Articles: Management & Marketing

Banit, O. V. (2024). Transformation processes in Ukraine corporate education: An analytical review. Actual Issues of Modern Science. European Scientific e-Journal, 28, pp. 17-26. Ostrava: Tuculart Edition & European Institute for Innovation Development. (In Ukrainian)

DOI: 10.47451/man2024-01-02 -------- Author's Certificate


The author analyses changes in the corporate education system of Ukraine. Changes in the management of enterprises, organizations, and institutions are due to a series of stressful events that the entire people of Ukraine have been experiencing in the last few years. First, as a result of the introduction of restrictive measures during the fight against the pandemic caused by the COVID-19 coronavirus, there was a restructuring of the labour market, workforce, and, accordingly, a change in technologies in corporate education. Secondly, in the conditions of martial law in Ukraine, the priorities of corporate education have changed. Thirdly, with the development of a plan for the recovery of Ukraine from the consequences of the war, corporate education faces new challenges and prospects. Among them: the change in technology caused by the pandemic in 2019-2021, the change in priorities caused by the war in 2022-2023, the change in tasks and new prospects for the recovery of Ukraine in 2023-2033. The conducted research gives grounds for optimistic forecasts regarding the development of corporate education in Ukraine. Company managers realize that now it is not necessary to abandon decisions aimed at training and development of employees. On the contrary, it is necessary to redouble efforts to form the stability of personnel capable of adapting in conditions of constant change. When developing plans for a return to normal work, it is necessary to consider ways to encourage workers and expand opportunities for their professional development and adaptation, taking into account not only their skills or qualification level, but also the gained experience and technological progress. In particular, it will be appropriate to use the potential of artificial intelligence to build a culture of knowledge sharing and accumulation, which will contribute to strengthening the interaction between employees and ensure the resilience of the organization, enabling it to withstand and even thrive in an environment of uncertainty and change.


corporate education, human capital, management, company managers, development of employees, plan for the recovery of Ukraine, корпоративна освіта, людський капітал, менеджмент, керівники компанії, розвиток співробітників.

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Plakhotnik, O. O., & Kuzmenko, N. V. (2024). The system of managing the competitiveness of machine-building enterprises as a strategic tool regarding the creation and maintenance of their competitive advantages. Actual Issues of Modern Science. European Scientific e-Journal, 28, pp. 17-26. Ostrava: Tuculart Edition & European Institute for Innovation Development.

DOI: 10.47451/man2024-01-01 -------- Author's Certificate


In the conditions of fierce competition, one of the most important criteria for a country’s readiness for the challenges of the Fourth Industrial Revolution is an assessment of its industrial competitiveness and the level of innovative development. A competitive machine-building complex is the foundation of ensuring the appropriate level of the country’s competitiveness. It is the core of the national economy, which Ukraine’s place in the global environment depends on. The machine-building complex is one of the most important economic activity. It occupies a key position in the global economy, determining the pace of technological progress and ensuring the needs of high-tech products in the markets, has a significant impact on ensuring the economic growth of the country, the development of scientific and technological progress and social development. This study aims to improve the competitiveness of machine-building enterprises’ management systems, enabling them to maintain and develop their competitive advantages and effectively integrate into the global economic space. The study object is the management system of the competitiveness of machine-building enterprises. The study subject is a set of theoretical, methodical, and applied provisions regarding the formation of an effective management system for the competitiveness of machine-building enterprises as a strategic tool for creating and maintaining their competitive advantages. The main scientific and unique research methods used were theoretical generalization, specification, systematization, analysis and synthesis, systematic approach, and statistical and graphic analysis. A considerable contribution to the development of theoretical and practical aspects of increasing the competitiveness of machine-building enterprises and ensuring the effectiveness of the management system for this process, determining the role of machine-building in ensuring the competitiveness of the domestic economy, developing tools for the activation of the development of domestic machine-building, development of its advantages was made by such domestic and foreign scientists as: D. Malashchuk, M. Provozin, V. Panchenko, R. Fathutdinova, I. Ansoff, M. Porter, I. Farynovych, O. Kurchuk, L. Koval, L. Sozansky, N. Karachina, L. Balabanova, B. Danylyshyn, O. Gamova, N. Taran, E. Ryuli, Y. Abram, A. Pavlychek, V. Zyanko, S. Shuppisser, N. Tarnavska, A. Cherep, O. Honchar, M. Bondarchuk, A. Karami, G. Ortina, M. Filippov, I. Piddubny, L. Piddubna, M. Mazak, V. Korneev, E. Didenko, K. Freeman and others. Despite the significant achievements of scientists, the theoretical and methodological foundations of the formation of a system for managing the competitiveness of machine-building enterprises, the implementation of which will provide an opportunity to form stable competitive advantages at the enterprise, instantly respond to the challenges of the external environment and effectively integrate into the global economic space, remain insufficiently substantiated. It was emphasized that today, the issue of ensuring and increasing the level of competitiveness of mechanical engineering is a pressing one. An analysis of the current functioning state of Ukraine’s processing industry was performed. Problematic aspects regarding ensuring, maintaining, and developing the level of competitiveness of machine-building enterprises are highlighted. The machine-building enterprises competitiveness managing concept was developed using system analysis, based on inductive and systemic approaches. Applying the developed concept in the work practice of enterprises will provide an opportunity to form sustainable competitive advantages, instantly respond to the challenges of the external environment, and integrate into the global economic space.


machine-building enterprises, management system, competitiveness, development, competitive advantages, activation, external environment.

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Levchenko, I. V. (2023). World market of organic products: Well-known trademarks and brands. Actual Issues of Modern Science. European Scientific e-Journal, 2(25), pp. 72-81. Ostrava: Tuculart Edition & European Institute for Innovation Development.

DOI: 10.47451/man2023-06-01 -------- Author's Certificate


Organic production has long been an integral part of farming. It is organic products that allow not only to provide society with healthy food, but also to protect the ecosystem from artificial destruction caused by humans a long time ago. The world market of organic products is growing every year, as shown by the main indicators of the increase in land areas for organic production and sales. Just as the market itself has already been formed and, accordingly, the manufacturers who have been working on it since the first years of the market’s formation have already built their own networks and become well-known. Consumers already choose a proven product, which is quite easy to find on the market, because such manufacturers took care of creating their own trademarks and, eventually, “organic” brands. Therefore, we see the need to get to know in more detail the owners of trademarks and brands of organic products presented on the international arena. The study subject is the theoretical and practical principles of organic brand formation. The study object a of the market of organic products in the world (trademarks and brands). The study purpose is to review and establish the most famous trademarks and brands of organic products not only in the world, but also in Ukraine. Study methods were general scientific and special research methods, including analytical, dialectical, statistical and sociological analysis, systemic approach. The analysis of the market of organic products is covered in the publications of Ukrainian scientists O. Minyailo, A. Nesterets, R. Bezus, N. Buga, I. Yanenkova, D. Zakharova, I. Bilotkach, Yu. Zavadska, N. Stovolos, O. Khodakivska, Yu. Lupenko, V. Granovska, I. Sidelnikova and others. However, the review of specific trademarks and brands of organic products can be found only in separate publications, so this determined the relevance of our work. We considered the peculiarities of the production of organic products and analyzed the organic market. The main international brands of organic products from such countries as: USA, Argentina, Great Britain, Spain, Italy, Poland, China, Japan and others are singled out. And the main producers of Ukrainian organic products, represented by such trademarks and brands as: “Organic Milk” (organic dairy products), “Danube agrarian” (plant products (vegetables), “Spring drops” (ToV “Lilak”) (juice) ), “Stary Porytsk” (crops, livestock and dairy products), “Ethno Product” (crops, livestock and dairy products), “Ekorod” (crops), “Skvyryanka” (crops), “Organic Meat” (animal husbandry products), “BiFood” (TOV “Terra”) (crop products, milk, groceries), “BigBlue” SVK “Yagidky” (berries), TM “Kozub Produkt Organica” (plant products), “Organic Terra” (crop production), TM “OSYO” (crop production), “Agro Staritsa” (crop production), “Organic Country” (crop production, cereals). It has been proven that the market of organic products is formed, because it is represented by a wide selection of TM and brands on the world arena.


trademark, brand, advertising, organic products, market, торгова марка, бренд, реклама, фірмовий знак, органічна продукція, ринок.

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Buychik, A. (2021). Basic principles application of the ABC methodology in human resource management at the enterprise. Actual Issues of Management Development. European Scientific e-Journal, 8(14), 24-32. Hlučín-Bobrovníky: “Anisiia Tomanek” OSVČ.

DOI: 10.47451/man2021-10-002 -------- Author's Certificate


The main problem of modern human resource management is the automation and optimization of the work of the administrative and managerial division employees and workers, whose professional activities are within the framework of project activities but not controlled by the conveyor process. The relevance of this topic arose in the last quarter of the 20th century and is increasingly increasing at present. Automation involves the use of equipment, software and methodologies, which allow automating business processes, reducing “manual labour”, and minimizing the risks of the human factor. Business processes optimization involves the search for efficiency in methodological transformations of working conditions, i.e., simplification and acceleration of processes while maintaining the quality level. The study purpose is to develop the ABC methodology, which involves the use of triplicity in positioning the calculation of indicators of various system parameters. In the study course, analytical, logical, comparative research methods and modelling methods were used. Materials and works of leading and modern researchers in the field of labour management and automation were used to implement the study. The author concludes that the ABC methodology has several objective advantages both in its model and the mathematical component, which makes it possible to borrow and adapt the methodology for any enterprise where business processes can be applied.


business process, management methodology, enterprise management, labour optimization.

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Valchinov, V. (2021). Trends in the development of investments from business angels in Europe and Bulgaria. Actual Issues of Management Development. European Scientific e-Journal, 8(14), 53-66. Hlučín-Bobrovníky: “Anisiia Tomanek” OSVČ. (in Bulgarian)

DOI: 10.47451/man2021-10-001 -------- Author's Certificate


Investments by business angels represent a relatively new approach to financing businesses in the initial phase of their development. The size of the market in Europe has been on the rise in recent years, reaching 8.04 billion. Thus, funding through business angels is becoming an important part of the tools that SMEs can use. A relatively small share of this amount is invested in Bulgaria, while some of the traditionally largest recipients of business angel investments are positioned in Europe. This gives rise to the goal of identifying trends in the development of the investment market by business angels in Europe and Bulgaria. More in-depth knowledge in this area will help to form steps for further development. Comparative, historical, logical and analytical methods were used to fulfill the objectives of the study. The author concludes that the key role is played by the individual characteristics of the business angels, as well as the characteristics of the sectors. The propensity to invest in technological and innovative enterprises is favorable for Bulgaria due to the development of the ICT sector of the country. Concrete steps are also needed to support through incentives and regulations.


business angels, Bulgaria, Europe, investments, initial phase of development, entrepreneurship, funding.

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Komissarov, P. V. (2021). Comprehensive assessment of the base of mathematical modelling of production business processes. Actual Issues of Management Development. European Scientific e-Journal, 8(14), 7-23. Hlučín-Bobrovníky: “Anisiia Tomanek” OSVČ.

DOI: 10.47451/man2021-09-001 -------- Author's Certificate


The relevance of mathematical modelling lies in finding the correct quantitative characteristics (indicators, parameters) of the effectiveness of the functioning of the process under study, identifying quantitative estimates of the relationships between its elements. Based on the simulation results, the best parameters of the designed equipment and the optimal or rational variant of the production process are selected. The characteristics of the process may vary depending on the purpose. In technological tasks, they are related to the quality of the products and productivity, and the components of any process are usually taken into account simultaneously. The purpose of this study is to analyze various aspects of the use of mathematical modelling in the design of production business processes. In the study course, the mathematical modelling essence was analyzed, the features of the mathematical model development were determined, and the features of mathematical modelling of production business processes were revealed. The author concludes that the mathematical basis for modelling production processes is used at all levels and typologies of business processes starting from micro-processes of task execution or product production to the macro-processes of enterprise management or order (project) implementation. The complexity of using the mathematical base lies in the diversity of business processes and a wide variety of production processes, which requires constant development of numerical methods and algorithms for the correct implementation of the processes themselves and their complex chains.


mathematical modelling, business processes, mathematical model, risks.

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Pavlov, P. M. (2021). Innovation policies in five leading countries in Latin America. Actual Issues of Management Development. European Scientific e-Journal, 8(14), 33-52. Hlučín-Bobrovníky: “Anisiia Tomanek” OSVČ. (in Bulgarian)

DOI: 10.47451/man2021-08-001 -------- Author's Certificate


The importance of innovation for economic growth and for improving people's quality of life in recent years is palpable. In this regard, it is important to study the policies that countries implement to improve innovation activity. The aim of the article is to identify various levers, models and specific incentives for innovation and research and development (R&D) in the five leading Latin American countries in this field and to draw conclusions and guidelines that are useful for both from a scientific point of view, as well as for the improvement of the innovation policy of Bulgaria. After studying the specifics, it was found that innovation policy plays an important role in the five countries studied. In some of them, such as Costa Rica and Colombia, good efficiency is achieved in the implementation of various measures in this area. But further and focused work on innovation and R&D is still needed to achieve satisfactory results.


innovation policy, innovations, stimulation of innovations.

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Atanassova, T. (2021). Management of the business enterprise and its integrated development. Management as a Science of Complex Development. European Scientific e-Journal, 6(12), 7-18. Hlučín-Bobrovníky: “Anisiia Tomanek” OSVČ.

DOI: 10.47451/man2021-04-002 -------- Author's Certificate


The business enterprise is an object of management because it is being built and operates under the rules and norms established in the legislation of each country. The business enterprise can be also taken up as a subject of economy. The aim of the development is to analyze the peculiarities of the business enterprise, which is an open system made up of system-forming elements implying its integrated development. The methodical instruments used are based on several complementary approaches: a systematic approach and systematic analysis; a structural approach; a logical approach and a synergetic approach. Based on the principles of the systematic approach, we accept that the business enterprise is an ‘input-output system’. the ‘business enterprise’ system are: production (business), financial and economic, juridical (legal) and social. The synergy between the constituent elements of its internal environment implies not only its integrity, but it is a major prerequisite for its successful integration into the external environment conditions.


business enterprise, system, subsystem, management, object and subject, development.

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Kalpachev, S. N. (2021). Challenges in determining the contribution of the operating system to the formation of competitive advantages of the enterprise. Management as a Science of Complex Development. European Scientific e-Journal, 6(12), 19-32. Hlučín-Bobrovníky: “Anisiia Tomanek” OSVČ. (in Bulgarian)

DOI: 10.47451/man2021-04-001 -------- Author's Certificate


The purpose of this article is to outline the challenges in determining the contribution of the operating system to the formation of competitive advantages of the enterprise based on the application of resource-based theory. Due to the growing number of publications linking the resources and dynamic capabilities of operations management and sustainable competitive advantages, this article reviews and systematizes the concepts used in the literature to determine the contribution of the operating system to the formation of competitive advantages of the company. The main characteristics of the dynamic capabilities are considered and on this basis the main challenges in the study of factors and causal relationships at the level of the operating system of the enterprise are presented, with an emphasis on the way of choosing independent and result variables, and the determination of causal relationships. Future research in the field of operations management that addresses the outlined challenges could contribute to a more comprehensive and complete study of dynamic capabilities in operations function. The research would be useful both for researchers in the field of operations management and for practitioners looking for sources and reasons for increasing the competitiveness of the companies in which they work.


resource based theory, dynamic capabilities, competitive advantages, operations management.

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Dubinina, V. V. (2020). Business process management of retail enterprises based on the process-architectural approach (in Ukrainian). European Scientific e-Journal, 6(6), 1, 72-81. Hlučín-Bobrovníky: “Anisiia Tomanek” OSVČ.

DOI: 10.47451/man2020-11-001 -------- Certificate


The acute problems faced by domestic retailers today can be considered: functional specialization, selection of unskilled personnel, including top managers who are poorly versed in process management issues, lack of available automated information systems, low level of detail of business processes, poor quality of information management support. The article includes the process-oriented and architectural approaches to management. The term «enterprise architecture» is the essence and the basic methodologies of enterprise architecture construction are considered. The overall architecture of the enterprise is a combination of business environment architecture and IT architecture. The expediency of introduction of process-architectural approach in the management of retail trade enterprises of substantiated and its advantages are identified. A conceptual model of business process management of retail trade enterprises based on process-architectural approach is proposed.


Management, business processes, process, architectural approaches, process-architectural approach, retail enterprise.

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