Balan, M.-G. (2024). Liviu Danceanu – A “classic” composer of postmodern music. Culture and Arts in the Context of World Cultural Heritage. Klironomy, 10, __-__. Ostrava: Tuculart Edition, European Institute for Innovation Development.
DOI: 10.47451/art2025-02-01 ----- Author's Certificate
Composer, musicologist, conductor, professor, essayist Liviu Dănceanu (1954-2017) remains a remarkable personality in Romanian musical culture in the second half of the 20th century and the beginning of the 21st century. Liviu Dănceanu would have turned 70 this year. On this anniversary occasion, the National University of Arts “George Enescu” from Iaşi joined the initiatives of other Romanian universities to organize a commemorative event as a portrait in memoriam, integrated in the 26th edition of the Romanian Music Festival. The cameral concert dedicated to Liviu Dănceanu took place on October 15, 2024, in the “Eduard Caudella” Hall in Iaşi, with eight works from different stages of the composer’s creation, performed by the Archaeus Ensemble that he founded, coordinated and supported from its beginnings, in 1985, until the end of his life, which occurred in 2017. This Contemporary Music Workshop has carried forward the ideals of its creator to the present day, continuing the line of promoting new compositions that appeared after 1970, considered postmodern and/or contemporary. This study aims to analyse the position that musicological researchers give to Liviu Dănceanu in the historical context of Romanian music and we aim to observe the reception of Liviu Dănceanu’s works nowadays, having as a point of reference the program of the concert performed in Iaşi by the Archaeus Ensemble.
anniversary concert, composer portrait, postmodernism, contemporary music.