, стратегии, компетенции, учители, ученици, постижения.

Article's Index

Poghosyan, S., & Eprikyan, A. (2023). The system of modern methods and technologies as an effective means of implementing the educational function of teaching history. Actual Issues of Modern Science. European Scientific e-Journal, 27, pp. 47-56. Ostrava: Tuculart Edition & European Institute for Innovation Development.

DOI: 10.47451/ped2023-12-01 ---------- Author's Certificate


Even though professional circles and methodological literature present various views about the forms and methods of teaching and learning organisation, the dominant perspective remains that a lesson is the primary form of educational work organisation. The structure of a history lesson is different, based on its problem-chronological difference. That is why history teachers face various challenges, such as the social and political, economic, historical and cultural life of the country. Modern methods and technologies are useful tools for handling those issues effectively. This article discusses the use of different modern methods and technologies for teaching history effectively in a stress-free and student-centered environment. The authors conclude that the system of modern methods and technologies is an effective means of implementing the educational function of the history course. The methods and technologies included in that system cannot ensure the effectiveness of solving educational problems in isolation.


modern methods, teaching history, modern technologies, tools, challanges in teaching history, educational challanges, history lesson.

Article's Index

Shefket, M. (2023). Establishing several features in the training of football referees in the Republic of Bulgaria. Actual Issues of Modern Science. European Scientific e-Journal, 27, pp. 57-64. Ostrava: Tuculart Edition & European Institute for Innovation Development.

DOI: 10.47451/ped2023-09-01 ---------- Author's Certificate


The development of the football game imposes significant demands on the referees. Applicants for the respective categories must meet certain conditions, such as not only mastering the rules of the game, but also possessing knowledge of the English language, to be physically and mentally prepared. In this aspect, an electronic questionnaire aimed at Bulgarian football referees has been developed. It contains questions bearing information about the social and demographic characteristics of the people examined, about the difficulties in terms of physical and theoretical preparation of the respondents, as well as for the practical application of the rules of the football game on the field. The study subject is the football game. The study object is the signs characterizing some peculiarities in the training of football referees in the Republic of Bulgaria. The study purpose is to reveal some peculiarities in the training of football referees in Bulgaria. The results are being analyzed, conclusions and recommendations are been formulated.


football, football refereeing, rules of the football game, physical and theoretical training, футбол, футболно съдийство, правила на играта футбол, физическа и теоретична подготовка.

Article's Index

Ebazer, Sh. (2023). Studying the motivation of students to participate in table tennis activities. Actual Issues of Modern Science. European Scientific e-Journal, 25, pp. 82-89. Ostrava: Tuculart Edition & European Institute for Innovation Development.

DOI: 10.47451/ped2023-06-01 ---------- Author's Certificate


Personal interest, inner conviction and need for motor activity, i.e., the students’ enjoyment of sports activities in general, and the school facilities determine the extracurricular forms of teaching Physical Education and Sports in schools. Their main tasks are aimed at intruducing adolescent students to systematic sports activities, expanding and improving their knowledge, skills and habits in the respective sports planned for studying in Physical Education and Sports classes. Developing extracurricular forms of sports activities and increasing the scope of participating students is one of the possibilities for purposeful and organized realization of the objectives of Physical Education and Sports during their free time. The aim of the present study is to determine the motivation of students to participate in the educational and training process of table tennis. The object of the research are the characteristics of the educational and training process of young table tennis players. The respondents in the survey are 42 students practising table tennis. After the generalizations made in the text, the following conclusions can be drawn: adolescent students practising table tennis clearly state their motivation for participating in organized sports activities and receive the support of their parents for taking part in an organized educational and training process in table tennis; and sports activities have a positive effect on their physical condition and they demonstrate a drive for success based on motivation and competition.


table tennis, students, sport, motivation, educational and training process, тенис на маса, ученици, спорт, мотивация, учебно-тренировъчен процес.

Article's Index

Vladeva, R. T., & Vladev, I. L. (2022). Contemporary aspects of geographical education in Bulgaria in the context of globalisation. Actual Issues of Modern Science. European Scientific e-Journal, 7(22), 84-93. Ostrava: Tuculart Edition, European Institute for Innovation Development.

DOI: 10.47451/ped2022-09-01 ------- Author's Certificate 1 ------- Author's Certificate 2


The topicality of the researched subject is related to the intensified process of globalization in the beginning of the 21st century, which affects all spheres of life. This not only affects the policies pursued in them, but also leads to the formation of new sustainable moral values. The educational sphere is one of those that directly reflects the occurring changes in social attitudes and transforms them in the form of educational goals. In this way, globalisation processes implicitly influence the present and future generations of all countries in the world. The object of the research is related to the process of globalisation and the changes it causes in the geographical education in Bulgaria. The aim of the present study is related to the identification of the main directions of the process of globalisation of education and their impact on the contemporary geographical education in Bulgaria. In order to realise the aim, the methods of comparative analysis and content analysis are applied. To clarify the theoretical premises of globalisation of education we refer to the studies of F. Cornali, S. Tirocchi, M. Astiz, A. Wisemand, D. Baker; O. Stacey, G. De Lazzari, H. Grayson, H. Griffin, E. Jones, A. Taylor, D. Thomas, I. Mullis, M. Martin, Goh, T. Loveless.


globalization, globalization of education, geographical education, Bulgarian education.

Article's Index

Aleksieva, M. (2022). The development of coordination abilities in basketball lessons by applying the game approach. Actual Issues of Modern Science. European Scientific e-Journal, 6(21), 38-45. Ostrava: Tuculart Edition.

DOI: 10.47451/ped2022-06-01 ------- Author's Certificate


In literature on sports most authors define agility as a human motor quality and as a function of the degree of development of other motor qualities. The relationship of agility to other motor qualities as well as to motor habits is undeniable. Swiftness, precision and sparingness by means of which complex coordination motor actions are mastered and performed are the concrete measurements of agility as a motor quality; they are also characteristic of the technique of the basketball game, since in it most movements are extremely open and versatile. The important role of anticipation largely requires special work with the complex system of nerve-related processes, which are dynamic and flexible to the external environment. This provokes the suggestion to develop perception, anticipation, decision-making ability, automation and consistency of activities by means of the game approach in the basketball lesson.


basketball, game approach, coordination, technique, swiftness, agility, баскетбол, игрови подход, координация, техника, скорост.

Article's Index

Kovryha, Yu. V. (2022). Students’ intrinsic and extrinsic motivation in a foreign language learning. The Third Special Humanitarian Issue of Ukrainian Scientists. European Scientific e-Journal, 5(20), 30-38. Ostrava: Tuculart Edition. (in Ukrainian)

DOI: 10.47451/ped2022-04-06 ------- Author's Certificate


The article is devoted to the analysis of two types of motivation in a foreign language learning, namely – intrinsic (internal) and extrinsic (external). John M. Keller’s educational model of motivation and its main components (attention, relevance, confidence and satisfaction) has been analyzed. The stages of motivational design proposed by John M. Keller have also been under our consideration. The article describes the types of motivation and what is related to it. Thus, the basis of intrinsic motivation is satisfaction with the process of activity itself, the results of intrinsically motivated behavior have a longer lasting effect and a higher degree of quality. This type of motivation has its varieties (communicative, linguistic and instrumental) and a number of factors that affect its strengthening. We also considered external motivation, its varieties (externally regulated, introjected regulation, regulation through identification, integrated regulation) and found that the support of others and a sense of competence are key factors in forming the autonomy of external motivation.


внутрішня мотивація, зовнішня мотивація, вивчення мови, навчання, діяльність, інтерес, автономність, internal motivation, external motivation, language learning, learning, activity, interest, autonomy.

Article's Index

Khandii, O., & Derzhak, N. (2022). Digitalization of higher education and features of interactive learning. The Second Special Humanitarian Issue of Ukrainian Scientists. European Scientific e-Journal, 3(18), 97-104. Ostrava: Tuculart Edition. (in Ukrainian)

DOI: 10.47451/ped2022-04-05 --------- Author's Certificate 1 --------- Author's Certificate 2


The digital space and its constant development is causing changes in society itself, transforming it into a digital society. The modern world requires from the individual not only theoretical knowledge, but, above all, flexible skills and the ability to use them throughout life in constantly changing and unusual or even problematic situations. Modern society is moving from a society of knowledge to a society of competent citizens. That is why the necessary condition for the effective and efficient use of digital technologies in all life processes is the possession of computer literacy by citizens, which is inextricably linked with one of the key competencies – digital. Non-availability or lack of digital skills in staff affects the increase in the cost of enterprises to attract consulting organizations that help make digital decisions and solve digital problems. New demands of employers to the workforce cause changes in educational processes and educational programs. The digitalization of higher education creates opportunities to improve the quality of education on the one hand, and on the other hand, has shortcomings and problems that need to be addressed or taken into account in the educational process. The article is devoted to the study of the advantages and problems of digitalization of the educational process and the study of the features of interactive learning.


digitalization, educational space, higher education, digital technologies, цифровізація, освітній простір, вища освіта, цифрові технології.

Article's Index

Plaksina, O. I. (2022). Modern higher school: types of education and a complex of approaches to didactic interaction in it. The Second Special Humanitarian Issue of Ukrainian Scientists. European Scientific e-Journal, 3(18), 86-96. Ostrava: Tuculart Edition. (in Ukrainian)

DOI: 10.47451/ped2022-04-04 ------------ Author's Certificate


Modern society is characterized by globalization, scientification and technicalisation of life, which also attracts in its orbit the sphere of higher education. At the same time, scientists note the urgent need for specialists with higher education who have a holistic training – taking into account the multidimensional space of all forms of social competences. Their preparation requires the improvement of didactic interaction and types of learning. Therefore, this study is actual, and the purpose of the article is to deep the knowledge about the optimization of higher education by introducing new approaches to didactic interaction and the corresponding types of learning. Methods of work are analysis, synthesis, observation, methods of typology, complementarity, logical, historical and comparative. The publication uses the works of didactics and specialists in higher school pedagogy: V.A. Kan-Kalik, T. Janek and L.V. Kondrashova, A.I. Kuzminsky, M.M. Fitsula and others, philosophers M. Buber, M.S. Kagan, O.N. Leontiev, S.L. Rubinstein and J. Huizinga. The new scientific results are received: the essence of didactic interaction and types of learning in higher education was determined; an array of five approaches to didactic interaction in the university is defined, which implements the subject-subject participation of teachers and students in the course of learning – personality-oriented, task, dialogic, simulation-game and competence-creative approaches; their content is revealed and it is established which demonstrations of learning is each of the approaches.


higher school, didactic interaction, types of learning in higher school, approach to didactic interaction in higher school, вищий навчальний заклад, дидактична взаємодія, типи навчання у вищому навчальному закладі, підхід до дидактичної взаємодії у вищому навчальному закладі.

Article's Index

Varnavska, I. V. (2022). Innovative educational environment as a factor in the development of professional competence. The First Special Humanitarian Issue of Ukrainian Scientists. European Scientific e-Journal, 2(17), 80-93. Ostrava: Tuculart Edition. (in Ukrainian)

DOI: 10.47451/ped2022-04-03 ------------ Author's Certificate


Scientific and technological progress, automation of all economic spheres require close relation of training and self-study, mastering new knowledge and skills to information technologies and become permanent components of professional activity. The problem of developing such a system of professional training that would contribute to the development of students’ thinking, the ability to adapt to the professional environment, and as a result, ensuring the competitiveness of graduates in the labor market, becomes urgent. Therefore, the current state of the educational process requires solving complex problems. The study proves the current state of the educational process, which requires solving complex problems: focusing on the development of professional competence in the use of modern information tools; adjustment of training programs; intensification and individualization of the educational process with the use of computer technology; updating the development of methods for diagnosing individual differences of students to create a psychologically comfortable educational environment.


professional competence, educational environment, innovative technologies, methods of interactive learning.

Article's Index

Uhodnikova, O. (2022). Organization of entertainment education to train public marketing specialists for the service sector. The First Special Humanitarian Issue of Ukrainian Scientists. European Scientific e-Journal, 2(17), 75-79. Ostrava: Tuculart Edition.

DOI: 10.47451/ped2022-04-02 ------------ Author's Certificate


Modern society is developing in the face of global challenges, the dynamics of which are constantly increasing. Youth is one of the most mobile and changeable parts of the population. Students of higher educational institutions are the vanguard of these processes, which is associated with a high level of intellectual potential, academic mobility and the search for opportunities for arranging a future life. One of the innovative approaches to the formation of effective methods of training specialists in the system of public marketing for the service sector is the development of proposals in entertainment. The study’s purpose is to search for entertainment methods for training public marketing specialists in the field of services. The research topic was considered in the works of various authors. The author offers to develop entertainment methods to increase the effectiveness of training of public marketing specialists for the service sector based on practical experience of events that were held for students majoring in public administration, hotel and restaurant business, tourism, hotel, resort, and tourism service management.


marketing, education, services, educational component.

Article's Index

Chernysh, N. V. (2022). Personality-oriented study of lyrics in lessons of Ukrainian and foreign literature. The First Special Humanitarian Issue of Ukrainian Scientists. European Scientific e-Journal, 2(17), 66-74. Ostrava: Tuculart Edition. (in Ukrainian)

DOI: 10.47451/ped2022-04-01 ------------ Author's Certificate


The study relevance is due to the need to modernize the didactic ways of considering poetry in institutions of secondary school education in the lessons of Ukrainian and foreign literature, caused, firstly, by the introduction of meaningful and poetically complex works into the programs and, secondly, by the need for comprehensive consideration of the age-related psychological characteristics of schoolchildren as readers. Lyrics, along with epic and drama, are studied in every class. The analysis of lyrical works causes the most difficulties for teachers of literature, since this literary genre is psychologically complex and requires developed feelings that are not always inherent in students. Through psychological lack of formation, small life experience, mainly objective thinking, schoolchildren find it difficult to perceive complex metaphors, psychological drawing, subtexts, philosophical thoughts that characterize the lyrics. The article discusses the features of the personality-oriented study of lyrical works in the lessons of Ukrainian and foreign literature. The main attention is focused on a number of innovations that correspond to the fundamental ideas of personality-oriented learning and contribute to their implementation: interactive learning, suggestopedic learning, the eidetics method, literary play, new information technologies and the like.


lyrical writings, personality-oriented study, Ukrainian literature, foreign literature.

Article's Index

Sidashova, S. O., Popova, I. M., Roman, L. G., & Chorniy, V. A. (2022). Use of supervision in vocationally oriented (dual) training of veterinary professionals and students. The First Special Humanitarian Issue of Ukrainian Scientists. European Scientific e-Journal, 2(17), 60-65. Ostrava: Tuculart Edition.

DOI: 10.47451/ped2022-03-03 ----- Author's Certificate 1 --- Author's Certificate 2 --- Author's Certificate 3 --- Author's Certificate 4


The agrarian sectors of the Ukrainian economy have been rapidly developing in recent years, which entailed shortage of staff in crop and animal husbandry. The growth of agribusiness has highlighted the gap between business needs and agrarian education. The review of reference literature shows that over the past 30 years, there has been an increase in counseling, supervision and vocational guidance in various fields of production. The research purpose was to study the implementation and use of different forms of dual education for veterinary specialists in Ukraine. The article presents the results of the study of vocationally oriented training in Ukraine applied in teaching and advanced training of students and veterinary specialists. The pedagogical approach related to introducing elements of technological and pedagogical supervision into practical classes, which was developed based on our own experience in animal breeding, significantly optimizes the acquisition of basic diagnostic and technological techniques used in modern biotechnology of cattle reproduction. The authors conclude that integration into the European educational space requires studying international experience in application of dual education at agrarian educational institutions and Ukrainian methodological works, which will improve vocationally oriented education. Technological and pedagogical support (supervision) is an efficient way of practical training of veterinary students and advanced training of practitioners.


dual education, technological and pedagogical supervision, vocationally oriented training, biotechnology of cattle reproduction.

Article's Index

Kuzava, I. B., & Mykolayuk, Y. M. (2022). Participation of specialists of the inclusive resource center in the activities of the team of psychological and pedagogical support in the educational institution. The First Special Humanitarian Issue of Ukrainian Scientists. European Scientific e-Journal, 2(17), 54-59. Ostrava: Tuculart Edition. (in Ukrainian

DOI: 10.47451/ped2022-03-02 ------------ Author's Certificate 1 -------- Author's Certificate 2 --------


Today, the problem of psychological and pedagogical support of persons with special educational needs (SEN) is quite relevant and requires more scientific and practical improvement. The analysis of scientific study and publications show that the psychological and pedagogical support implementation takes place with the integrated and coordinated activities of specialists and parents of the child. The authors consider the problem of psychological and pedagogical support of persons with special educational needs. The activity of the psychological and pedagogical support team is described. It is noted which specialists should be in this team. The scientific study contains an issue about the role of the inclusive resource center in the implementation of inclusive education and focuses on the participation of specialists of the inclusive resource center in support teams. The authors conclude that the issue of the participation of specialists of the inclusive resource center in the team of psychological and pedagogical support is relevant and important, but insufficiently described in scientific publications, since it is an innovation for the organization of inclusive education.


support, team of psychological and pedagogical support, inclusive resource center, comprehensive psychological and pedagogical assessment of personal development, individual development program, adaptation, modification.

Article's Index

Vishwanatha (2022). Agenda Ahead for Classical Languages in the Context of National Education Policy - 2020. Actual Issues of Modern Science. European Scientific e-Journal, 4(19), 7-12. Ostrava: Tuculart Edition.

DOI: 10.47451/ped2022-03-01 ---------- Author's Certificate


The term classical is also liberally used in the sense of excellence in quality along with antiquity, universality, idealism, clarity/reason, and humanitarian outlook. As Sheldon Pollock points out, “These books [classical texts] are not just for rasikas or lovers of poetry or the professional historian. If you look at the definition of ‘classical’ in the Western tradition, they use the phrase ‘perpetualcontemporaneity’. The classical is always what is already familiar to us. It’s as if you go to the classical because you want to rediscover yourself.” The present paper examines the challenges and opportunities in the field of classical Kannada literature in the light of National Education Policy 2020. The author concludes that according to new reports, as a part of the process to implement the new National Education Policy, the government has asked the National Council for Education Research and Training (NCERT) to come up with National Curriculum Frameworks (NCFs) for school, early-childhood, teacher and adult education. University Grants Commission (UGC) had sought suggestions to the revised draft National Curriculum Framework on the guidelines of “fostering social responsibility and community engagement in higher education institutions in India”.


Classical Kannada literature, halagannada, classical literature, texts, translations, NEP 2020.

Article's Index

Turturean, M. (2022). Teaching and learning in higher education during Covid 19 pandemic – a comparative study. Problems of Education in the Fourth Industrial Revolution Era. European Scientific e-Journal, 1(16), 7-20. Ostrava: Tuculart Edition.

DOI: 10.47451/ped2022-01-03 ---------- Author's Certificate


Since March 2020, when lock-down was imposed in Romania, education has been hit very hard and all educational institutions have suffered major, irrecoverable losses. According to the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO), over 800 million learners from around the world have been affected, 1 in 5 learners cannot attend school, 1 in 4 cannot attend higher education classes, and over 102 countries have ordered nationwide school closures while 11 have implemented localized school closure. Grant Kasowanjete, GCE Global Coordinator says: “Governments and civil society concerted efforts that mobilize resources, and expertise to address the impact of COVID-19 on education is urgently required. This process should include developing long term strategies to address the needs of education in emergencies”. Bania and Banerjee (2020) show that universities from all over the world have responded to COVID-19 differently: some have continued face-to-face teaching with social distancing (e.g., the University of Queensland, Australia), while others have deferred all academic activities (e.g., the Oxford University, UK). In Romania, the situation was dramatic during the lock-down period, all universities had to switch to online teaching, which took them unprepared, both teachers and students. The study purpose is to identify the perception / opinion of university teachers from Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iasi (Al.I. Cuza) and from Gheorghe Asachi Technical university of Iasi (Gh, Asachi) regarding the effects of pandemic COVID 19 for their teaching and learning. The Statistical Package for Social Science Program (SPSS) was used to summarize and run correlation on data obtained from the survey. Therefore, we conducted a comparative study between 2 universities in the area of Moldova, to see the opinion of teachers related to online teaching at that time and its negative effects.


pandemic, COVID-19 lockdown, online education, electronical devices, university teachers, pandemie, carantină COVID-19, educație online, dispozitive electronice, profesori universitari.

Article's Index

Kotrbova, K. (2022). Therapeutic Letters in Bibliotherapy. Problems of Education in the Fourth Industrial Revolution Era. European Scientific e-Journal, 1(16), 68-82. Ostrava: Tuculart Edition. (in Slovak)

DOI: 10.47451/ped2022-01-02 ---------- Author's Certificate


The article is a continuation of the article on therapeutic diaries published in European Scientific e-Journal in Feburary 2021. The author deals with the writing of therapeutic letters as part of clinical, developmental and preventive bibliotherapy. The purpose of the study is to provide students studying in the university study programes preparing for the helping professions, or professionals in the practice with the interest on the topic, using the domestic and international literature sources, useful information that will help them in better orientation in the topic. The article also includes a demonstration of the possiblities aplying of therapeutic letters in health and education pracitece and in the field of personal and professional development on the basis of our own pedagogical practice. According to the results of own survey in 3 groups of students (n=47) in 3 identified cases, writing of therapeutic letter proved to be a suitable extension of keeping a therapeutic diary, in addition to providing individual consultantions (n=5). Using the literary sources and survey she confirms that therapeutic letters are a suitable extension of the therapeutic diaries and can be used as well on their own, or in connection with writting a stories. She reports that therapeutic letters are suitable preventive and at the same time therapeutic method to help cope with difficult life situations not only for adults but also for children.


therapeutic letters, clinical developmental and preventive bibliotherapy, receptive and expressive methods of bibliotherapy, therapeutic education, terapeutické listy, klinická vývinová a preventívna biblioterapia, expresívna a receptívna biblioterapia, liečebná pedagogika.

Article's Index

Zlatkova, L. A. (2022). Rhythmical models of folk art – a way to educational integrity. Problems of Education in the Fourth Industrial Revolution Era. European Scientific e-Journal, 1(16), 57-67. Ostrava: Tuculart Edition. (in Bulgarian)

DOI: 10.47451/ped2022-01-01 ---------- Author's Certificate


The paper describes the folk art/folklore as a system with different elements (each individual art), which work and coexist, forming a symbiosis. Every single art has its own characteristics, but its development depends on the others. These parts – the trinity, called folk song (music, poetry and dance); the fairy-tale; the proverb – came to us thanks to word-of-mouth. But folk art is not just that, it is also a ritual bread, embroidery, an ancient Bulgarian home. This entirety has its own symbols, that give us knowledge of everything – of who are we and what our Way is. Rhythm is the founding principle, upon which this entirety is built. Understanding folk art as a symbiosis, a hologram and a system may help children see not only the different parts of the world, but the world as a whole, and that could potentially change the entire educational paradigm.


rhythmical model, hologram, integrity, folk art, educational entirety, ритмичен модел, холограма, интеграция, народно изкуство, образователна цялостност.

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Dimkova, R. (2022). Learning model for handball sports education. Problems of Education in the Fourth Industrial Revolution Era. European Scientific e-Journal, 1(16), 48-56. Ostrava: Tuculart Edition.

DOI: 10.47451/ped2021-12-003 ---------- Author's Certificate


The mоdel used in this study is rеsearch and dеvelopment. This prоposal is clearly inspirеd by аge-appropriate, game-appropriate and action-оriented didactic models and includes crоss-rеferences to the current stаte-оf-thе-аrt of tеaching cоncеpts for the sport games as well as to the Bulgarian curriculum for the subject “physical еxercise and sports”. This methodological аpproach can develop аspects of mоtor skills, mental skills, sоcial skills, emotional stability, etc. The aspects developed in this way will have a positive effect on a proper and healthy lifestyle by introducing selected physical activity. In thе last few yеars, we have bеen developing diffеrent concepts to make handball in school even more attractive and interesting, for еxample, by offering special mеasures for training physical education teachers or developing teaching materials and cоncepts for different age groups. One of the goals of sports education is to increase the popularity of sports games and to attract more athletes, especially in our case of handball. Games are called modified because they represent a dilute, modified form of the main game. They can be competitive or collaborative and are recommended at any level of education. An impоrtant aspect in this context is the pоsition of handball as part of physicаl educatiоn in schools and rеlevant institutiоns such as univеrsities, cоlleges and оthers. The principlеs of tеaching are: mоdernity, аdaptation to sociаl and cоgnitive аbilitiеs of the studеnt, rеlevance and sustаinability of knоwledge. Establishment of the basic course of motion handball learning through sport education model is expected to give a clear picture of the differences between conventional learning with the learning of athletic competition. The sports еducational modеl is also оriented to direct student invоlvement trough cоmpetitions in handball as part of the educational progrаm.


learning handball, sports education mоdel, develоpment, technical skills, sport.

Article's Index

Petkova, M. & Aleksieva, M. (2022). Retrospective analysis of physical ability to 9-year-old students. Problems of Education in the Fourth Industrial Revolution Era. European Scientific e-Journal, 1(16), 38-47. Ostrava: Tuculart Edition.

DOI: 10.47451/ped2021-12-002 ------ Certificate 1 ------ Certificate 2


Physical capacity is not an inherent human quality. It is formed, developed and improved. It is achieved with a systematic and well-chosen training routine, which can lead to quantitative and qualitative changes in human capabilities when performing motor actions in a particular environment. The purpose of the present study is to analyze the results of the studied indicators of physical performance of 9-year-old students for a 12-year period (2007-2019). The subjects are 9-year-old students, distributed in equal numbers – 50 in four groups, subjected to testing every 4 years during the school years 2007/2008, 2011/2012, 2015/2016 and 2019/2020. The survey was conducted at the beginning of each school year. The following methods are applied to solve the problems and achieve the goal of the experiment: 1. Testing – includes 5 indicators for measuring physical capacity. 2. Mathematical-statistical methods – Variation, comparative and graphical analysis are used. The results obtained from the variation analysis are presented in tabular and graphical form. Tables 2-5 show the achievements after statistical processing of the data taken by means of tests carrying information about the physical capacity of 9-year-old students during the 12-year period, and Figures 1 and 2 show the variability of the studied indicators for different periods of time. Despite that, main conclusion of the study is that the physical capacity of 9-year-old students in 2019 is significantly improving. The tendency to observe a sedentary lifestyle, obesity and reduced physical activity in students is refuted by the present experiment. With regard to the first two indicators characterizing the explosive power of the lower and upper limbs, it can be summarized that in 2019 the average values in the test “Long jump from a place with two legs” have significantly increased, and in the indicator “Throwing a solid ball”, the results have significantly decreased. For the other three indicators, determining the speed, endurance and flexibility of the surveyed students, it is found that the average values in 2019 are much better in comparison to those of the surveyed students in preceding periods. Research shows that the four samples for the period 2007-2019 are relatively homogeneous in all indicators of physical capacity.


students, physical education, physical capacity, physical qualities.

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Perescu, I. (2022). Personality. Person. Character. Problems of Education in the Fourth Industrial Revolution Era. European Scientific e-Journal, 1(16), 21-37. Ostrava: Tuculart Edition.

DOI: 10.47451/ped2021-12-001 ---------- Author's Certificate


This article is based on the research the author undertook in order to develop my doctoral thesis – The organicity of speaking disorders in theatre and film, a defining statement in the construction of the characters. The purpose of my entire work, entitled, the organicity of speaking disorders in theatre and film, a defining statement in the construction of the characters, was to perform a series of vocal training exercises that would lead to the natural use by actors of a speech defect. Therefore, verbal language is very important for an actor; it is part of the whole mechanism of the actor’s art. If it does not work perfectly, the other elements will suffer as well. But what is the connection between speech and personality? Does speech influence our personality or does personality influence our speech? The author thinks that both variants can be valid for the study of a character. If the text gives us information about the way a character speaks, if he is stuttering, e.g., we can start the analysis from this aspect. Or if, after reading, we consider that a character falls into a certain category of temperament / personality, the based on these data, we can build his verbal behaviour.


person, character, personality, diction, speech defects, verbal language, nonverbal language, paraverbal language.

Article's Index

Nosan, T. M. (2021). Regional features of the design of traditional women’s headdresses of the Russian North (Karelia) in the technique of gold and pearl sewing. Actual Issues of Modern Science. European Scientific e-Journal, 6(6), 2, 4-38. Hlučín-Bobrovníky: “Anisiia Tomanek” OSVČ.

DOI: 10.47451/ped2020-12-001 ---------- Certificate


The article is devoted to the original types of traditional applied art-gold embroidery and pearl embroidery, in its deep traditions and the widespread of this art in the Russian North. The article deals with the history of the development of the pearl industry in Karelia, provides data on the use of gold and pearl embroidery in products, unique women’s hats and jewellery. The author analyzes the materials, various techniques, ornaments and colour solutions of Karelian embroidery. According to its artistic merits, embroidery in the North of Russia is the brightest page in the world history of art. A creative approach to the study of folk values and culture makes it possible to rethink and combine folk art with modern trends in modelling and artistic decoration of clothing contributes to the formation of the designer’s personality. The article materials are intended for researchers and scientists in the field of cultural heritage preservation.


headdresses, pearls, traditional applied art, technological techniques, color scheme, national features, folk traditions, ornament, clothing modeling, design.

Article's Index

Lazarova, E., Mitevska, M., Ferdinandov, K., Ilieva, T. (2021). Self-assessment of students’ strengths and difficulties at work in the innovative program. Problems of Education and Teaching in the Era of Digital Society. European Scientific e-Journal, 2(8), 17-27. Hlučín-Bobrovníky: “Anisiia Tomanek” OSVČ.

DOI: 10.47451/ped2021-01-005 ------- Certificate 1 ---- Certificate 2 ---- Certificate 3 ---- Certificate 4


This article presents the results of an analysis of data from a survey “Which are your strengths and weaknesses”. The target group of 956 students were engaged in an extensive survey, aged from 10 to 18. The survey conducted a self-assessment of their strengths and weaknesses in the context of their level of thriving in and outside the innovative program. The study aims to compare the overall psychological condition and the level of students’ motivation who participate in an innovative program for specialized training with a control sample of students who are not engaged in innovative educational initiatives. In the methodological core of research design are implemented indicators that are calculated based on the results of two measures; The Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire (Goodman, 1997), which measures four difficulties domains of both psychological and educational development challenges, and the fifth domain referring to pro-social behaviour; and Brief Inventory of Thriving (Shojaei, 2019), a short scale for self-assessment of overall life satisfaction and achievement level. The target group of 956 students were engaged in an extensive survey, aged from 10 to 18. The survey conducted a self-assessment of their strengths and weaknesses in the context of their level of thriving in and outside the innovative program. The relevance of the results obtained from the pilot study is both to re-validate the methodology and to confirm or reject several hypotheses directly related to the educational impact and the personal contribution to the motivation of the participants in the innovative program.


strengths, difficulties, thriving, innovation, assessment.

Article's Index

Kotrbová, K., & Majzlanová, K. (2021). Therapeutic Diary in Bibliotherapy. Problems of Education and Teaching in the Era of Digital Society. European Scientific e-Journal, 2(8), 28-51. Hlučín-Bobrovníky: “Anisiia Tomanek” OSVČ. (in Slovak)

DOI: 10.47451/ped2021-01-004 ------- Certificate ------- Certificate


The authors deal with the writing of therapeutic diaries as part of clinical, developmental and preventive bibliotherapy. They inform about proven biological, psychological and social effects, examples of successful use in medical and pedagogical practice, basic principles, rules and conditions of writing, possible risks as well as the tasks of professionals accompanying individuals to such kind of therapy. They present bibliotherapy within the field of therapeutic pedagogy, which with a focus on helping a person in somatic, mental and social functions, in the improvement of quality of life and integration of the individual into society, has an essential role and importance. They describe their own experience with the application of therapeutic diaries as a tool for personal and professional growth of the university students preparing to work in the helping profession of therapeutic pedagogue during a period of predominantly on-line distance learning application for society-wide anti-epidemiological regulations. The collected and retrospectively analyzed feedback from the students showed that therapeutic diaries are also an effective preventive method for coping in difficult life situations when the possibility of physical verbal sharing of experiences with another person is limited, difficult, unavailable or may not be appropriate. The article points out the importance of promotion of therapeutic diaries for pedagogical and health professionals as a tool for processing emotionally stressful situations and experiences not only in children and adults with a focus on supporting their healthy development and life but also as a potential tool of one’s psychohygiene in connection with the performance of their profession.


therapeutic diary, receptive and expressive methods of bibliotherapy, expressive writing, clinical, developmental and preventive bibliotherapy, professional role in therapy process of writing.

Article's Index

Lonchinskaya, T. E., & Nosan, T. M. (2021). Understanding the integration of needle and bobbin lace in works of applied art. Problems of Education and Teaching in the Era of Digital Society. European Scientific e-Journal, 2(8), 52-78. Hlučín-Bobrovníky: “Anisiia Tomanek” OSVČ.

DOI: 10.47451/ped2021-01-003 ------- Certificate ------- Certificate


The research is devoted to the revival of ancient technologies with the combination of needle and bobbin lace in works of applied art. The article reveals the relevance of regional-historical, cultural, artistic and creative approaches to research in the field of embroidery and lace-making. In the course of the research, modern empirical and comparative methods were applied, as well as historical and cultural approaches to the study of the issue. The authors used unique and rare materials of Russian researchers in the field of material cultural heritage preservation. The results of the research can be applied in the course of studying the issue of the historical and cultural heritage of Russian creativity.


lace, museum, research, historical heritage, ancient technologies, recreation.

Article's Index

Teplitskaya, A. A. (2021). The educational space of the university of traditional applied arts in the contours of the information society: qualitative and quantitative indicators of educational activity. European Scientific e-Journal, 2(8), 6-16. European Scientific e-Journal. Hlučín-Bobrovníky: “Anisiia Tomanek” OSVČ.

DOI: 10.47451/ped2021-01-002 ------- Certificate


This article draws out some interpretations of the concept of “education”, founded points of agreement and disagreement between researchers of the problem of organizing the educational process. Quantitative and qualitative statistical indicators play a vital role in student’s education, so there are given some criteria and methods of tracking and evaluating educational results.


upbringing, qualitative indicators, quantitative indicators, upbringing system, algorithm, diagnostics.

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Perescu, I. (2021). Theatrical games in education. European Scientific e-Journal, 2(8), 79-88. Hlučín-Bobrovníky: “Anisiia Tomanek” OSVČ.

DOI: 10.47451/ped2021-01-001 ------- Certificate


This article represents the conclusions of the observations following the organization of a series of theatre workshops for approximately four years. The premise from which the evaluation of the participating subjects – children, teenagers, adults from 6 to 38 years – was that any game of theatre, improvisation game can be adapted according to the age of individuals so that they can develop skills such as memory, attention etc. The game proposals in this article have led to the conclusion that theatre games are important in the evolution of an individual. This article describes various ways in which theatrical games, theatrical improvisation games, contribute to an individual’s education of his or her age. Whether it’s a child, a teenager or an adult, the game develops a series of useful lifelong skills. This paper is the basis of further research on the impact of theatrical games on individuals’ life.


game, improvisation, education, artistic education, teacher, teaching principles, skills, theatre workshops; joc, improvizație, educație, educație artistică, profesor, principii didactice, aptitudini, ateliere de teatru.

Article's Index

Nosan, T. M. (2020). Spiritual-moral and artistic-aesthetic education of the creative personality in the process of training bachelors in the field of art embroidery. Actual issues of modern science. European Scientific e-Journal, 6(6), 1, 20-36. Hlučín-Bobrovníky: “Anisiia Tomanek” OSVČ.

DOI: 10.47451/ped2020-10-001 ---------- Certificate


Due to the constant and rapid updating of technologies, the process of personal formation and cultural development of students, their outlook and value system, spiritual and creative potential increases in the conditions of social, economic, political, scientific and technical changes taking place in modern society. The modern stage of social development is characterized by an accelerated pace of development of technology and technology. The application of new techniques in the field of technical and technological creativity and the solution of problems in this area depends on basic knowledge, mental qualities of a person, knowledge of working methods and prerequisites for successful creative activity. Arts bachelor training is especially relevant and can give society new strength on the path of economic, social and spiritual development. The article attempts to formulate two actual problems in pedagogical science. The author believes that the formation of personality in the system of spiritual, moral, artistic and aesthetic education of students is currently one of the priorities of state policy in the field of education and culture, and the formation of technological training of bachelors is possible only when performing practical tasks of various levels of complexity and joint research activities with the teacher.


moral and aesthetic education, aesthetic culture, technological training, art embroidery.

Article's Index

Erakina, E. A. (2020). Cluster approach in professional education in the field of traditional artistic crafts. Current issues of cultural heritage in 2020. European Scientific e-Journal, 1(1), 279-283. Hlučín-Bobrovníky: “Anisiia Tomanek” OSVČ.

DOI: 10.47451/edu2020-09-001 ---------- Certificate


Traditions of artistic crafts in Russia have a centuries-old past and are inextricably linked with the history and culture of our country. Today, in the world of digitalization, the issue of continuity and transfer of accumulated artistic experience from generation to generation remains relevant. This article examines the current state of the sphere of traditional artistic crafts, assessing whether application of an educational-industrial cluster approach in this area and the formulation of the definition of ‘cluster approach’ in professional education in the field of traditional artistic crafts. The author concludes that traditional culture can become the basis for the formation of the national identity of the younger generation in modern society.


traditional artistic crafts, education, educational cluster, cluster approach.

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Menshikova, E. A. (2020). Ethno-pedagogical theories of the 19th century and Slavophile philosophy. Collection of Scientific Articles. European Scientific e-Journal, 6(6), 1, 37-46 European Scientific e-Journal. Hlučín-Bobrovníky: “Anisiia Tomanek” OSVČ. (in Russian)

DOI: 10.47451/ped2020-09-002 ---------- Certificate


The current social processes taking place in the world are diverse and contradictory. Globalization on the one hand and ultra-national movements on the other. How much the presence or absence of a national, Russian origin in children’s pedagogy, in his environment, brought up in him a love for the Motherland, for Russia. How unique and necessary is folk pedagogy in the formation of a Russian person. The author of the article examines the main ethno-pedagogical theories of the 19th century and their relationship with the philosophy of the Slavophiles. The author concludes that the philosophy of the Slavophiles is permeated with love for Russia and its rich historical and cultural heritage. In the current time, it is necessary to develop the ideas of ethno-pedagogy and include Russian culture and folk traditions in the modern educational system.


ethnopedagogical theories, philosophy of the Slavophiles, ethnopedagogy, ethnic eduction.

Article's Index

Ukolova, Y. I. (2020). Quantitative and qualitative aspects of the formation of traditional applied art of Mstera in the epoch of mass digitalization. Current issues of cultural heritage in 2020. Current issues of cultural heritage in 2020. European Scientific e-Journal, 1(1), 284-290. Hlučín-Bobrovníky: “Anisiia Tomanek” OSVČ.

DOI: 10.47451/ped2020-09-001 ---------- Certificate


With the advent of the 20th century and the arrival of new diverse artistic forms and trends, digital, network, and interactive art became an integral part of modern society. Digital art should be understood as an activity in the field of creativity based on the use of modern information technologies, where the product of activity is the latest types of copyrighted or modified works of art presented in a network environment using computer technologies. This article is devoted to modern trends and forms of perception of traditional applied art, in particular, the art of Mstera, which are associated with the general cultural and technical changes of modern times. The author analyzes the relevance of the concept of digitalization on the example of Mstera’s lacquer miniature painting. The author concludes that the use of digital technologies in traditional ancient art is possible but only with a competent selection of methods to build work on the art work, where the applied will prevail over the ‘virtual’.


traditional applied art, Mstera lacquer miniature painting, professional art education, digital art, modern technologies, immateriality.

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