Články: Geografie a geologie

Veselinova, N. (2022). Die Natur als Faktor bei der geographischen Erklärung der bulgarischen historischen Geographie. Actual Issues of Modern Science. European Scientific e-Journal, 23(8), 24-32. Ostrava: Tuculart Edition, European Institute for Innovation Development.
Veselinova, N. (2022). Nature as a factor in the geographical explanation of Bulgarian historical geography. Actual Issues of Modern Science. European Scientific e-Journal, 23(8), 24-32. Ostrava: Tuculart Edition, European Institute for Innovation Development. (In German)

DOI: 10.47451/geo2022-11-01 -------- Author's Certificate


Verbindung zwischen Geographie und Geschichte als zwei der ältesten Wissenschaften beginnt noch am Anfang der wissenschaftlichen Erkenntnisse. Auch heute werden diese zwei Wissenschaften von vielen Wissenschaftlern nicht als untrennbar verbunden wahrgenommen. Die Versuche für eine getrennte Entwicklung haben sowohl zu ihrer Verzögerung, als auch zu der Unmöglichkeit für gegenseitige Unterstützung geführt. Die Studie zielt darauf ab, die Bedeutung der Geographie in der historischen Bildung und Praxis in Bulgarien aufzuzeigen. Die Studie erfordert die Verwendung bestimmter Methoden bei der Untersuchung natürlicher Merkmale und Phänomene. Die bei der Ausarbeitung verwendeten Methoden sind vielfältig und nicht unbedingt rein geografisch. Zu den wichtigsten gehören die deskriptive, vergleichende und historische Methode. Die Schlussfolgerungen beziehen sich auf die Notwendigkeit der Einführung geografischer Disziplinen in die Ausbildung von Geschichtsstudenten an Hochschulen im Land. Dies ist von größter Bedeutung. Sowohl in der schulischen als auch in der universitären Ausbildung im Land verfügen die zukünftigen Historiker über eine unzureichende geografische Ausbildung.
The relationship between geography and history as two of the oldest sciences dates back to the beginning of scientific knowledge. For many scientists, even today, these two sciences are not accepted as inextricably linked. Attempts to develop separately led to their backwardness and the inability to help each other. The research aims to show the importance of geography in historical education and practice in Bulgaria. The study requires the use of methods, which are diverse and not necessarily purely geographical. The most important are the descriptive, comparative, and historical methods. The conclusion is related to the introduction of geographical disciplines in history education in higher education institutions in Bulgaria. It is is very important. Historian students in their school and university education have insufficient geographical training.


Geografie, Geschichte, historische Geografie, geographische Bildung, historische Bildung, geography, history, historical geography, geographical education, historical education, география, история, историческа география, географско образование, историческо образование.

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Vladev, D. (2022). Geomorphological characteristic of the plateaus in Northeastern Bulgaria. Actual Issues of Modern Science. European Scientific e-Journal, 7(22), 63-83. Ostrava: Tuculart Edition, European Institute for Innovation Development.

DOI: 10.47451/geo2022-10-01 -------- Author's Certificate


The work deals with the geomorphological characteristics of the plateaus in Northeastern Bulgaria. It gives information about the geography, relief and rocks of the plateaus. Special attention has been paid to the borders, morphology, hydrography, the surface rocks, geomorphological characteristics (flat surfaces and river terraces) and the manifestation of the exogenic processes. The geomorphological analysis was carried out in connection with the use of the plateaus as a geomorphological resource. The analysis deals with the unique combination of specific relief forms, various hydrological sites, a unique landscape, natural and historical landmarks. Special attention has been paid to the nature parks, reserves, protected natural landmarks and hunting grounds in the area of the plateaus in Northeastern Bulgaria. The text is visually enriched with original map material and author’s photos of characteristic sites in the area of the plateaus. In the final part of the text there are recommendations to competent local and government institutions to direct their efforts in utilizing the still unappreciated unique relief forms and natural landmarks. To do that, competent specialists should be employed, who will draw up a marketing strategy for the utilization and popularization of the natural landmarks and the cultural-historic heritage of the plateaus in Northeastern Bulgaria.


relief forms, plateaus, paleogeomorphological development, geological formations, current geomorphological processes, geotouristic potential; форми на релефа, плата, палеогеоморфоложко развитие, геоложки образувания, съвременни геоморфоложки процеси, геотуристически потенциал.

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