Články: Historie

Lebedev, S. V. (2023). Year of futurism: Who and how will move the science of the future. Actual Issues of Modern Science. European Scientific e-Journal, 24, 109-133. Ostrava: Tuculart Edition & European Institute for Innovation Development.

DOI: 10.47451/his2023-03-01 ----- Author's Certificate -----


Today, world science is in a paradoxical position. On the one hand, the word “science” itself constantly, out of place and out of place, is heard in the mouths of politicians, journalists, entrepreneurs and even scientists themselves. Today, even religious sectarians, in addition to using modern means of communication, they often call their “teachings” as “scientific”. On the other hand, it is hard to deny that since the 1970s there were no fundamental breakthrough directions in world science. In essence, everything that is considered “the latest achievement”, “the most advanced technology”, was developed, first as experimental developments, then as separate copies, and then as mass production for the mass consumer, was created back in the 19th and first half of the 20th century. The study subject was the historical evolution of scientific thought. The study object was the scientific environment and scientific thought in the time frame. The study purpose was to search for patterns in the development of scientific thought in the regional and historical aspect. To achieve the study purpose and solve the tasks, historical, comparative, and logical methods were used. In the study course, the author used the works of foreign and Russian researchers, scientists, politicians and philosophers. The author concludes that the crisis of world science is a crisis of Western science. For many reasons, the countries of the modern West are in a state of gradual, but increasingly visible retreat from the leading positions in science and technology. Today, the countries of the global East are less and less dependent on Western technologies and are gradually beginning to take the vanguard positions in the world science of the post-Western world in the middle of the 21st century.


science, future, futurism, scientific discoveries, evolution of science, наука, будущее, футуризм, научные открытия, эволюция науки.

Article's Index

Lebedeva, G.N. (2022). Features of the historical and political development of the Baltic countries in the 1910s. Collection of Scientific Articles on History, Philosophy, and Political Sciences. Tuculart Global Review, 1 (1), 28-42. Ostrava: Tuculart Edition.
Лебедева, Г.Н. (2022). Особенности историко-политического развития стран Прибалтики в 1910-х годах. Collection of Scientific Articles on History, Philosophy, and Political Sciences. Tuculart Global Review, 1 (1), 28-42. Ostrava: Tuculart Edition. (на англ.)

DOI: 10.47451/his2022-05-01 ---------- Author's Certificate


On August 1, 1914, the First World War broke out, and everything changed decisively for the Baltic States, and for Russia, and for the whole world as a whole. At the same time, no one could foresee all the consequences of the war. And at the same time, the Baltic peoples were among the most affected in the 1914-20 wars. The author presents the results of a study of the historical and political development of the Baltic countries in the 1910s. The study analysed the political state of Lithuania at the beginning of the 20th century, identified the features of the period of occupation of Lithuanian lands in 1915-1917, presented statistical data on the emigration process that swept the Baltic States during the period under study, and also determined the contribution of the Latvian and Estonian military to the political transformations of the Russian army and territory of the Russian Empire Historical, comparative, logical, and deductive research methods were used. In the course of scientific research, numerous historical and statistical sources published in Russia and the Baltic countries, as well as the works of famous researchers, were used.


Baltic States, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, World War I, State Duma, Austria-Hungary, Courland, Прибалтика, Литва, Латвия, Эстония, Первая мировая война, Государственная Дума, Австро-Венгрия, Курляндия.

Article's Index

Mroziuk, T. (2022). Citizen’s propositions towards the future form of government in the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth in 1789-1790. Collection of Scientific Articles on History, Philosophy, and Political Sciences. Tuculart Global Review, 1 (1), 15-27. Ostrava: Tuculart Edition. (in Polish)
Mroziuk, T. (2022). Obywatelskie propozycje względem przyszłego ustroju politycznego Rzeczypospolitej Obojga Narodów z lat 1789-1790. Collection of Scientific Articles on History, Philosophy, and Political Sciences. Tuculart Global Review, 1 (1), 15-27. Ostrava: Tuculart Edition.

DOI: 10.47451/his2022-04-02 ---------- Author's Certificate


The Sejm, which had been meeting in Warsaw since the autumn of 1788, 7 September 1789 appointed a deputation whose task was to draw up a new state constitution. The resolution called on the nobility to submit their own proposals in this area. The aim of article is to specify and subsequently examine the texts containing these proposals for the reform of the Polish-Lithuanian political system. The texts are very diverse in content and scope. The proposals were divided into those relating to axiology, the sejm, the king, the king’s council and the ruling commission, the administration and the social order. Generally speaking, they represented a republican vision of a state in which the nobility occupies a privileged position. The legislative body of the nobility is the sejm, which consists of the deputies elected in the nobility assemblies. Executive power is exercised by the king, the king’s council, and ruling commissions. The king’s council and commissions are subordinate to the parliament. The King is, as they said at the time, “the father of the fatherland”. There were no reports on the judiciary, as they were not dealt with by the Deputation. The social order relates essentially to two texts, which call for limited reforms in this area. Ideas contained in the texts are specific for mercantilism and physiocratism and for free market economy. The summary indicates which of these proposals were taken into account in the draft form of government prepared and submitted to the Sejm in 1790.


constitution, form of government, reform, king, sejm, The Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth, Deputation for Form of Government, Project for Form of Government, remarks, thoughts, konstytucja, forma rządu, reforma, król, sejm, Rzeczpospolita Obojga Narodów, Deputacja do Formy Rządów, Projekt do Formy Rządu, uwagi, myśli.

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Alpysbes, M.A., & Aleushinov, F.T. (2022). Description of clan rulers’ relations within the khanate in Northern and Central Kazakhstan in the period from the 18th to the early 20th centuries. Collection of Scientific Articles on History, Philosophy, and Political Sciences. Tuculart Global Review, 1 (1), 51-62. Ostrava: Tuculart Edition. (in Russian)
Алпысбес, М.А., Алеушинов, Ф.Т. (2022). Описание родоправительных отношений в рамках ханской власти в Северном и Центральном Казахстане в период XVIII – начале XX веков. Collection of Scientific Articles on History, Philosophy, and Political Sciences. Tuculart Global Review, 1 (1), 51-62. Ostrava: Tuculart Edition.

DOI: 10.47451/his2022-04-01 ---------- Author's Certificate 1 ---------- Author's Certificate 2


This article reflects the results of a comparative analysis of historical sources that show the nature and characteristics of clan-ruling relations in Northern and Central Kazakhstan, which were the northern gates of the Kazakh Khanate, in the period from the 18th to the early 20th centuries. This is the period when the annexation of the Middle Zhuz took place by the Russian Empire. Traditional tribal relations of the patriarchal type are still noted in the region, based on classical nomadic animal husbandry as a special way of managing the economy of the Kazakh people. However, there are characteristic changes in tribal relations, expressed in a gradual change of the power of Genghisides. They are being replaced by sultans and volosts more loyal to the tsarist government, many of whom were from the common people. The power of the khans was abolished by the Russian colonial authorities from outside. The institutions of biys and qazis still retain their strength, and the institution of Tarkhanism are developing. The influence of imperial power on the peoples and the system of traditional family relations was constantly growing. The institution of aksakals of Kazakh society continued to retain its functional features until the 1930s. The study of the traditional organization and institution of the ancestral rulers of the aksakals is also associated with the question of Kazakh ethnicity and ethnic identity. Ethnicity, as a specific property of a certain community of people, distinguishing them from others and denoting special and characteristic cultural features, included such particularly significant elements as ethnic self-consciousness, including the idea of a common consanguineous, kinship and ancestral origin, and the historical memory of connection with a certain territory as the dwelling place of their forefathers and ancestors; corporate solidarity, built on the fundamental principles of kinship and property, with legendary family histories and dynastic traditions of the clan and tribe; spiritual values that serve to consolidate and support the interests of the unity of the ethnic corporation cluster. The consolidated ethnic environment of the Kazakh society was especially distinguished by a single common territory, common land use on a communal basis, consanguineous ethnic identity, social, cultural, and economic interconnection. The analysis of the clan structure reveals the importance of ethno-social organization in the formation of a generalized idea of the unity of an ethnic territory through the history of clan organizations, which, in turn, formed the order of communal land tenure and legitimized it.


Northern Kazakhstan, Central Kazakhstan, Kazakhs, clan, zhuz, parent-ruler, maternity relations, khan, sulan, biy, hajjis, tarkhans, imperial power.

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Lebedev, S. V. (2021). The aristocracy of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania – Sarmatism, pollination and “remembering” about its origin. Rethinking of history: conflict of facts and hypotheses. European Scientific e-Journal, 7(13), 7-28. Hlučín: “Anisiia Tomanek” OSVČ.

DOI: 10.47451/his2021-09-004 ----- Author's Certificate ----- Conference Certificate


The history of the development of the ruling elite invariably arouses interest not only among professional historians, but also among those who are commonly called “ordinary people”. Of course, in every country and in every historical epoch, the ruling elite has its own characteristics. The feudal elite of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania has passed a special path stretching for six centuries, repeatedly changing nationality and religion, but at the same time preserving its main features and mentality. The article is devoted to the processes of formation and development of the aristocracy of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania in the period from the 14th to the 20th centuries. The domination of a very numerous and ambitious estate created a unique socio-political system of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania, largely inherited by the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth after the merger of Lithuania and Poland into one state. After the disappearance of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth from the political map of the world, the aristocracy experienced significant social changes that caused changes in the ethnic identity of the former aristocracy.


Grand Duchy of Lithuania, Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth, boyars, Szlachta, magnates, Sarmatism.

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Alpysbes, A. M. (2021). On the new accents in rethinking the history of the Golden Horde (in the understanding of the unity of the Turkic community). Rethinking of history: conflict of facts and hypotheses. European Scientific e-Journal, 7(13), 102-135. Hlučín: “Anisiia Tomanek” OSVČ. (in Russian)

DOI: 10.47451/his2021-09-003 ----- Author's Certificate ----- Conference Certificate


The article’s author undertakes the rethinking of certain interesting facts of the history of Ulug Ulus – the Golden Horde, through the scientific interpretation of the works of Abai, Shakarim, Mashhur Zhusup, and is aimed at analyzing views on the history of Ulug Ulus in the context of the unity of the Turkic peoples. This kind of discussion provides us with an opportunity to present a new vision of this issue, as well as to identify the necessary new accents to the consideration and presentation of the history of the Golden Horde state, to assess its role in the history of the Great Steppe. Research on the history of Ulug Ulus is now in demand by a wide readership and is very relevant. To date, there are many monographic studies, collections of materials, anthologies, scientific articles on the history of the Golden Horde that are popular and well-known among experts. There were publications, articles and books that consider particular and specific issues of the history of the Golden Horde. These works are for the most part works of generalizing nature, contributing to the assimilation of the given material, and their conclusions, comprehension, presentation and explanation of historical facts and events in the history of this state were carried out within the framework of the Soviet historical school. In teaching history, Golden Horde history is most often presented only as a period or stage of history, while in Soviet publications it was most often presented as the process of enslavement of peoples, as a one-sided interpretation, and there was an established name “Tatar-Mongol invasion”, “Tatar-Mongol yoke”. Nowadays such new concepts as “Turkic-Tatar states”, “Turkic state” are sometimes used. Of course, in the conditions of hanging such labels, there could be no question of any objective view of the history of Ulug Ulus. We need the new view of the history of the Turkic peoples, free from prejudices, labels and clichés. As we see it, it is necessary to make a transition from the views and judgments that have developed within the framework of external sources and external historiography to the priority of internal sources and internal historiography. We propose to implement the experience of this kind of new vision by referring to the historical memory of the carriers and subjects of this history – the Turkic Kazakhs and other Turkic ethnic groups. So, for example, if you delve into the works of pre-revolutionary Kazakh authors, Abai, Shakarim, Mashhur-Zhusup, which were written before the establishment of the dominance of the Soviet paradigm in history, Chingiz Kagan appears to us not as an oppressor, but as a collector of the heritage and lands of the Turkic kagans.


Desht-i Kypchak, Ulug Ulus, Jochi, Batu, Uzbek, Urus-khan, Toktamys, Edige, Mongol-Tatars, Turkic peoples, culture, empire, post-Horde states.

Article's Index

Lebedev, S.V., & Lebedeva, G.N. (2021). The struggle for the transition to the “royal faith”. From the History of Orthodoxy in the Baltic States. Rethinking of history: conflict of facts and hypotheses. European Scientific e-Journal, 7(13), 52-79. Hlučín: “Anisiia Tomanek” OSVČ.

DOI: 10.47451/his2021-09-002 ----- Author's Certificate ----- Author's Certificate ----- Conference Certificate ----- Conference Certificate


The study relevance lies in the fact that in the public consciousness in our time, the Baltic States are defined as a border region, which is associated with the clash of different religions, languages and cultures. It is also connected with the problems of self-identification of peoples, especially after the collapse of the USSR. The cultural-historical and comparative methods are the main methods of research. The Baltic States are the territory of the former Livonia, which later makes up three Russian provinces – Estonia, Courland and Livonia. These provinces formed a separate general government of the Russian Empire – the Baltic Region. According to the German name of the Baltic Sea – Ostsee, this region was even called Ostsee in the Russian press (now it is the area of Estonia and Latvia). Orthodoxy was the first Christian confession that came to the present-day Latvia and Estonia territory in the 11th century from neighbouring Russian regions. Russian Orthodoxy has been subjected to various oppressions in various periods. The study purpose is to analyze the struggle for the transition to the “royal faith” in the Baltic States. To achieve the study purpose, archival materials and materials from the works of leading Russian, Estonian, Latvian and Polish historians in the field of the topic were used. The study authors conclude that the indigenous inhabitants of the Baltic States were not only loyal subjects of the Russian emperors but also loyal citizens of the USSR. And the issues of religion play a decisive role in the identification and fate of peoples, being the main issue in the border and developed territories.


Baltic States, Baltic countries, Riga Diocese, Orthodoxy in the Baltic States, Ostseian law, half-Believers, Lutheranism, resettlement movement, Baltic Russians.

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Alpysbes, A. M., & Yergaliyeva, D. S. (2021). The Revolt of Three Kazakh Districts (Ili, Altai, Tarbaghatai) against Chinese rule in Xinjiang: A Cold War Prologue (1944-1949). Rethinking of history: conflict of facts and hypotheses. European Scientific e-Journal, 7(13), 29-51. Hlučín: “Anisiia Tomanek” OSVČ.

DOI: 10.47451/his2021-09-001 ----- Author's Certificate ----- Author's Certificate ----- Conference Certificate ----- Conference Certificate


The article argues that the first military operation of the Cold War occurred in three provinces, populated mostly by Kazaks, in Xinjiang (northwest China): Ili, Tarbaghatai, and Altai between 1944 – 1949. The uprising, known as the Three Districts Revolution, was between the Soviet-backed East Turkestan Republic (ETR) and the Kuomintang authorities supported by the US. In 1947, a leader of the liberation movement, Ospan Batyr, changed political allegiance to Kuomintang and began fighting the East Turkestan Republic reflecting the changing struggle between the two sides. The article outlines the competition between the United States and the Soviet Union, resulting in clashes between the Kazakh groups of Ospan batyr and Dalelhan Sugirbayev, the fight for land containing tungsten mines, the Peitashang incident, which almost started World War III, and a mysterious plane crash, which killed most members of the East Turkestan Republic government and coincided with the testing of the first Soviet atomic bomb.


Ospan Batyr, the Kazaks, the East Turkestan, the ETR, the Cold War.

Article's Index

Pyvovar, S. F. (2021). Russian SS in the German-Soviet war of 1941-1945. Rethinking of history: conflict of facts and hypotheses. European Scientific e-Journal, 7(13), 80-101. Hlučín: “Anisiia Tomanek” OSVČ. (in Ukrainian)

DOI: 10.47451/his2021-06-001 ----- Author's Certificate ----- Conference Certificate


The article examines the problem of cooperation of ethnic Russians with the Nazi organization of the SS during the German-Soviet war of 1941-1945, which was little studied in historical science. The study reveals the essence, content and forms of cooperation of Russians with various bodies, units and formations of the SS, clarifies some facts, summarizes disparate information, compares the assessments of researchers to determine the quantity of Russians who cooperated with the SS. The study revealed significant discrepancies in the scientific literature to determine the quantity of Russians who collaborated with the SS during the German-Soviet War. In this regard, researchers have not yet could establish the exact Russians who served in the SS.


SS troops, prisoners of war, volunteers, сollaborationism, German-Soviet war, Russian SS.

Article's Index

Lebedeva, G. N. (2021). HOMO ACADEMICUS. Part I. Scientific and Public organizations of the Russian Empire: between State Responsibility and Private Initiative. Eastern European humanitarian collection of mini monographs. European Scientific e-Journal, 1(7), 58-102. Hlučín-Bobrovníky: “Anisiia Tomanek” OSVČ. (in Russian)

DOI: 10.47451/his2020-12-006 ---------- Certificate


Homo academicus was the title of a book by Pierre Bourdieu, published in Russia in 2017. Research of the person, his chances in the period of formation of scientific organizations – a research topic. The monograph is devoted to the development of scientific organizations of the Slavic peoples. The philosophical and anthropological grounds for the preservation of cultural heritage and creation in the Russian Empire in the 18 and first half of the 19 centuries are considered. The author traced how the scientific and practical activities of Russian statesmen and scientists formed programs and institutions for the preservation of cultural heritage. The author concludes that the processes of nation formation are closely connected with national culture, the formation of cultural centers, the dissemination of education, the press, etc. At the time of the formation of the nation, the problem of language acquires an important role – its dissemination, the creation of norms of the national literary language. Therefore, the study of culture should be combined with lingue-social problems.


Homo academicus, Pierre Bourdieu, scientific organizations, cultural identity, nation, cultural heritage, Imperial Russian Academy of Sciences.

Article's Index

Lebedev, S. V. (2021). The struggle for the North-Western Region. Russian-Polish confrontation in Lithuania and Belarus (1795-1862). Eastern European humanitarian collection of mini monographs. European Scientific e-Journal, 1(7), 5-57. Hlučín-Bobrovníky: “Anisiia Tomanek” OSVČ. (in Russian)

DOI: 10.47451/his2020-12-005 ---------- Certificate


Although 225 years have passed since the third partition of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth, after which Poland as a state disappeared from the map of Europe altogether, this historical event has not ceased to be relevant. The territorial component of the former Grand Duchy of Lithuania, which was part of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth with some autonomy since 1569, is analyzed. The author of the article examines the most difficult question of the history of Lithuania and Belarus in the framework of the Russian-Polish confrontation. The article presents historical facts that are not popularized, but are extremely important for the critical analysis of political and cultural processes that took place in the North-Western Region in the 19th century. The author concludes that the persistent and ongoing struggle with varying success did not end with the victory of one of the parties, but only with the fact that the Polish side lost more, having lost a significant part of its influence on the inhabitants of the region.


North-Western Region, Lithuania, Belarus, Russian Empire, Kingdom of Poland, Grand Duchy of Lithuania, Szlachta, Vilna, St Petersburg.

Article's Index

Lebedev, S. V. (2020). The Ostsee issue in the second half of the 19th century. Historical values and problems of their interpretation. European Scientific e-Journal, 5(5), 27-38. Hlučín-Bobrovníky: “Anisiia Tomanek” OSVČ.

DOI: 10.47451/his2020-12-004 ---------- Certificate


In the second 19th century, one of the most acute issues in the internal Russian polemics was the question of the Ostsee (Baltic). This region had a kind of autonomy, being three self-governing Russian provinces. The indigenous people (who in the second half of the century before last acquired the names of Estonians and Latvians) were even legally considered second-class people. Russian publicists of the conservative direction, speaking out against the special order of administration of the region, largely contributed to the national development of local nationalities. This article shows the role and significance of Russian conservative publicists who fought against the German (Ostsee) orders in the region. The results of this struggle are also shown, during which it became possible to talk about the formation of the Baltic Nations from the totality of the lower classes.


Ostsee issue, Baltic provinces, Prussia, Katkov, Aksakov, Rohrbach, Moscow Vedomosti; остзейский вопрос, прибалтийский губернии, Пруссия, Катков, Аксаков, Рорбах, Московские ведомости.

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Lebedeva, G. N. (2020). On the borders of Slavic identity: the search for self-determination and comparative analysis. Historical values and problems of their interpretation. European Scientific e-Journal, 5(5), 39-51. Hlučín-Bobrovníky: “Anisiia Tomanek” OSVČ.

DOI: 10.47451/his2020-12-003 ---------- Certificate


Language as a collective memory of the people, the historical past of the language is the embodiment of the spirit of the people; this is what was common to Russian and Czech figures in the first half of the 19th century. The names and biographies of outstanding scientists, who have made a great contribution to the science of their country, their abilities are not only history but also scientific information, concepts and the search for new knowledge. The article is devoted to the development of scientific organizations of the Slavic peoples. The nation is constantly changing, and each historical epoch corresponds to its idea of the nation. By the end of the 18th century, the southern and Western Slavic peoples had been under the foreign yoke for several centuries. As a result of active activity, Slavic literary languages, scientific and cultural organizations emerged.


science, Russian Academy, Dictionary of the Russian Academy, Slavs, E.R. Dashkova, A.S. Shishkov, Slovenian language, buditeli, Y. Dobrovsky, V. Hanka, P.Y. Šafařík; наука, Российская Академия, Словарь Академии Российской славяне, Е.Р. Дашкова, А.С. Шишков, «словенский» язык, будители, Й.Добровский, В. Ганка, П.Й. Шафарик.

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Alpysbes, A. M., & Tukpatullin, T. S. (2020). Urbanization as a cultural process and a value phenomenon. Historical values and problems of their interpretation. European Scientific e-Journal, 5(5), 16-26. Hlučín-Bobrovníky: “Anisiia Tomanek” OSVČ. (in Russian)

DOI: 10.47451/his2020-12-002 ---------- Certificate ---------- Certificate


Urbanization and scientific and technological progress have increased the influence of the new social reality on the individual and society. There comes a historical period when the absolute majority of citizens of the entire planet will live in cities, which in itself is a global phenomenon. This will lead to a fundamental revision of the urban mentality, which is currently experiencing a period of strong influence of the outgoing traditional thinking. The article reveals the topic of the influence of urbanization on the formation of cultural and axiological aspects of mentality. The article discusses the issue of positive and negative changes occurring in the way of thinking of newly arrived urban residents, and inconsistencies in understanding between the rural and urban worldview. The actors of the formation of urban culture and values are considered, as well as the prospects for their further development. The author concludes that the clash of values of traditional society and urban society can be compared with the clash of the cults of tradition and the cult of innovation. These two main components of human psychology change places in the course of urbanization. It becomes obvious that the process of urbanization is not unlimited.


urbanization, culture, values, city, mentality.

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Shlyakhovsky, A. A. (2020). Trafficking in human beings for the purpose of labor exploitation: a historical aspect. Historical values and problems of their interpretation. European Scientific e-Journal, 5(5), 5-15. Hlučín-Bobrovníky: “Anisiia Tomanek” OSVČ. (in Ukrainian)

DOI: 10.47451/his2020-12-001 ---------- Certificate


Human trafficking is a global problem. Forms of human trafficking that are not related to sexual exploitation, in particular, labor exploitation, are becoming increasingly widespread. The spread of this form of exploitation is due to the high economic benefits for organized crime. The article examines the main historical stages of the emergence of slavery in different epochs of world civilizations. It is concluded that during the formation and development of such types of management as hunting, fishing and cattle breeding, slavery was not advisable. The concludes that such a phenomenon as slavery was not inherent in primitive society. In particular, during the formation and development of such types of management as hunting, fishing and cattle breeding, slavery was not advisable. Slavery appeared with the emergence of the first civilizations.


slavery, human trafficking, exploitation, historical stages.

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Orlova, L. Y. (2020). Ancient Novgorod civil society. Past and present in the philosophy of social development. Past and present in the philosophy of social development. European Scientific e-Journal, 2(2), 74-86. Hlučín-Bobrovníky: “Anisiia Tomanek” OSVČ.

DOI: 10.47451/his2020-09-002 ---------- Certificate


Ancient civilization, of which civil society is certainly an integral part, had a huge impact on the subsequent development of civil societies around the world. The romanization of ‘barbarian’ peoples, which began in the heyday of the Roman Republic, absorbed many of the principles and organizational forms of Roman civil society. Western European civil society of the 17th and 18th centuries and our modern civil society as a reference turned to the ancient civil society. In article various approaches to understanding Ancient Novgorod civil society are considered, is analyzed democratic principles in activity of the Novgorod republic. Th author concludes that the Ancient Novgorod civil society not only enriched the world practice but also created an original type of civil society. One of the Russian idea’s representatives, G. Fedotov, who developed the theory of the Orthodox democratic state, believed that this had already happened once in Russian history, meaning “the creation of a unique Orthodox democracy in Novgorod”


The Novgorod republic from 12th to 15th centuries, a civil society, veche, Veche democracy, the prince, a national home guard, birchbark reading and writing, masterful, merchants, trade.

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Lebedeva, G.N. (2020). Publications of M.N. Katkov about Czech guests at the Slavic Congress of 1867. Past and present in the philosophy of social development. European Scientific e-Journal, 2(2), 63-73. Hlučín-Bobrovníky: “Anisiia Tomanek” OSVČ. (in Czech)

DOI: 10.47451/his2020-09-001 ---------- Certificate


Freethinking and rationalism, as the main ideas of the Enlightenment, dominated throughout the 19th and most of the 20th century. They were based on the values of equality, justice, reason, progress, which, above all, contributed to the consolidation of entire nations. The Enlightenment affected not only Western Europe, but also Russia and the Slavic countries. Slavic societies experienced a transition to capitalist attitudes, where they required a different way of thinking and a special level of self-awareness. The article deals with the events related to the formation of the Czech and Slavic identity. The Association and activity of groups of intellectuals contributed to the preservation of language, culture and the formation of national identity. In the Czech Republic, this role was assumed by the adherents. The author concludes that the activity and awakening of the national consciousness are carried out by intellectuals from the people, and in the Czech version there were alarm clocks. Leading Russian media, especially Moscow Vedomosti, described in great detail and objectively the course of the Slavic Congress. The results of this congress had a huge impact on the further development of the world Slavic movement.


adherents, Matice česká, F. Palatsky, assimilation, Germanization, Slavic Congress, M.N. Katkov, Moscow Vedomosti, pan-Slavism.

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