Articles: Innovations & Technologies

Ushchapovskyi, D. Yu. (2024). The influence of the working cell geometric parameters on electrochemical 3D printing accuracy. Actual Issues of Modern Science. European Scientific e-Journal, 29, pp. 70-75. Ostrava: Tuculart Edition & European Institute for Innovation Development (In Ukrainian)

DOI: 10.47451/inn2024-04-05 ---------- Author's Certificate


The main technological parameters of electrochemical 3D printing are the rate of metal deposition and resolution. Electrochemical 3D printing resolution can be characterized by the ratio between the estimated metal deposition area width and the working electrode-anode diameter. In this work, the influences of the diameter of the working electrode-anode and the inter-electrode distance on electrochemical 3D printing accuracy have been investigated. The purpose of the study was to establish the influence of electrochemical cell geometric parameters’ ratio on electrochemical 3D printing resolution. The author used the sources of Ukrainian scientists such as R. Babchuk, V. Vorobyova, O. Linyucheva, M. Kotyk, G. Vasyliev and foreign researchers such as K. Bouzek, K. Borve, O. Lorentsen, K. Osmundsen, I. Rousar, J. Thonstad, M. Rafiee, R. Farahani, D. Therriault and others. It was shown that the smaller the diameter of the anode (dielectric capillary) and the greater the distance from the anode dielectric housing edge to the surface of the cathode (interelectrode distance), the wider the metal deposition area. It was found that the larger the working electrode diameter, the larger the inter-electrode distance can be used to ensure the required electrochemical 3D printing resolution.


electrochemical 3D printing, resolution, anode diameter, interelectrode distance.

Article's Index

Zamrii, I. V. (2024). Methodology of building a functionally sustainable in information system of an institution of higher education. Actual Issues of Modern Science. European Scientific e-Journal, 29, pp. 60-69. Ostrava: Tuculart Edition & European Institute for Innovation Development (In Ukrainian)

DOI: 10.47451/inn2024-04-04 ---------- Author's Certificate


The study object is the methodology of building a functionally stable information system of a higher education institution. The study subject is the process of organizing the unified information space, in which all information resources are uniquely identified, for the further implementation of an information system that meets a high level of security, productivity, scalability, management, and access to the system is provided regardless of the user’s location. The purpose is to improve the quality of management and education in institutions of higher education through the introduction of modern information technologies. To achieve the goal and solve the tasks, such methods as recognition methods of information system elements and their features, methods of reconstruction of missing features of elements in the information space, methods of graph theory and game theory are used. This paper presents the developed methodology for building a functionally stable information system for a higher education institution. It consists of performing two main procedures: (1) the procedure of organizing an information system based on a single information space of a higher education institution; and (2) procedures for ensuring the functional stability of the information system of the higher education institution. The methodology of the procedure for the organization of the information system based on the unified information space of the institution of higher education is based on the model of the unified information space of the institution of higher education, methods of recognition of information system elements, reconstruction of features of information system elements and synchronous recognition of elements, algorithms of relationships between elements and their sets of feature values allows to increase the effectiveness of the information system of the institution of higher education and management decision-making. The implementation of the information system aims to optimize processes and save resources (human, financial, informational, etc.), allowing tasks to be performed remotely while ensuring a high level of system security and productivity thanks to ensuring the functional stability of the entire information system of a higher education institution.


information system of a higher education institution (IS), functional stability (FS), information protection, SD-WAN, unified information space.

Article's Index

Prasol, I., & Sheikus, A. (2024). Device for measuring the blood oxygenation considering the concentration of carboxyhemoglobin. Actual Issues of Modern Science. European Scientific e-Journal, 29, pp. 46-59. Ostrava: Tuculart Edition & European Institute for Innovation Development (In Ukrainian)

DOI: 10.47451/inn2024-04-03 ---------- Author's Certificate ---------- Author's Certificate


The general method of assessing the level of arterial blood oxygenation is pulse oximetry. However, in known pulse oximeters, blood oxygen saturation is determined only by functional fractions of hemoglobin, reducing the accuracy of the devices and is unacceptable in some clinical cases. The purpose of the study was to increase the accuracy of measuring the arterial blood oxygenation level by the pulse oximetric method by considering the concentration of carboxyhemoglobin and developing a device. To achieve this purpose, the authors used Simulation computer modelling methods to build a model and assess the accuracy of a pulse oximeter. The purpose was achieved by using an additional LED. Its light wavelength choice was justified under the condition of maximizing the contribution of carboxyhemoglobin to the optical density of the measurement object. The theoretical provisions for measuring the blood oxygenation level, considering carboxyhemoglobin concentration and the structural diagram of the pulse oximeter, have been developed. Computer models of the known pulse oximeter and pulse oximeter with an additional LED were developed, simulation studies were conducted based on the developed models, and the device accuracy for measuring blood oxygenation level, considering carboxyhemoglobin concentration, was evaluated. The authors conclude that simulation studies based on the developed models proved that the proposed pulse oximeter, unlike the known one, allows you to detect and evaluate the decrease in blood oxygenation level caused by an increase in the concentration of carboxyhemoglobin in the patient’s blood.


pulse oximeter, oxygenation, carboxyhemoglobin, simulation, saturation.

Article's Index

Myroniuk, M., Mylnykov, H., Kolomiiets, Yu, & Yaroshenko, Ya. (2024). Prospects for developing the technical supply system of the leading NATO member countries’ armed forces. Actual Issues of Modern Science. European Scientific e-Journal, 29, pp. 36-45. Ostrava: Tuculart Edition & European Institute for Innovation Development

DOI: 10.47451/inn2024-04-02 ---------- Author's Certificate ---------- Author's Certificate ---------- Author's Certificate ---------- Author's Certificate


The experience of the use of troops (forces) in wars and armed conflicts of the late twentieth and early twenty-first centuries has shown that the advantage in armed struggle will belong to armies that are sufficiently trained, armed and comprehensively provided. The most significant role in solving the problems of comprehensive support of troops (forces) is played by technical support – one of the main types of logistics of troops (forces). According to leading Western military experts, strategy and tactics are the basis for planning and conducting operations and combat operations, and the relevant components of the technical support system ensure their implementation, ie the scope and timing of operational plans depend on the ability of the technical support system to meet needs. troops (forces) in serviceable samples of armaments and military equipment, necessary stocks of military-technical property and other material and technical means. The study subject is the system of material and technical support of the leading NATO member countries’ armed forces. The study object is the technical support of the leading NATO member countries’ armed forces. The study’s purpose is to determine the trends and prospects for further developing the technical support of the leading NATO member countries’ armed forces. To achieve the purpose and solve the tasks, the authors used such scientific methods as primary methods for the purpose of gathering information and studying sources; secondary methods for the purpose of processing and analyzing the received data – quantitative and qualitative data analysis, their systematization; logical-analytical such as methods of deduction and induction. The authors used works and scientific sources of leading scientists, such as Vladyslav Yemanov, Oleksandr Sysoev, Oleksiy Kolomiytsev, Oleg Mysyura, Serhiy Kovalishyn, Oleksiy Pavlovsky, Serhii Shevchenko. The authors conclude that (1) trends and prospects for the development of air attack means of the armed forces of the leading countries of the world, their capabilities for defeating air defence forces and means must be thoroughly studied and considered during the organization and implementation of TS in all branches of management of the Air Force of the Armed Forces of Ukraine; (2) the main characteristics of the modern TS of the armies (forces) of the leading countries of the world, the directions of their development are a kind of foundation, based on which it is necessary to improve the TS of the Armed Forces of the Armed Forces of Ukraine; (3) as part of further research in this direction, it is advisable to analyze the possibilities and prospects of developing the WME system maintenance according to the technical state in the world-leading countries.


technical support system, armament, military equipment, maintenance, repair.

Article's Index

Drozdova, T. V., Pavlenko, Yu. F., & Tverytnykova, E. Ye. (2024). Quantum technologies in optical measurements. Actual Issues of Modern Science. European Scientific e-Journal, 29, pp. 25-35. Ostrava: Tuculart Edition & European Institute for Innovation Development

DOI: 10.47451/inn2024-04-01 ---------- Author's Certificate ---------- Author's Certificate ---------- Author's Certificate


The importance of light measurements from the point of view of ensuring accuracy and saving energy is considered. The study object is the quantum approach in the reproduction of optical units of measurement. The study subject is modern methodology in theoretical metrology, based on the concept of the New SI (2019). The purpose of the study is to analyze the current state of light measurements from the view point of ensuring accuracy and their energy efficiency. The analysis of quantum technologies of reproduction of optical units – candela, lumen is performed. The standards of Ukraine of candela and lumen, which were developed at the National Scientific Center “Institute of Metrology”, Kharkiv, are analyzed. Practical aspects of realization of quantum effects on the example of modern light-emitting diodes which principle of action is based on quantum points are defined. Examples of the practical implementation of quantum photonics in the perspective of the next decade are identified. The opinion is expressed that the development of quantum technologies and practical achievements in the counting of individual photons bring us closer to the creation of devices of a new generation and to new achievements in precision and practical photometry.


photoelectric effect, candela, lumen, photodetector, trap detector, standard of Ukraine, LED.

Article's Index

Shaldenko, O., & Zdor, K. (2024). Neuro-mathematical fusion for shot change detection in video sequences. Actual Issues of Modern Science. European Scientific e-Journal, 29, pp. 15-24. Ostrava: Tuculart Edition & European Institute for Innovation Development

DOI: 10.47451/inn2024-03-02 ---------- Author's Certificate ---------- Author's Certificate


Shot change detection in visual media plays a pivotal role in various domains, including cinema, surveillance, and digital content organization. Traditional rule-based algorithms have shown limitations in handling the complexities of modern video content, prompting the exploration of computational intelligence approaches. This article presents a deep investigation of shot change detection, covering from traditional mathematical techniques to neural network methodologies. Through a series of experiments, we investigate the efficacy of a mathematical approach based on histograms and subsequently demonstrate the potential of integrating Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) networks. Our findings reveal that combining mathematical precision with neural networks enhances shot change detection accuracy and efficiency, paving the way for practical real-time applications in domain of video processing and analysis. These improvements underscore the importance of adaptability and innovation in addressing the evolving challenges of visual media processing while emphasizing the importance of ethical considerations in algorithmic decision-making processes. Overall, this article invites researchers to explore the intersection of mathematical rigor and neural networks in the realm of shot change detection, offering insights into future directions and opportunities in visual perception.


shot change detection, neural networks, Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM), video content analysis, shot change detection.

Article's Index

Mankovskyy, S. V. (2024). Post-Quantum Cryptography trends and perspectives. Actual Issues of Modern Science. European Scientific e-Journal, 29, pp. 7-14. Ostrava: Tuculart Edition & European Institute for Innovation Development. (In Ukrainian)

DOI: 10.47451/inn2024-03-01 ---------- Author's Certificate


This paper devoted to overview impact of quantum computing to modern cryptography and to analyze possible trends of cryptography development in the next years. Quantum computing became more popular these days and performance obtained using quantum computers promises to be extremely high. This trend causes to the security risks of current cryptographic algorithms usage without sufficient feasibility and analysis. It means that extremely high performance of quantum computers will be able to break some of existing cryptographic algorithm and produce the risk in security at all. To avoid such situation many cryptography specialists within whole world start research in the direction of so-called Post-quantum Cryptographic algorithms. Currently there are several projects performing research in this direction. Actuality of this topic is confirmed by many scientific papers in this direction. So, this paper contains overview of cryptography trends considering quantum computing coming in the nearest future.


cryptography, postquantum, quantum computers, cybersecurity.

Article's Index

Kochuieva, Z. A., & Babkova, N. V. (2024). Using neural networks in development of intelligent chatbots. Actual Issues of Modern Science. European Scientific e-Journal, 28, pp. 96-105. Ostrava: Tuculart Edition & European Institute for Innovation Development. (In Ukrainian)

DOI: 10.47451/inn2024-02-01 ---------- Author's Certificate


Recently, there has been a strong increase in the volume of publicly available information. A huge amount of both structured and unstructured data is available to us via the Internet. As a result, there is a problem of finding and obtaining the information we need. This task of searching and processing information is further enhanced by the fact that information on the Internet is constantly changing and updating, it has a high level of dynamics. At every moment of time, new materials and new facts appear. The volume of information arrays is constantly increasing, as a result of which constant accounting of information is required, which is often impossible. The presented article deals with one of the current problems – the development of a prototype of an intelligent chatbot based on the application of artificial neural network algorithms. The need to consider the topic is due to the fact that such a direction as the use of chatbots for various areas of a person’s life is gaining popularity. The types of question-and-answer systems and intelligent chatbots are considered within the scope of the work. The use of a recurrent neural network for the implementation of an intelligent chatbot is substantiated. A recurrent neural network learning algorithm has been developed. Selected material for training recurrent neural network. A neural network was built to implement a chatbot.


recurrent neural network, chatbot, question-and-answer system, root mean square error, machine learning method, intelligent data analysis, рекурентна нейрона мережа, чат-бот, питально-відповідна система, середньоквадратична помилка, метод машинного навчання, інтелектуальний аналіз даних.

Article's Index

Hlova, B. M. (2024). Investigation of the impact of temperature on the stress-strain state of cylindrical elements in engineering structures. Actual Issues of Modern Science. European Scientific e-Journal, 28, pp. 90-95. Ostrava: Tuculart Edition & European Institute for Innovation Development.

DOI: 10.47451/inn2024-01-05 ---------- Author's Certificate


Active development of monolithic-frame construction in the last period requires a new approach to the calculation of elements of building structures. Concrete columns are one of the most important elements of such buildings, the failure of which is of great durability. The loss of concrete column strength occurs as a result of a change in the gradient of the temperature field. Therefore, study related to the influence of temperature on the supporting elements is relevant and of great importance. The non-stationary temperature field in a concrete cylindrical column, which evolves due to high temperatures, was investigated. Boundary conditions of the third kind were considered when modeling the column heating process. Analytical expressions for studying the non-stationary temperature field were derived using Laplace transformation. The stress-strain state of the concrete column induced by the non-stationary temperature field was also determined. The graphic dependences of the radial, ring and axial stresses from the radius are researched as a result of the temperature fields of different intensities on the rod elements obtained.


temperature, column, concrete, strength, temperature stress, deformation, fire resistance.

Article's Index

Kharlamenko, V., Ruban, S., Lazariev, V., & Prytulin, V. (2024). Utilizing AI tools for business process automation in modern private educational institutions. Actual Issues of Modern Science. European Scientific e-Journal, 28, pp. 83-89. Ostrava: Tuculart Edition & European Institute for Innovation Development.

DOI: 10.47451/inn2024-01-04 ---------- Author's Certificate


In the contemporary educational environment, private educational organizations face a range of problems associated with ineffective business process management. One of the main issues is the lack of a systematic and integrated approach to management, leading to delays and inefficient resource utilization. Due to the increasing volume of data stored in educational institutions, manual processing and analysis consume a significant amount of time and are costly. This can result in potential errors and inefficiencies in management. Modern educational institutions are expected to make quick and accurate decisions. However, the volume of data and the complexity of the process cause delays and impact the overall efficiency of educational institutions. Another pressing issue is the necessity for personalizing of education and adapting business processes to the diverse needs of students and teachers. Traditional management systems often do not provide such flexibility. There are also many challenges with automating administrative processes. Numerous routine tasks, such as student accounting and financial reporting, can be optimized using artificial intelligence systems. One of solutions is the utilization of AI and automation tools. The authors describe the integrated system managing concept for all business processes of a private educational institution using artificial intelligence tools. Therefore, here are presented informed decisions for the implementation of all modules of such a system. The proposed management system for an educational institution involves the integration of a series of neural networks.


AI (Artificial Intelligence), CRM (Customer Relationship Management), LMS (Learning Management System), bot, automation, neural network.

Article's Index

Tetskyi, A. G. (2024). Household use of autonomous power sources in conditions of limited resources: blackout experience. Actual Issues of Modern Science. European Scientific e-Journal, 28, pp. 78-82. Ostrava: Tuculart Edition & European Institute for Innovation Development.

DOI: 10.47451/inn2024-01-03 ---------- Author's Certificate


During power outages, the use of universal mobile batteries, also known as power banks, has become extremely relevant. The prices of such devices have increased dramatically, and there have also been problems with the supply of these devices. Questions remain open regarding the correspondence of the declared characteristics with the real possibilities of universal mobile batteries, since some suppliers install demolished power cells, which make it possible to reduce the price of the battery for the final purchase. The article provides information on the possibilities of reusing power elements from laptop batteries in conditions of limited resources. The processes of creating universal mobile batteries for powering mobile phones, laptops, network equipment (ONU terminal and router), just like providing emergency lighting are considered. The object of research is lithium-ion batteries. The subject of research is the processes of reusing batteries in everyday life. The operation method is to increase the duration of operation and increase the efficiency of the use of laptop batteries. The author concludes that the proposed implementation is more energy-efficient due to a larger number of current converters. The reproducibility of the proposed implementations is also noted.


power supply, lithium-ion batteries, universal mobile batteries, 18650 battery, джерело живлення, літій-іонні акумулятори, універсальні мобільні батареї, акумулятор 18650.

Article's Index

Omelchuk, A. A. (2024). Providing access to bomb shelters using IoT. Actual Issues of Modern Science. European Scientific e-Journal, 28, pp. 73-77. Ostrava: Tuculart Edition & European Institute for Innovation Development. (In Ukrainian)

DOI: 10.47451/inn2024-01-02 ---------- Author's Certificate


Civil protection is a function of the state aimed at protecting the population, territory, environment and property from emergencies by preventing such situations, eliminating their consequences and providing assistance to victims in peacetime and in a special period. The author deals with the issues of ensuring and technical organization of access to bomb shelters and shelters in the context of the invasion of the Russian Federation on the territory of Ukraine. The problems faced by the population of Ukraine during air alarms are analyzed. Concepts for improving bomb shelters through the introduction of automation tools and Internet of Things technologies are proposed. The author analyzes the problem of providing round-the-clock access to bomb shelters in conditions of a permanent missile threat. Three concepts for improving bomb shelters through the introduction of computerized control systems are proposed, two of which should provide the ability to quickly authenticate via the Internet.


bomb shelter, controller, IoT, security, authorization, бомбосховище, контролер, IoT, безпека, авторизація.

Article's Index

Danshyna, S. Yu. (2024). GIS technologies for urban restoration planning tasks. Actual Issues of Modern Science. European Scientific e-Journal, 28, pp. 63-72. Ostrava: Tuculart Edition & European Institute for Innovation Development. (In Ukrainian)

DOI: 10.47451/inn2024-01-01 ---------- Author's Certificate


The study object is the process of planning directions the restoration of Ukrainian cities. The purpose is to increase the validity of decisions made while planning city restoration directions by analyzing a set of spatial and remote data. The author solves such tasks as to assess the possibility of using spatial and remote data in city restoration tasks, propose a functional model of the planning process of city restoration directions, focused on the use of spatial and remote data, and conduct an experiment on the use of a functional model of process of planning city restoration directions. Scientific methods are the system analysis, functional modeling, and theory of scientific experiment. Focusing on spatial aspects, the initial data necessary to formulate city restoration directions are analyzed as study results. The possibility of using spatial and remote data as input data has been confirmed. Using the standard representation IDEF 0, a functional model of the planning process has been developed. It explains the sequence of processing and generalization of a set of spatial and remote data while forming decisions on the destroyed city objects restoration. An experiment was conducted to use the model based on volunteered geographic information for the Kharkiv city. It made it possible to justify steps to restore the Saltovsky district – the area where the largest number of the city’s population lived and which experienced the greatest destruction. The article is debatable and aimed at popularizing the use of GIS technologies.


spatial and remote data, GIS applications, destruction, functional process model, просторові та дистанційні дані, ГІС-застосунки, руйнування, функціональна модель процесу.

Article's Index

Chychkarov, Y. A., Zinchenko, O. V., & Fesenko, M. A. (2023). Recognition of handwritten letters and numbers using deep learning neural networks. Actual Issues of Modern Science. European Scientific e-Journal, 26, pp. 43-53. Ostrava: Tuculart Edition & European Institute for Innovation Development.

DOI: 10.47451/inn2023-12-02 ---------- Author's Certificate


This article discusses several variants of convolutional neural network architecture for recognizing isolated handwritten Latin or Ukrainian letters and numbers that have been trained using synthetic datasets of two types, built on the basis of a set of handwritten and italic fonts or a CoMNIST dataset. A comparison of the recognition results of several variants of images containing handwritten letters and numbers using models with different architectures showed that an increase in the number of convolutional layers leads to a decrease in the frequency of erroneous character recognition. The size of the training dataset significantly affects the reliability of character recognition. The data sets used in the paper contained from 192 to 2304 samples per class. The limit on the number of samples per class that provided acceptable recognition accuracy was about 1,500 images per class. Reducing the sample by reducing the number of samples per class leads to a significant decrease in recognition accuracy (from 90% of the accuracy of recognizing elements of real labels to 40-60% with a 4-fold decrease in the sample size).


handwriting recognition, Ukrainian letter recognition, Latin letter recognition, convolutional neural networks, CNN, deep learning, image processing; розпізнавання рукописного тексту, розпізнавання українських літер, розпізнавання латинських літер, згорткові нейронні мережі, CNN, глибоке навчання, обробка зображення.

Article's Index

Kupin, A., Ruban, S., & Kurganov, I. (2023). Optimal control of the drive drum of a belt conveyor with thermographic classification of operating modes using artificial neural networks. Actual Issues of Modern Science. European Scientific e-Journal, 26, pp. 26-35. Ostrava: Tuculart Edition & European Institute for Innovation Development.

DOI: 10.47451/inn2023-06-01 ---------- Author's Certificate


Optimum control of the drive drum of the belt conveyor in the transport flow by changing the belt tension is proposed in order to reduce the cost of transporting goods, increase the life of the belt, and reduce energy consumption due to the control of temperature and its distribution in the zone of frictional interaction between the belt and the drum. It is suggested to use belt tension control to eliminate the accidental slipping of the belt on the drum and its excessive abrasion during the transportation of the ore mass. To implement the control method being developed, it is necessary to use a mathematical model with distributed parameters, on the basis of which the optimal control system will be formed. Control of this kind of objects is determined by the technological need to compensate for the slippage of the belt on the drive drum of the conveyor, which is based on the process of transmission of motion using friction, and is implemented by changing the thermal field on the arc of the girth by changing the tension of the conveyor belt or the speed of rotation of the drum. Thus, from the point of view of the theory of control of systems with distributed parameters in the process of controlling the thermal field of the drive drum and the conveyor belt, the controlled coordinate is the temperature and its distribution on the girth arc. As a result of physical processes, both the size of the source of the heat flux and the size of the surface of its radiation change during the control of the tape tension. Thus, the problem of optimal control acquires a new character and turns into a problem of moving optimal control, where the source of the heat flow, just like its distribution, is considered as a moving element that changes its position during the control process. The use of an artificial neural network allows you to determine the modes of operation of the friction pair by analyzing thermograms from the obtained calculation models and obtained by thermal imaging control, to combine problems with distributed parameters, which are partial solutions to the problem of moving optimal control, where the source of heat flow and its distribution is considered as a moving element, which changes its position during the control.


belt conveyor, friction pair, working slip angle, thermal field, thermograms, artificial neural networks, optimal control.

Article's Index

Shanina, O. M., Havrysh, T. V., & Borovikova, N. O. (2023). The effect of polysaccharide and protein additives on the surface tension index of gluten-free dough. Actual Issues of Modern Science. European Scientific e-Journal, 26, pp. 36-42. Ostrava: Tuculart Edition & European Institute for Innovation Development. (In Ukrainian)

DOI: 10.47451/inn2023-11-01 ---------- Author's Certificate


Recently, the problem of intolerance to the protein of cereals – gluten – has become more and more urgent. There is a trend towards an increase in the number of people with gluten disease and people with gluten allergies. Two main problems remain unresolved – achieving a structure that is not inferior to wheat flour products and increasing nutritional value. One of the properties that affect the organoleptic characteristics of bread is its shape stability, which can be determined by the surface tension index using the recumbent drop method. The article presents information on determining the surface tension of gluten-free dough by the lying drop method. The study object was gluten-free dough. The study subject was the rheological properties of the dough. The study purpose was to determine the dimensional stability of a drop of gluten-free dough. To analyze surface phenomena at the phase interface (gas-liquid-solid), the authors used a method based on measuring the surface tension of this interface. This method allows us to obtain reliable data under the condition of constant temperature, system volume, and chemical potentials of all components in both phases. It was found that the surface-active properties of water-flour suspensions depend on the type of flour and structure-forming additives, as well as on the time of dough proofing.


gluten-free flour, lying drop method, surface tension, water-flour suspension; безглютенове борошно, метод лежачої краплі, поверхневий натяг, водно-борошняна суспензія.

Article's Index

Sapelnikova, O. Yu. (2023). Photoluminescence and local electric fields in two-dimensional structures of macroporous silicon with CdS nanocoatings. Actual Issues of Modern Science. European Scientific e-Journal, 25, pp. 59-71. Ostrava: Tuculart Edition & European Institute for Innovation Development.

DOI: 10.47451/inn2023-06-01 ---------- Author's Certificate


The influence of local electric fields in two-dimensional structures of macroporous silicon with CdS nanocrystals on the reduction of nonradiative recombination in light-emitting elements based on the system «macroporous silicon – nanocoating» was determined. Colloidal nanoparticles of cadmium sulfide in aqueous and alcoholic polyethyleneimine media were used to manufacture effective light-emitting elements based on macroporous silicon structures with nanocoatings. It was found that for pre-purified oxidized structures of macroporous silicon with nanocoatings of CdS nanoparticles, resonant electron scattering with 1Е turns into ordinary electron scattering by ionized impurities with 2E3/2. The intensity of the local electric field at the boundary «Si–SiO2–CdS nanocoating» was determined by IR absorption oscillations (width of Vanier-Stark steps). The mechanism of Si-SiO2 in the structures of oxidized silicon with surface nanocrystals of CdS was studied by the methods of electroreflection (direct band-band transition) and photoconductivity (indirect band-band transition). Oxidized structures of macroporous silicon with optimal depth of macropores and coating of CdS nanoparticles to ensure a large emitting surface area were investigated for the production of efficient light-emitting elements. For macroporous silicon structures with a nanocoating of CdS nanoparticles in polyethyleneimine with an oxide thickness of 10-20 nm and an optimal macropore depth of 70-120 μm, an increase in IR absorption and oscillation amplitude was measured. For this range of oxide thickness and depth of macropores, the maximum value of photoluminescence intensity was also obtained. Photoluminescence quantum yield was measured for CdS nanocoated macroporous silicon structures purified by oxidation and ultrasonic treatment.


macroporous silicon, photoluminescence, CdS nanocrystals, local electric field strength, Wannier-Stark effect, макропористий кремній, фотолюмінесценція, нанокристали CdS, напруженість локального електричного поля, ефект Ваньє-Штарка.

Article's Index

Buychik, A., & Komissarov, P.V. (2023). Hypernormal distribution theory: Analysis of the set of extreme random variables models. Actual Issues of Modern Science. European Scientific e-Journal, 24, 56-81. Ostrava: Tuculart Edition & European Institute for Innovation Development.

DOI: 10.47451/inn2023-03-03 ---------- Author's Certificate


The analysis of the set of extreme random variables models is still an extremely topical topic in many areas of mathematical research in the theory and practice of managing production processes due to its specificity and great interest in finding an expectation and stability indicators set studied in practical economics. Calculations of applied mathematics help to determine tentatively possible boundary parameters of various models, i.e., expectations, despite the fact that theoretical calculations do not have a direct association with practical data. Nevertheless, the consideration of extreme models of extreme random variables is still relevant in many areas of science and industry. The study subject was the hypernormal distribution theory. The study object was a set of extreme random variables models. The study purpose was a comprehensive analysis of many models of extreme random variables. To achieve the purpose and solve the tasks formulated on its basis, empirical, analytical and comparative methods of data analysis and the method of mathematical modelling, which contributed to the study of the materials presented in this article, were used. In the study course, materials from the works of such leading world experts in extreme value theory and programming K. Beck, M. Fowler, L. Tippett, E. Gumbel, K. Auer, R. Miller, and Scott W. Ambler and researchers as V.L. Khatskevich, B.V. Gnedenko, V.A. Akimov, V.A. Bykov, E.Yu. Shchetinin, K.M. Nazarenko, L.P. Kvashko, A.S. Losev, V.S. Mikhailov, V.A. Popov, E.R. Smolyakov. In the study course, the definition of an extreme value within the framework of the theory was refined, the typology of the distribution of maximum values was analysed, seven theories of the hypernormal distribution were identified and their proofs were presented, and practical examples of the application of each theory were given. The practical significance of the study of extreme random variables models in various areas of industrial human activity was confirmed. The materials of the study can be used in the widest range: from application in risk management of industrial production to predicting the probabilities of natural phenomena, which makes it possible to prevent significant economic and social losses of society, as well as make a tangible contribution to programming the probabilities of the development of the society of the future.


extreme random variables, excess consumption, extreme values, entropy, экстремальные случайные величины, гипернормальное распределение, теория экстремальных значений, энтропия.

Article's Index

Bunke, O. S. (2023). Methods of applying neural network algorithms in forecasting of energy consumption level at systems of automated electricity distribution. Actual Issues of Modern Science. European Scientific e-Journal, 24, 100-108. Ostrava: Tuculart Edition & European Institute for Innovation Development. (In Ukrainian)

DOI: 10.47451/inn2023-03-02 ---------- Author's Certificate


An analysis of modern methods of automated control of the level of electricity consumption at the level of households, industrial facilities, as well as critical infrastructure facilities, based on software algorithms and neural network architectures, was carried out. The exponential growth of the demand for electricity on a global scale and the globalization of the infrastructure of electricity networks indicate the urgency of the task of accurately forecasting the level of consumption, on the basis of which the optimal scheme for distributing electricity to consumers can be determined in real time. It is noted that when organizing a complex methodology for forecasting the level of electricity consumption and automated control of electricity distribution, it is necessary to establish statistical indicators that make it possible to estimate the volume of the input data array processed by the system, limitations on the calculation resource of the hardware and software complex of the platform, and requirements for the accuracy of machine analysis in accordance with financial risks and the probability of emergency situations. The high efficiency of the application of neural network infrastructures in the construction of systems of machine analysis, forecasting and automated control of the power grid infrastructure is shown. Such approaches to the organization of neural network architecture as a recurrent neural network, models based on long short-term memory and recurrent valve nodes, as well as time series models based on defined autoregressive integrated moving averages, according to which algorithms characterized by high accuracy of forecasting in real time under the conditions of minimal load on the computing resource. The importance of the preparation of the training selection and appropriate setting of neural network algorithms for the distribution of input data in accordance with the seasonal characteristics of electricity consumption is shown. The task of organizing, tuning and further optimizing the neural network algorithm was thus carried out according to the extrema of the objective functions, which were based on the statistical indicators of the prediction accuracy (mean absolute percentage error, root mean square error and mean absolute error) that were obtained from the results of the studies that were cited in open scientific publications.


electricity consumption level, automated forecasting systems, neural network algorithms, statistical accuracy indicators, recurrent neural networks, long short-term memory models, gated recurrent units, рівень споживання електроенергії, системи автоматизованого прогнозування, нейромережеві алгоритми, статистичні показники точності, рекурентні нейромережі, моделі на основі довгої короткочасної пам’яті, рекурентні вентильні вузли.

Article's Index

Solovei, H. M. (2023). Innovative technologies for preserving printed publications. Actual Issues of Modern Science. European Scientific e-Journal, 24, 90-99. Ostrava: Tuculart Edition & European Institute for Innovation Development. (In Ukrainian)

DOI: 10.47451/inn2023-03-01 ---------- Author's Certificate


The article presents the features of the implementation of innovative technologies for the preservation of the documentary heritage of the world’s leading countries. The study object is digitization of library collections. The study subject is theoretical and organizational and methodological foundations for the implementation of digitization of documentary heritage. The study purpose is to study the experience of introducing innovative technologies for preserving the scientific collections of libraries in leading countries of the world with its harmonious adaptation to the needs of domestic libraries. It was found that international organizations, in particular UNESCO, actively support the digitization of library collections in order to preserve and ensure free access to them. It has been established that in foreign countries, the digitization of documentary heritage has a significant legal framework consisting of strategies, declarations, guidelines and recommendations. The accumulation of digital content is one of the main trends in modern culture and an objective condition for the development of global information civilization. The example of the National Scientific Agricultural Library of the National Academy of Agrarian Sciences of Ukraine as a leading special institution of national importance shows the undeniable role of digitization processes in raising the efficiency of information and library provision of users’ needs. The key issues related to the organization of the digitization of library collections have been identified.


innovative technologies, digitization, library, digitization projects, document heritage, інноваційні технології, оцифровування, бібліотека, проєкти оцифровування, документна спадщина.

Article's Index

Zakharov, A. V. (2023). Influence of the composition of the flux, type and polarity of the current on the efficiency of electrochemical processes in the electroslag system. Actual Issues of Modern Science. European Scientific e-Journal, 24, 82-89. Ostrava: Tuculart Edition & European Institute for Innovation Development.

DOI: 10.47451/inn2023-02-01 ---------- Author's Certificate


The article examines the peculiarities of the chemical composition of the fluxes used for electroslag surfacing, as well as the type and polarity of the current, which have a significant impact on the efficiency of electrolytic processes in the electroslag system. The purpose of the article is to research methods of obtaining high-quality metal with specified physical and mechanical properties and service characteristics. In the course of the conducted research, it was established that the considered variants of ESN are static by their electrochemical conditions and do not allow to actively influence the electrolysis processes, to regulate the intensity of recovery of elements from slag to metal. In addition, with DC electrolytic processes, as calculations show, a little more than 30% of the total melting current is consumed. Of these positions, the most flexible and economical is the electroslag process using alternating current with an additional application of a certain (if necessary, adjustable) amount of direct current to the slag bath. It was found that a further increase in the current density of the constant component increases [V] to 0.72% with further stabilization, which indicates the exhaustion of the possibilities of electrolytic reduction of vanadium under these conditions (ESH on a constant current of reverse polarity on this slag-electrolyte provides close values (0 .8%) of the concentration of vanadium in the ingot). Thus, the obtained information indicates that the selection of the composition of the slag-electrolyte and the mode of electrolysis should be carried out taking into account the electrochemical parameters in the electroslag system. It has been proven that a rational choice of the composition of the electrolyte slag and the electrolysis mode, based on the knowledge of the electrochemical laws of the process, can ensure the effectiveness of this option in specific different methods of ESH. Experiments of electroslag surfacing according to this scheme showed that the residual content of the recoverable element depends on the anodic current density at the stage of the bath, and at a fixed value of ik - on the composition of the flux. That is, two main parameters that determine the speed of electrochemical reactions are combined and act here. The main directions of conducting studies of the electroslag surfacing process to obtain high-quality surfacing metal with the necessary indicators of wear resistance have been determined. Further research should be aimed at determining the effectiveness of the use of modifying impurities of different chemical composition, which are introduced into the slag bath during the process of electroslag surfacing in order to obtain a surfacing metal with higher quality indicators.


flux, electrochemical processes, surfacing parameters, electroslag surfacing technology, slag, флюс, електрохімічні процеси, параметри наплавки, технологія електрошлакової наплавки, шлак.

Article's Index

Buychik, A., & Komissarov, P. V. (2022). Development of new mathematical methods and algorithms for verifying the adequacy of mathematical models of objects based on data from a natural experiment to determine the financial stability area. Actual Issues of Modern Science. European Scientific e-Journal, 23(8), 49-72. Ostrava: Tuculart Edition.

DOI: 10.47451/inn2022-12-01 ---------- Author's Certificate 1 ------- Author's Certificate 2


The relevance of the development of applied mathematical modelling, which includes numerical methods and software packages in its problem area, its importance for the entire economic activity of the country as a whole, is due to the intensive digitalisation and computerisation of all technological chains of production processes. The integration of production support and various databases, as well as all parts of production and their effective management, require the development of comprehensive research of mathematical methods for modelling production processes. To date, mathematical modelling is applied to calculations of the financial stability point function, which does not fully reflect the variability of the predicted consequences, and consequently, the set of measures to preserve this stability. Due to the complication of production and economic relations, the need for modeling and calculating the area of financial stability, i.e., a set of marginal and non-marginal indicators, under which the economic condition of the enterprise will be considered to be acceptably stable, is actualised. The scientific problem is that mathematical modelling of production and economic processes does not provide for a wide variability (set) of indicators of financial stability as an area, which prevents flexivity in the economic activity of the enterprise. The scientific novelty of the work consists in the development of a method and algorithm for determining the financial stability area of an economic entity. The purpose of the study was to create a mathematical apparatus for calculating the financial stability of an enterprise. In the course of the study, the works of leading scientists and researchers in mathematical modelling and business processing, as well as the works of the authors of the article in this field were used. The authors presented a methodology for the development of quantitative indicators and, based on it, a methodology for mathematical modelling of calculating the financial stability area as a mathematical system that includes all eight main coefficients accepted as parameters of financial stability, and takes into account the limits that correspond to the economic indicators of the stability of the enterprise.


financial stability area, mathematical modelling, business process, algorithmisation, automatisation of modelling calculations, financial stability of the enterprise.

Article's Index

Kelly, A. E., & Palaniappan, S. (2022). A proposed approach to enhance user PIN in the mobile money ecosystem in Ghana. Actual Issues of Modern Science. European Scientific e-Journal, 23(8), 33-48. Ostrava: Tuculart Edition.

DOI: 10.47451/inn2022-11-01 ---------- Author's Certificate 1 ------- Author's Certificate 2


The use of only numeric numbers as the base for the USSD PIN rather than alphanumeric was one of the security risks in the USSD mobile money services. The study objective is to assess the security threats posed by user PINs in the mobile money banking ecosystem and to enhance the service quality of the existing mobile money service with its high level of security threats prone to the mobile money industry. The study aims to shed light on the consumer acceptability requirements for mobile banking in particular areas of the consumer usage pattern, which will inform the industry players to strengthen such areas in consumer interest. This will help both the telecoms to understand the individuals and customise services based on the service needs of users of their product. This will aid the operators to cut costs and help improve the security infrastructure in other countries to cover to rope in more users, and to serve the unbanked in the hinterlands of the country. There is a growing demand for the adoption of mobile money services in Ghana. However, there is insufficient research to understand the risk associated with the adoption of the service. It is on this trend that, the study sought to reveal and understand the threat in the nature of user PIN used in the mobile money service. This study encapsulates, with the extension on demographic scope, which included workers, students, employed and unemployed who have adopted mobile money services the study adopted an exploratory method, to understand the main threats of the user PIN in relation to the mobile money application adopted in Ghana. This also included a survey question for users’ responses on the nature of use. The study included 57 participants to uncover the vulnerability of users’ PINs in mobile money services. The study’s findings revealed that the length could be increased. The current size of the PIN stack was set to four for convenience and user-friendliness, with little thought given to the threat such a length could pose in financial transactions involving mobile money banking. The mobile money PIN solution provided will enable users not to be worried n about their accounts should users end up losing their handset and otherwise potentially harm their handsets because the merchandise is completely secure. The system is safeguarded by cutting-edge secure authentication, but also users’ funds are always secure because each transaction requires a secured alphanumeric password. The mobile payment process delivers individual clients with enhanced security but also lowers the need of carrying physical money but also ensures easy prompt payment of transactions of utilities. Individuals utilizing such services will manage to pay one’s bill payments from the comfort of their place of arbour and making it even easier to do so. The use of only a numeric key for PIN was far more convenient for users, but it also made them more vulnerable to attacks. The standard PIN length in the current USSD mobile money application was four numeric keys. The indication was that the PIN length was too simple for a simple system to break through. The study proposed solution where mobile money users can increase their user PIN to six characters, and include alphanumeric keys. The study will help reduce the increasing threat of mobile money fraud in the FinTech industry.


mobile security, personal identification number, mobile money, unstructured supplementary service data, SMS threat, fraud.

Article's Index

Molchanov, V. F. (2022). Ensuring accuracy in conditions automated production. The Second Special Humanitarian Issue of Ukrainian Scientists. European Scientific e-Journal, 3(18), 78-85. Ostrava: Tuculart Edition. (In Ukrainian)

DOI: 10.47451/inn2022-04-03 ---------- Author's Certificate ----------


Modern machine-building production provides for increased accuracy, reliability and durability in the production of machine-building products for the national economy. In this regard, it is necessary to significantly improve the accuracy and reliability of metal-cutting equipment. The article is devoted to the actual issue of ensuring the accuracy and reliability of metal cutting equipment in the conditions of automated production. The aim of the study is to increase the accuracy, reliability and durability of machine-building products. In the course of the studies the analysis of the main directions of ensuring accuracy in automated production has been conducted. The carried out theoretical studies on the influence of individual input variables of the technological system on the processes that take place during machining, allow to calculate the expected accuracy at the design stage of operations and to determine methods of its provision.


automated production, precision machining, error, adaptive-program control, adjustment of technological system, автоматизоване виробництво, точність механічної обробки, похибка, адаптивно-програмне управління, настроювання технологічної системи.

Article's Index

Ohrenych, Yu. O., & Khaprova, D. V. (2022). The current state and prospects of using digital technologies in the activities of Ukrainian enterprises in terms of digitalization of the economy. The Second Special Humanitarian Issue of Ukrainian Scientists. European Scientific e-Journal, 3(18), 67-77. Ostrava: Tuculart Edition. (In Ukrainian)

DOI: 10.47451/inn2022-04-02 ---------- Author's Certificate 1 ---------- Author's Certificate 2 ----------


Digitalization has become an integral part of the Ukrainian economy in recent years. Digitalization is a process of transforming cultural, economic, political aspects of development through the use of modern information and communication technologies. Large enterprises faced certain difficulties in the introduction of digital technologies and should adapt to newly created market conditions. Large business focuses a significant share of resources that defines a wide bridgehead to development. For the future of Ukraine, he must become a major research base, a platform for innovations, a powerful export-oriented modern business. Digital technologies should facilitate the expansion of business functioning and become the basis for creating new business models. In the study of digital business transformation of Ukraine it is important to determine the features of the functioning of large enterprises, complexity and barriers to the formation of digital technologies in production and management networks and future achievements that will be provided.


digitalization, digital economy, digital technology, large enterprises, Industry 4.0, Smart Factories, Information Systems, цифровізація, цифрова економіка, цифрові технології, великі підприємства, Індустрія 4.0, смарт-фабрики, інформаційні системи.

Article's Index

Hrebeniuk, A. M., Rybalchenko, L. V., & Prokopov, S. O. Monitoring of cyber incidents of cloud services and protection of digital communication channels. The First Special Humanitarian Issue of Ukrainian Scientists. European Scientific e-Journal, 2(17), 40-53. Ostrava: Tuculart Edition. (In Ukrainian)

DOI: 10.47451/inn2022-04-01 ---------- Author's Certificate 1 ---------- Author's Certificate 2 ---------- Author's Certificate 3


This article is dedicated to cloud services and modern possibilities of protection of digital communication channels. Today, usage of cloud technologies is steadily increasing both in business and in everyday life. Saving and processing of large amounts of information in a virtual environment is accomplished through the hardware and software, as well as communication channels of the provider. Fast access and reliable protection of personal data is an important part of the basic requirements of work with modern smart technologies. The purpose of the research is the analysis and monitoring of security in the cloud services. In the course of the research to achieve the set goal were used the following methods: methods of comparison, statistical and graphical analysis. In the article were used the previous scientific research works of various authors, as well as the periodic ranking surveys of popular world economic agencies and forums. The authors concluded that the most effective is the passwordless login technology, which supports authentication based on certificates, ensures secure storage and management of certificates, which are linked to the user and a specific device.


cloud technology, personal data protection, hybrid cloud monitoring, fraudulent records, cyber fraud, confidential information, хмарні технології, захист персональних даних, гібридний хмарний моніторинг, шахрайські записи, кібершахрайство, конфіденційна інформація.

Article's Index

Bokareva, A. A., & Tagiltseva, E. A. (2020). Creation of architecture and development of a mobile application Unified Personal Medical Card. Actual Issues of Modern Science. European Scientific e-Journal, 4(19), 29-37. Ostrava: Tuculart Edition. (In Russian)

DOI: 10.47451/inn2022-03-02 ---------- Author's Certificate 1 ---------- Author's Certificate 2


The article is devoted to the development of the architecture and creation of the mobile application Unified Personal Medical Card, which allows you to completely replace the paper version of standardized cards of medical institutions, provide the user with the opportunity to have access to their medical data at any time, simplify the work of emergency medical services and reduce the costs of compulsory medical insurance funds. The article reflects aspects of access protection and the possibility of combining with a single electronic document of a citizen, which in the future will allow switching to an electronic format of interaction with any government agencies within the framework of working with one application. Social surveys were used as methods for determining social significance and the current market of mobile applications was studied to identify analogues and their shortcomings in functioning. MySql, Figma and UML diagrams were used to form the architecture. The research existing proposals and opportunities reflected in the list of sources of information.


mobile application, development, personal data, electronic document, identification, authentication, medical data, мобильное приложение, разработка, персональные данные, электронный документ, идентификации, аутентификация, медицинские данные.

Article's Index

Huk, V. I., & Zaporozhtseva, H. V. (2022). Theory of quantitative analysis of the states of transport flows. The First Special Humanitarian Issue of Ukrainian Scientists. European Scientific e-Journal, 2(17), 24-39. Ostrava: Tuculart Edition. (In Ukrainian)

DOI: 10.47451/inn2022-03-01 ---------- Author's Certificate 1 ---------- Author's Certificate 2


The effective use of the provisions of the traffic flow states theory for practical purposes becomes possible only when theoretical concepts acquire a concrete and precise character in a quantitative form. At the same time, the completeness of quantitative information sufficient for technical applications has been achieved, when each of the quantities important for the transport process will be defined as a function of arguments, characterizing the traffic flow movement. To solve the problems of the organization of motor transport road traffic based on the synthesis of the theory of traffic flows states and the theory of similarity and dimensionality, new complex criteria for evaluating congestions of states and traffic control algorithms are presented. The authors conclude that the application of the generalized variables method makes it possible to obtain not only a quantitative assessment of various sections of streets and roads from the standpoint of traffic safety and efficiency, but also to determine criteria for traffic management, which are the basis of real-time control algorithms.


flow rate, speed, density, transport time, traffic intensity, parametric type criteria, complex type criteria, кількість потоку, швидкість, щільність, транспортний час, напружність руху, критерії параметричного типу, критерії комплексного типу.

Article's Index

Komissarov, P. V. (2020). Relevance of the application of the theory of fuzzy sets in the calculation of the strategic security of a complex technical system. Actual Issues of Modern Science. European Scientific e-Journal, 6(6), 2, 54-63. Hlučín-Bobrovníky: “Anisiia Tomanek” OSVČ.

DOI: 10.47451/inn2020-12-002 ---------- Certificate


The relevance of the topic is related to the problem of protection and security of technical systems in the era of globalization and information warfare, as well as determining the strategic reserve of stability for production cycles. The study object was mathematical methods of modelling production processes and determining the point of the production system stability. The study purpose was to use the fuzzy set device to determine the point of stability of the production system. To implement this study, methods of statistical analysis, data grouping, sample ranking, and methods for studying time series components were used. During the study, the scientific materials of leading researchers in the field of fuzzy sets and mathematical methods to calculate various components were used. The study results are intended for specialists and researchers in the field of development and application of mathematical methods in the modelling of economic indicators of technological processes at enterprises.


fuzzy set theory, strategic security, technical systems, stability domain.

Article's Index

Bakhtiiarov, D. I., Lavrynenko, O. Y., Lishchynovska, N. O., & Komarnytskyi, O. O. (2020). Methods of evaluation and forecasting of levels of electromagnetic radiation in urban environments. Actual Issues of Modern Science. European Scientific e-Journal, 6(6), 2, 39-53. Hlučín-Bobrovníky: “Anisiia Tomanek” OSVČ. (In Ukrainian)

DOI: 10.47451/inn2020-12-001 ----- Certificate 1 -- Certificate 2 -- Certificate 3 -- Certificate 4


This article is devoted to the decision of the actual scientific and applied problem which consists in the development of a method of definition of levels of the basic and secondary electromagnetic radiations in the urban environments at the expense of perfection of models of their distribution. The necessity in the increased efficiency of use of devices of monitoring of an electromagnetic situation on the basis of the analysis of features of distribution of electromagnetic radiations in the urban environment and lacks of the existing mathematical device for their description is proved. The nature of the interference and the distance in real operating conditions and the corresponding graphical and mathematical dependences were obtained, which formed the basis of the method of improving the models of electromagnetic radiation propagation. Scientific methods of synthesis of the detailed structural scheme of processes of detection and localization of uncontrolled and unlicensed devices of information transmission on radio channels, including development of the software for definition of a zone of electromagnetic accessibility indoors are substantiated. An original approach, algorithm of functioning and methods of synthesis of search means in the conditions of radio interference and detection of sources of electromagnetic radiation are developed.


secondary electromagnetic radiation, electromagnetic reach, radio wave propagation, Hut model, COST 231 MWM, monitoring of the electromagnetic environment, attenuation factor.

Article's Index

Bokareva, A. A. (2020). Model of a document protection algorithm for a person based on biometric parameters. Actual Issues of Modern Science. European Scientific e-Journal, 6(6), 1, 12-19. Hlučín-Bobrovníky: “Anisiia Tomanek” OSVČ.

DOI: 10.47451/inn2020-09-002 ---------- Author's Certificate


At the moment, various types of paper documents, which carry various social and legal values relative to the citizen presenting them (passport, driver’s license, etc.), are used to identify a person. In the field of electronic document management, electronic digital signatures have been created and implemented to transmit the generated document packages using network technologies. This paper discusses the principle of an algorithm for protecting an identifying document using biometric data without using third-party servers for both storing and processing information. The entire operation of the system is focused on the transition from paper documents to the electronic (cloud) version without loss of uniqueness and security with the possibility of multi-copying and use outside the work of data transmission networks.


authentication, electronic document management, verification, personal identification, biometric parameters, personal data.

Article's Index

Bokareva, A. A. (2020). Personal authentication using verified electronic document. Actual Issues of Modern Science. European Scientific e-Journal, 6(6), 1, 5-11. Hlučín-Bobrovníky: "Anisiia Tomanek" OSVČ.

DOI: 10.47451/inn2020-09-001 ---------- Author's Certificate


In the modern world, there are quite a large number of various documents that certify (both independently of each other and in aggregate) both the identity of the owner and his social and legal rights and opportunities. However, there are several problems in this field. The paper dwells on the research of the possibility of bringing personal identification documents to a digital format with guaranteed person authentication and verification of the document, based on the digitalization trends of modern society and the increasing capabilities of technical support to eliminate the likelihood of damage, falsification and other negative impacts on the existing document flow. The main problem in solving this problem is the choice of the most effective type of used biometric parameters of a person for reading, broadcasting and subsequent processing.


authentication, electronic document management, digitalization, personal identification, biometric parameters.

Article's Index

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