Aktuální otázky filozofie, historie a politologie
30. duben 2022
Evropská unie: 100 eur
Česko/Slovensko: 1800 CZK
Amerika, Velká Británie, Austrálie, Nový Zéland: 115 dolarů
Asie, Oceánie: 85 eur
Afrika: 75 eur
Objem textu článku: od 15 000 do 40 000 tištěných znaků.
The Tuculart Global Review International Collection on Philosophy, History, and Political Sciences (1/2023-02) aims to bring together leading academic scientists, researchers and research scholars to exchange and share their experiences and research results about all aspects of philosophy, history, and politology. It also provides the premier correspondence disciplinary forum for researchers, practitioners and educators to present and discuss the most recent innovations, trends, and concerns, practical challenges encountered and the solutions adopted in the fields of philosophy, history, and political sciences.
Placement of scientific articles
Each article gets DOI number
The proceedings are placed in leading international indexing databases: BASE, ICI Copernicus, Zenodo, OpenAIRE, Lucerne University repository (LORY), EBSCO, J-Gate, Academic Resource Index ResearchBib, International Scientific Indexing (ISI), and eLibrary, Woerld Scientific Library, and Internet Archive.
Each article is placed in the web platform of the Tuculart Holding and seo-optimized. Information about the collection of scientific articles is provided to specialized universities and research institutes of the world.
Call for Contributions
We invite scientists and researchers to contribute to the development of scientific thought and practice and to help shape the Science of Philosophy, History, and Politics by presenting your scientific articles, high-quality research materials describing the original and unpublished results of conceptual, constructive, empirical, experimental or theoretical work in all fields of science. The articles are designed according to the IMRaD and APA6/7 standards. We will help you to edit articles.
Fields of science:
- Philosophy
- Philosophy in the life of man and society (does philosophy need the 21st century?)
- Man, his origin, nature and the meaning of being. What is man's place in the universe?
- Culture, spirituality, values
- Society in the era of digitalization
- History
- History of political thought
- Political systems and regimes of society: past, present, future
- Political conflict
- The political aspect of globalization: ethnic groups and states
- Politology
- Universalist and civilizational approaches in historical science
- Reality and mysticism in history: current trends
- History of rewriting history
- Historia est magistra vitae
Proceedings Review
All submitted proceedings will be reviewed by competent reviewers.
Indexing / Supported by
- Each article is assigned Digital Object Identifier (DOI) from CrossRef.
- The proceeding is published with ISBN Number of Czech Republic.
- Each article is placed in the global indexing databases of BASE, ICI Copernicus, Zenodo, OpenAIRE, Lucerne University repository (LORY), EBSCO, J-Gate, Academic Resource Index ResearchBib, International Scientific Indexing (ISI), and eLibrary, Woerld Scientific Library, and Internet Archive for 20 days.
- Each article is added to Google Books during for 45 days.
- Each article and video report are distributed to scientists and researchers included in the addresses' database of the Tuculart Global Review.
- Each article is published on a permanent basis on the web portal of the Publishing House in free access.
- The proceeding is archived in World Research Library.
- SEO optimization is performed for each article and collection to quickly search on the Internet.
- The participant is awarded e-certificate of the author.