Semykina, M. V. (2023). Employment transformation in the context of digitalisation of the economy and Ukraine’s movement to the European Union. Actual Issues of Modern Science. European Scientific e-Journal, 24, 41-55. Ostrava: Tuculart Edition & European Institute for Innovation Development. (In Ukrainian
DOI: 10.47451/ecn2023-03-01
Digitalisation of the economy has become a leading factor in human development in the 21st century, which has affected all spheres of life, in particular employment of the population. There is a digital transformation of employment, which requires understanding, in-depth study by economic science to find opportunities to improve the efficiency of human labour and progressive development. The study of this problem is particularly relevant for Ukraine in the context of the need to accelerate the movement towards European integration, ensure the recovery of the economy and jobs after the end of the large-scale war unleashed by the Russian Federation against Ukraine. The study subject is a set of theoretical, methodological, and practical bases of employment of the population. The study object is the processes of employment transformation in the context of digitalisation of the economy and Ukraine’s movement to the European integration. The study purpose was to determine the specifics of the processes of employment transformation under the impacting digitalisation of the economy by analysing trends in the development of digital employment in Ukraine and the world, justifying the possibilities of supporting digitalisation of employment in Ukraine with priority incentives for young people. There was used such the methods as general scientific and special research methods, including analytical, dialectical, classification and analytical, comparative, statistical and sociological analysis, and a systematic approach. The author used the publications of such Ukrainian scientists as M. Biel, O. Mulskaya, I. Baranyak, O. Makhonyuk, M. Karpyak, M. Aleksinskaya, A. Bastrakova and N. Kharchenko and also foreign researchers as M. Mattessa, S. Kunkel, V. Ignat, L. Charles, S. Xia, A. P. Kutts, O. Cassie, V. Ledonwirth. The essence and significance of economy digitalisation and its impact on various spheres, in particular employment, are revealed. The essence of employment transformations under the impacting digitalisation of the economy is identified. The author revealed the content of employment digitalisation, its challenges, opportunities, consequences, in particular in terms of the emergence of new types and forms of employment, among which digital employment is dynamically developing. The importance of spreading digital employment for young people as the main progressive and knowledge-oriented social group is actualised. The global trends of economy and employment digitalisation are analysed with an emphasis on the EU countries, which allows to substantiate the strategic orientation of the post-war reconstruction of Ukraine based on the digital economy. In the context of Ukraine’s movement to the EU, it is proposed to intensify measures to stimulate employment digitalisation within the framework of the state initiative “Industry 4.0” implementation, which will have a significant role in the post-war reconstruction of Ukraine and its successful movement to the EU. Urgent measures have been identified to create favourable conditions for digital transformations in employment with an emphasis on supporting young people. In the conditions of economy digitalization, the employment transformations are investigated, which allowed to identify the features of this process for the economy and labour of the population in the conditions of Ukraine’s movement to the EU. The challenges, opportunities, and consequences of economy and employment digitalisation are identified. It is proved that the economy and employment digitalisation should be considered as a strategic guideline for the post-war reconstruction of Ukraine and its successful movement into the EU. The basis of this process should be the support of digital population employment, especially young people. The measures for the further development of digital employment in Ukraine are systematised. It is proved that their implementation in conditions of targeted state support can give a cumulative effect for the economy, increase the welfare of the population and reduce the emigration of young people, accelerate the country’s movement towards European integration.
economy digitalisation, employment transformation, digital employment, Industry 4.0, цифровізація економіки, трансформація зайнятості, цифрова зайнятість, Industry 4.0.
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