Články: Kultura a etnologie

Voloshina, L.A. (2023). Urban man: aesthetics of the future. Culture and Arts in the Context of World Cultural Heritage. Klironomy, 1(7), pp. 51-70. Ostrava: Tuculart Edition, European Institute for Innovation Development.

DOI: 10.47451/cul2023-02-01 ----- Author's Certificate


The main content of the article is the consideration of new trends in the aesthetics of modern cities. What will the city of the future look like in the light of the problem of its perception as an aesthetic phenomenon. The relevance of the study is related to the problems of modern cities as a habitat for a sentient person. The following issues are highlighted: preservation of the cultural heritage of cities in the context of revitalisation; new aesthetics of street art; metamodern architecture and related anthropological problems; the city as an existential phenomenon. The study object is the architecture of modern cities; the subject is modern architecture as an object of artistic perception. The study purpose is to present the process of urban planning in the context of its tasks related to culture as a whole and to man as a subject of perception of the phenomenon of architecture. To achieve this purpose and solve the research tasks, along with philosophical and aesthetic methodology, methods of other sciences were applied: hermeneutical, axiological, existential-phenomenological, semiotic, psychological. The sources used were works on urban studies by such well-known researchers as: N.P. Antsiferov., C. Landry, A.E. Gutnov, I.G. Lezhava, A.G. Rappoport, as well as publications on the Internet by modern observers, cultural figures, authors of architectural projects, artists. Modern urbanism is a creative field where a constant search for new forms and solutions is performed. But all these numerous finds and discoveries are interesting, but not connected by a single idea of creative thought. It is necessary to form a goal that will unite all efforts. And the main content of this goal should be a feeling person.


architecture, urbanism, the city of the future, street art, firewall, revitalisation, postmodern architecture, metamodern, the genius of the place, artistic perception, feeling person,.

Article Index

Buychik, A., & Tomanek, A. (2022). Problems of ethno-cultural intolerance in the European Community in the 21st century. Culture and Arts in the Context of World Cultural Heritage. Klironomy, 6(3), pp. 23-33. Ostrava: Tuculart Edition, European Institute for Innovation Development.

DOI: 10.47451/cul2022-12-01 -------- Author's Certificate 1 ----- Author's Certificate 2


The relevance of this study was determined by the problems of ethno-cultural intolerance in the European community of the 21st century, the roots of which have been growing since ancient times and regularly led to xenophobia and political conflicts. If Western European societies have already passed the stage of tolerance formation and can show a sufficiently high level of tolerance, then Eastern European peoples are still quite insensitive to openness and klironomical understanding of traditions, culture, art, and cultural heritage of other communities. To some extent, the Russian-Ukrainian war is also defined by the phenomenon of ethno-cultural intolerance, associated with political intolerance affecting the former. The subject of the study was the phenomenon of ethno-cultural intolerance in the modern technologically advanced European community. The object of the study was the European community, which is experiencing strong ethno-cultural fluctuations at the beginning of the 21st century. The purpose of the study is to identify the main problems of ethno-cultural intolerance in the European community in the 21st century. Empirical, logical, historical, and comparative analysis were applied to achieve the purpose and solve the study tasks. The research used materials of prominent scientists and researchers in the field of tolerance, xenophobia, ethnic identification and culturalism, as well as official documents of the European Union, UN and UNESCO. The authors identified three main problems of ethno-cultural intolerance in the European community in the 21st century: 1) weak practical application of theoretical documentary developments in the field of tolerance, which leads to a dichotomy; 2) weak definition of criteria for ethno-cultural tolerance, which includes klironomical views on culture, art, traditions, and cultural heritage of other peoples; 3) the desire of some European states, in particular, Eastern European states, to fundamentally associate ethno-cultural intolerance with political intolerance, creating an erroneous idea of the unity of views of a citizen of the country, which can facilitate the influence on his worldview and its management.


tolerance, intolerance, ethno-cultural intolerance, xenophobia, culture, cultural heritage, klironomical view.

Article Index

Vishwanatha. (2022). Kayak – A Note. Role of Language in the development of Indian Culture. Culture and Arts in the Context of World Cultural Heritage. Klironomy, 6(3), pp. 45-48. Ostrava: Tuculart Edition, European Institute for Innovation Development.

DOI: 10.47451/cul2022-11-01 ----- Author's Certificate


This is the story of the spiritual endevour of Basavanna. This philosophy of life by which he lived. This is torch of illumination that he has left as a precious legacy for mankind. This Basavas perennial philosophy of life which is bound to have a universal appeal to mankind all age and man and women. Work is worship “ಾಯಕ ೇ ೈ ಾ”. This statement made by the Lord Basavanna. Who is the great philosopher of the land of Karnataka, Land of India? He emphasised the Importance of the doctrine of work. Sri Basavanna stands out as one of the most outstanding personality in the religious history of India. His life and teachings have been a source of inspiration to millions of people, He revolted against the blind rituals’ superstitions and distraction of cast and creed. Women were treated like cattle. All this was perpetrated in the name of religion and few selfish people. Basavanna revolted against their reactionary forces. He founded on the principles of justice equality for all mankind strapped of all narrow consideration. He resurrected the status of women as an equal of man in all respects. He bought about a social revolution to restore the Status of man in all his human dignity considering all men from all walks of life. Equal in the fellowship of service by preaching the dignity of labour, through his philosophy of Kayak.


12th century vachana literature, Sri Basavanna, Indian Culture, philosophy of Kayaka.

Article Index

Slusaru, I.A.F. (2022). Practices and rituals of today’s consumerism. The particular case of the mobile phone: cultural, biographical and identity object. Culture and Arts in the Context of World Cultural Heritage. Klironomy, 6(3), pp. 34-44. Ostrava: Tuculart Edition, European Institute for Innovation Development. (in Spanish) [Prácticas y rituales de consumismo en la actualidad. El caso particular del teléfono móvil: objeto cultural, biográfico e identitario]

DOI: 10.47451/cul2022-09-02 ----- Author's Certificate


This article focuses on a very relevant topic: current consumption patterns. It mentions the role of the designer involved in the design interaction process according to principles of communication, visual form, economy, technology and logistics. The object of study is a world of users seen as active creators of experience and the main point of research is the object as creator of identity. To exemplify the theoretical aspects, we will take the case of the mobile phone, an omnipresent device, considered as a cultural object. The mobile phone is an element, somewhat hybrid, essential in our immediate environment, which makes our lives easier, more mobile, more complete. It is much more than a sophisticated device. It is a cultural object, not only because of its social implantation, but because, in a fully biographical and identity related sense, it is part of our daily life and of the daily rites in which we build ourselves as individuals and as societies. The mobile phone appears today as a meeting ground between the public and the private, between the market and the social rituals of interaction, between interpersonal communication and cultural consumption, between the symbolic (identity) and the practical (use), between the promise (the world in your pocket) and the reality that mark the new mobile cultures (text and multimedia messages, social networks, nomadic individual leisure and social leisure, image and file sharing, personalization, mobile blogs, etc.). References are made to well-known authors in the field of communication design, e.g., J. Frascara, D. Norman, and B. Bürdek, and mobile technology, e.g., L. Haddon, D. Quarante, and L. Fortunati, through a theoretical monographic methodology, establishing lines of research on the basis of which other studies with technological references can be developed (use of certain objects and technological objects of the future).


consumerism, design, identity, mobile phone, object, consumismo, diseño, identidad, objeto, teléfono móvil.

Article Index

Slusaru, I.A.F. (2022). Psychology of objects and their interaction with our culture and society. Emotional design. Culture and Arts in the Context of World Cultural Heritage. Klironomy, 2(5), pp. 69-100. Ostrava: Tuculart Edition. (in Spanish) [Psicología de los objetos y su interacción con nuestra cultura y sociedad. El diseño emocional]

DOI: 10.47451/cul2022-05-01 ----- Author's Certificate


Numerous designers, sociologists, and psychologists have written about the relationships we establish with objects. Some speak of emotional connections, while others completely distance themselves from the connotation of emotions, valuing only the object’s function. Also, it should be noted that we are talking about inanimate objects, which can only offer us experiences related to the function for which they were created. This article aims to investigate the relationship between the object and the consumer, considering the society in which we live. We are taking into account the psychology of objects and how they play such an essential role in our lives, from their origins to the present. The evolution of object design is parallel to that of society, and it must be so because it has to respond to the needs of each moment. Most of the objects are created for practical purposes, but despite not having a defined use, one could say that decorative objects also have their function: to embellish. The field of study of this article intends to demonstrate also that even practical objects, if they have an aesthetic aspect, are easier to use, respecting specific criteria to be listed. It is about searching, classifying and analyzing each criterion to find a tool for understanding and hierarchical organization with which the individual can order the surrounding stimuli within their world of values and concepts. The methodology used is monographic-theoretical (we are dealing with a topic, an “abstract problem that may or may not have been the subject of other reflections”). It is divided into two parts, one about the theory of objects and the other that deals with the interaction of the object, through its interface, with society, and its psychological qualities. We will also establish right from the beginning the concept of interface as a communicating form and as a communication context of the object. We will take the interface as a communicating aspect of the object with the world, a “language” specific to each object. Just as we humans have our language to communicate, each object has its interface corresponding to its destination (the function for which it was designed). And depending on the “language” used (the interface), we get one response or another from the interlocutor. Each interface represents an identity, the identity of each object through which it communicates with the outside. We will refer to an influential author, Donald Norman, among others, who speak of those emotional aspects that intervene in the functionality of the design. We will summarise by way of conclusion all the criteria mentioned, which could be considered criteria for good design, leaving a record of the research results for future designers, creators of objects and user experiences. Through this study, the possible bases for future research or practical projects that start with the theme of the functionality/attractiveness of objects are established.


objeto, diseño, psicología, comunicación, sociedad, interfaz de objetos, diseño emocional, object, design, psychology, communication, society, object interface, emotional design.

Article Index

Voloshina, L. A. (2022). Beauty in the visual arts as a phenomenon of perception. Cultural Heritage in the Context of Social Development. Klironomy, 1(4), pp. 89-100. Ostrava: Tuculart Edition. (in Russian)

DOI: 10.47451/cul2022-02-01 -------- Author's Certificate


The article is devoted to the beauty topic as the central theme of art. The author considers beauty as a problem of individual perception. The idea of beauty is incorporated into our consciousness. It gives a person the opportunity to comprehend the world as a beauty manifestation, moreover, create this beauty himself. Using the example of painting, the author shows the importance of active perception of artistic work. It is an individual co-creation of the recipient with the author, in which the entire sensory, emotional, intellectual potential of the perceiver is involved. This process is presented as an activity that positively affects the mental and spiritual state of a person. The author concludes that art has an infinite potential for influencing a person since it is connected with our sensitivity since is intended to delight this sensitivity. The knowledge of beauty is contained in us both consciously and unconsciously. The whole history of human culture, since ancient times, tells us about what beauty is. It all depends on the creative individuality of both the artist and recipient, on what everyone specifically wants to get from art.


beauty, painting, sensations, sense of art, aesthetic perception, empathy, artistic symbol, artistic image, perception of art, harmony.

Article Index

Vitruk, G.K., & Buychik, A. (2021). Cultural and tourist cluster “EAEU&APEC Cooperation Park” as a model of harmonious development of Eurasia. Cultural Heritage in the Context of Social Development. Klironomy, 2(2), pp. 27-87. Hlučín-Bobrovníky: “Anisiia Tomanek” OSVČ.

DOI: 10.47451/cul2021-08-001 -------- Author's Certificate 1 -------- Author's Certificate 2


The authors propose to discuss the image-idea of the concept of the International Cultural and Tourist Cluster “EAEU&APEC Co-operation Park” as a pilot minimally viable model of a new social and economic structure of international relations. The cultural and historical national model is proposed as an alternative one to the global and liberal non-national models of development. These models are the economic materialization of two opposite outlooks: spiritual and materialistic, respectively. The substantiation of the choice of the ‘sobornost’ category by the governing principle of modeling is given, its main spiritual and material effects are shown. Klironomy is accepted as the scientific basis of the model of spiritual outlook. The development of a practical model is carried out in the tradition of the conceptual theory of management. The results of the discussion will be used to promote the project and attract the scientific community to the design and study of cluster effects based on sobornost.


sobornost, soborny, love, social and economic model, tourist cluster, klironomy, materialism, idealism, conceptual theory of management.

Article Index

Buychik, A. (2021). The genesis of ethnic relations between the peoples of the European Union on the example of the Italian society’s transformation in the Middle Ages. Ethnic problems of the era of globalization.European Scientific e-Journal, 3(9), 7-24. Hlučín-Bobrovníky: “Anisiia Tomanek” OSVČ.

DOI: 10.47451/eth2021-01-004 -------- Certificate


The issues of historical parallelism of events are relevant at all times because researchers are trying to find cyclically repeated processes in history that help to analyze the course of these processes at the present stage of society’s development, extrapolating the past to the present. The problems of the relationship of nations in the European Union, which are carefully veiled by the EU leadership, have historically ancient origins in the struggle for territories, resources, logistical benefits and political alliances. The genesis of these contradictions is clearly shown in the example of Italy as the heiress of the Roman Empire. The study aimed to identify the complex influence of ethnic migration processes that affected the Apennine Peninsula in the period from the 4th to the 12th centuries, which led to a deep social, economic and political transformation of Italian society and the creation of a basis for relations with neighbouring peoples. The origins of ethnic and cultural contradictions laid down in the period from the 4th to the 12th centuries formed in the local first nations a fairly stable wariness and relative negativism towards neighbouring ethnic groups that became descendants of migrants from the Early and Upper Middle Ages from the East and North. To solve these problems, historical, social and economic, comparative and logical research methods were used, which helped draw the necessary conclusions and conclusions. The materials of the article are intended for scientists, students and researchers in the field of the ethnology of Europe and the Apennine Peninsula.


European ethnic groups, Roman Empire, Holy Empire, Italy, Apennine Peninsula.

Article's Index

Lebedeva, G. N. (2021). Transformation of the social space of an ethnos in historical retrospect: Bulgarian communities in Russia. Ethnic problems of the era of globalization. European Scientific e-Journal, 3(9), 57-69. Hlučín-Bobrovníky: “Anisiia Tomanek” OSVČ.

DOI: 10.47451/eth2021-01-003 -------- Certificate


The social space is constantly changing, which creates difficulties in interpreting this category. There are no ethnic groups that have lived in one place for the entire period of their history. The colonists from the Balkans had a single status, but they were not a single entity at all. A. Skalkovsky (1848) and Nikolai Derzhavin (1914) wrote about Bulgarian settlements. The formation of independent Bulgaria was promoted by the activity of national enlightenment figures in Bulgaria (V.E. Aprilov, M. Drinov, T. Minkov) and the role of the Bulgarian diaspora in Russia. Military conflicts led to the fact that the Bulgarian settlements were on different sides of the borders. After the defeat in the Crimean War, Russia temporarily (until 1878) lost a small part of southern Bessarabia. This territory was ceded to the Principality of Moldavia, a vassal state of the Ottoman Empire. The upheavals of the twentieth century had a heavy impact on Bulgarians. Most of the Russian Bulgarians who lived in the province of Bessarabia were under the rule of the Romanian invaders for 22 years, until 1940. Historical and comparative methods of material analysis were used. In the course of the study, the position of the Bulgarians in the internal Russian conflicts was analyzed. The results of the research published in the article will be useful for specialists in the field of ethnology, ethnography and world history.


Bulgarian diaspora, Ottoman Empire, Bessarabia province, Azov region, colonization, Nikolai Derzhavin, Aprilov, Marin Drinov, T.N. Minkov, S.N. Vankov.

Article's Index

Lebedev, S. V. (2021). Ethnic problems of the Baltic region. Ethnic problems of the era of globalization.European Scientific e-Journal, 3(9), 40-56. Hlučín-Bobrovníky: “Anisiia Tomanek” OSVČ.

DOI: 10.47451/eth2021-01-002 -------- Certificate


The research is devoted to the ethnic problems of the Baltic region (the territory of 3 former Soviet republics – Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania). This topic remains relevant, despite the fact that these republics do not have a special global political, economic and cultural influence. The region has almost lost its industrial potential. In the Baltic States, the population is rapidly declining, returning to the figures of more than a century ago. The research shows the reasons why civil society has not developed in the Baltic States. The result is the fragmentation of society. The basis of the research is based on the historical method. Although there is a fairly significant scientific literature on the history of the region, mainly in Russian, this topic is usually reduced to the history of aboriginal peoples, which cannot be considered historically correct. The Baltic republics will gradually fade away, which will only paradoxically spur the struggle for these empty territories. The results of the study will be applicable in the field of ethnological research within the framework of the development of a single European space and the preservation of historical and cultural heritage.


Baltic States, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Ostsee region, Ostsee Germans, ‘Russian-speaking population’, ‘non-citizens’, emigration, diasporas.

Article's Index

Tkáčová, H. (2021). Intolerance across generations: the relation of the Slovak majority to the Jewish minority before, during and after the fall of the communist regime (selected aspects). Ethnic problems of the era of globalization.European Scientific e-Journal, 3(9), 25-39. Hlučín-Bobrovníky: “Anisiia Tomanek” OSVČ.

DOI: 10.47451/eth2021-01-001 -------- Certificate


The paper presents the theoretical basis of the issue of existence and application of intolerant attitudes of the majority population in relation to the minority Jewish community in Slovakia. We focus primarily on selected aspects of intolerance against Jews – specifically Slovak nationalism (i.e., political clericalism) and Jewish antisemitism. The starting point of the article is quantitative and qualitative research of Slovaks’ attitudes in the past, in which several experts revealed a negative stereotypical and negative perception of “difference”, which is understood as “not Slovak”, event. not “ours”. We point out that the given attitude extends across generations and across periods (before communism, during it and after communism, i.e. to the present). Subsequently, the text presents the observations that emerged from the survey itself. The aim of the qualitative survey was to describe and analyse the opinions and attitudes of respondents in relation to Jews in Slovakia.


intolerance, Jews, Slovaks, attitudes, communism, research, personal experience.

Article's Index

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