Articles: Medicine & Pharmaceuticals

Yarmak, O. M., & Kostiv, S. F. (2024). Gender characteristics of the response of the cardiovascular system in military personnel to various types of physical exertion Actual Issues of Modern Science. European Scientific e-Journal, 34, 70-77. Ostrava: Tuculart Edition, European Institute for Innovation Development.

DOI: 10.47451/med2024-04-01


The authors present a comparative analysis of the cardiovascular system response in 63 military personnel (32 men and 31 women) during orthostatic, isometric, and hypoxic functional tests. The study aimed to identify gender differences in response to various types of physical exertion. To achieve this goal, theoretical research methods, physiological measurement techniques, and mathematical statistics were employed. The findings underwent comparative analysis, revealing that men had an average systolic blood pressure of 156.6 ± 24.43 mm Hg during isometric loading, while women recorded an average of 143.6 ± 11.85 mm Hg (p = 0.01). The diastolic pressure in men reached 107.1 ± 13.95 mm Hg, whereas in women, it was 96.5 ± 6.11 mm Hg (p = 0.001). In the hypoxic test, men demonstrated an average systolic blood pressure of 148.0 ± 20.61 mm Hg; for women, it was 130.6 ± 10.84 mm Hg (p = 0.001). Similar results were obtained in the comparative analysis of indicators during the orthostatic test. These data indicate a higher cardiovascular reactivity in men, which may reflect differences in adaptive mechanisms between gender groups among military personnel. The results underscore the importance of considering gender-specific characteristics in designing physical training programs for military personnel to ensure optimal physical loads and minimise risks of cardiovascular strain, particularly for men.


military staff, gender differences, isometric load, hypoxic test, orthostatic test, blood pressure.

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Bosson, Y.V.E., Konan, A.G., Méité, A., & Séraphin, K.-C. (2024). Consumption, food habits and potential pathological profiles in the population of the District of Abidjan Actual Issues of Modern Science. European Scientific e-Journal, 30, __-__. Ostrava: Tuculart Edition, European Institute for Innovation Development. (In Ukrainian)

DOI: 10.47451/med2024-04-01 ------ Author's Certificate


Dietary habits play a crucial role in a person’s overall health, and their impact on disease patterns within the population is a growing public health concern. The main purpose of this study is to analyze the dietary habits of the Ivorian population from the angle of domestic consumption and consumption outside the home and establish trends in the most frequent pathological profiles in the Ivorian population. A descriptive cross-sectional study was conducted using a questionnaire comprising several sections. The latter included information on age, sex, anthropometric parameters, eating behaviours, food frequencies, and energy value of the household food ration. The population studied had a weight of 54.59 ± 9.17 kg and an age of 28.11 ± 2.64 years. The average population size is 1.48 ± 0.45 m and the average BMI is 22.71 ± 5.56 (kg/m2). It is observed that 6.06% of cases of thinness, 45.86% of normal build, 19.29% of cases of overweight and 21.12% of cases of obesity. Several household lifestyle habits expose them to overweight, obesity and other risks of nutritional factors. Most households (81.75%) have a balanced weekly consumption of different food groups. The average food ration of the population is 2549.86 ± 444.33 kcal. Nearly half of the population (50.7%) were declared to have a pathology and a medical history.


foods habits, pathological profiles, population, District of Abidjan; habitudes alimentaires, profils pathologiques, population, District d’Abidjan.

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Harkusha, I. V., Korniyenko, V. I., Ladogubets, E. V., & Duchenko, E. A. (2024). The influence of benfuram on the state of lipid metabolism in rats on the background of simulated hypercholesterinemia. Actual Issues of Modern Science. European Scientific e-Journal, 28, 73-82. Ostrava: Tuculart Edition, European Institute for Innovation Development. (In Ukrainian)

DOI: 10.47451/med2024-01-02 ------ Author's Certificate


The study purpose was to research the effect of course administration of benfuram on lipid metabolism during experimental hypercholesterolemia in laboratory animals. Experimental hypercholesterolemia in animals was accompanied by the reduce of the high-density lipoproteins (HDL-C) level by 22.2% with a simultaneous increase in total cholesterol (TC) of 2.11 times, increased of low-density lipoprotein (LDL-C) levels in 5.89 times and very low-density lipoproteins (LDL-VLDL) by 2.59 times, the common lipid in 1.61 times and in 2.52 times for triacylglycerols. The treatment of the experimental hypercholesterolemia by benfuram helped to raise the high-density lipoprotein (HDL-C) level by 18.1% with a simultaneous decrease of total cholesterol by 37.8% in rat plasma, decrease in the LDL-C amount by 22.8%, very low-density lipoproteins (VLDL-cholesterol) – 68.6%, triacylglycerol 59.1%, total lipids for 3.5% in comparison with EH. Benfuram is a promising substance for further search of the specific activity with the purpose to create an effective drug for the lipid metabolism regulation. Based on the results of the above study, the authors concluded that (1) against the background of experimental hypercholesterolemia under the action of benfuram and nicotinic acid in the blood serum, a shift in most indicators of lipid metabolism towards normalization was observed; (2) benfuram is a promising organic compound for further study of pharmacological properties and safety in order to create an effective drug for correcting lipid metabolism on its basis.


bemfuram, experimental hypercholesterolemia, lipid metabolism, nicotinic acid, бенфурам, експериментальна гіперхолестеринемія, ліпідний обмін, нікотинова кислота.

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Mishchenko, V. K. (2024). Peculiarities of psycho-emotional disorders in patients in the early recovery period of cerebral ischemic stroke. Actual Issues of Modern Science. European Scientific e-Journal, 28, 73-82. Ostrava: Tuculart Edition, European Institute for Innovation Development.

DOI: 10.47451/med2024-01-01 ------ Author's Certificate


Stroke is one of the most urgent problems of modern medicine. Today, there are about 62 million people worldwide who have suffered a stroke, and about 6 million of them have a permanent disability. One of the most frequent consequences of this disease is psycho-emotional disorders. Therefore, the study purpose was to investigate the features of psycho-emotional disorders in patients in the recovery period of cerebral ischemic stroke. 116 patients and 30 clinically healthy persons of the appropriate age and sex participated in the study. According to the results of the conducted research, it was established that in the patients asthenic syndrome was a basic factor. Depressive disorders corresponded to a mild degree of severity according to the HDRS, and the level of reactive and personal anxiety according to the STAITA, STAISA – to moderate The assessment of factors affecting depression in patients showed that its severity is influenced by: the severity of motor disorders, the patient’s age, female gender, the severity of leukoaraiosis, extent of the stroke focus, the severity of reactive and personal anxiety.


cerebral ischemic stroke, psycho-emotional disorders, asthenia, depression, anxiety.

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Garapko, T. V., Mateshuk-Vatseba, L. R., Holovatskyi, A. S., & Foros, A. I. (2022). Changes in the structural organization of spleen during short-term exposure of monosodium glutamate. Actual Issues of Modern Science. European Scientific e-Journal, 23, 73-82. Ostrava: Tuculart Edition, European Institute for Innovation Development.

DOI: 10.47451/med2022-11-01 ------ Author's Certificate 1 --- Author's Certificate 2 --- Author's Certificate 3 --- Author's Certificate 4


Monosodium glutamate is one of the most common food additives in the world. Its effect on the organs of the immune system is not sufficiently studied. The article presents and analyzes the data of an experimental study conducted on 40 white male and female rats of reproductive age (2.5-3.5 months old) weighing 125-195 g. The purpose of the study was to study the histological, morphometric and ultrastructural changes of the spleen under conditions of exposure to monosodium glutamate for four weeks. An experimental group of animals (10 male rats, 10 female rats), which was on a standard vivarium diet, was given monosodium glutamate at a dose of 0.07 g/kg of rat body weight every day for four weeks. In animals of the intact group, the structure of the spleen corresponded to the species norm. In the experimental group of animals, after four weeks of exposure to monosodium glutamate, an immunoinducing effect was observed with increased proliferation of activated lymphocytes and their further differentiation into plasma cells. There is a significant increase in the relative area of the germinal centers of splenic lymphoid nodules and the outer diameter of the central artery of the spleen. Arteries with a thickened wall, their lumen is full of blood. Degeneratively changed erythrocytes are located around the vessels. The veins have a deformed shape, are dilated, the lumen is also full of blood. The share of active macrophages, apoptically changed cells increases. The red pulp is full-blooded, filled with hemosiderin. Therefore, even a short-term daily exposure to monosodium glutamate, namely four weeks, causes changes in the structural organization of the spleen.


experiment, monosodium glutamate, spleen, white pulp, red pulp, lymphocytes, експеримент, глутамат натрію, селезінка, біла пульпа, червона пульпа, лімфоцити.

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