Korostylov, H. L., Petrova, L. O., Bilozorov, O. S., & Tsemma, O. V. (2024). Electrical engineering as a modern fundamental discipline and the logic of its teaching in military higher education institutions. Actual Issues of Modern Science. European Scientific e-Journal, 31, pp. 30-40. Ostrava: Tuculart Edition & European Institute for Innovation Development.
Understanding the processes that relate to the formation and transformation of the modern army and as a consequence of the modernization of the education system of the Military University, the article pays special attention to the formation of a modern officer as a specialist not only in military affairs, but also in military engineering. Military leaders must have electrical knowledge and the ability to choose and use appropriate modern military management technologies and information and technical means, the element base of which is electrical engineering, and the scientific and technical basis of Electrical Engineering is the synthesis of such fundamental sciences as mathematics, physics and chemistry. The aim of the study is scientific and methodological conclusions on updating the teaching methodology and mathematical tools of electrical education. In the Ukrainian literature, a discourse on this issue has already been formed. Examples include the monograph “Methodological System for Forming Integrated Knowledge in Physics in the Process of Training Technology Teachers”, the article “Integration of Physics and Electrical Engineering in the System of Training Technology Teachers” and others. A. Didyk, L. Pavlyuk, and I. Petritsina describe intersubject relations and the role of physics as the basis of technical disciplines in more detail. These works deal with the scientific and methodological problems of electrotechnical education in modern universities. The authors point to the growing demand for professional training of Higher Education graduates, which entails the need to move from traditional teaching styles to innovative ones. The article emphasizes that in modern society, engineering education is of great significance, and as for military affairs, it has become its necessary component. Military personnel who have received a high-quality modern electrical engineering education usually have developed technical skills, understand the technological features of modern weapons, and have a common scientific base for innovations.
military university, education, modernization of education, information technologies, simulation models, computer modeling languages.