Kacherova, O. G. (2024). The art of artificial intelligence – creativity or necessity in the development of elementary school teachers based on the integration of distance learning forms. Actual Issues of Modern Science. European Scientific e-Journal, 28, pp. 146-151. Ostrava: Tuculart Edition & European Institute for Innovation Development. (In Ukrainian)
DOI: 10.47451/ped2024-01-01 ---------- Author's Certificate
The current processes of educational reform are aimed at awakening artistic and creative activity and fostering creative personality development starting from preschool age. The decline in spiritual and aesthetic perception of creativity, as well as the lack of emotional and value-related development among preschoolers towards various forms of art, suppresses children’s creative potential and, consequently, the development of their creative abilities as a whole. Currently, there are issues with improving the education system, the continuity and consistency of which should support the overall development of creative personality. The emergence of Artificial Intelligence (AI) has sparked debates among teachers about whether neural networks contribute to the development of creativity, critical thinking, individuality of elementary education learners, and future elementary school teachers. This article explores the impact of integrating AI technologies into the preparation of future elementary school teachers, focusing on distance and face-to-face teaching methods. The relevance of this integration in the context of personal and professional development of teachers in relation to modern educational requirements is investigated. Through theoretical justification and various research methods, the contributions of leading researchers, this study reveals the potential impact of AI on the creativity and overall development of future teachers and the educational process. Methodological recommendations for using AI in elementary school teacher’s practice in the context of integrating distance learning forms are developed. It is proven that the use of AI contributes to the development of creative potential, creativity, information literacy, and other personal qualities of elementary school teachers. The findings contribute to a better understanding of the complex relationship between AI integration and the cultivation of creativity in the educational environment.
artificial intelligence, primary education, teacher training, distance learning, creativity, штучний інтелект, початкова освіта, підготовка вчителів, дистанційне навчання, креативність.