Články: Ekonomika

Medvedeva, N. K. (2023). Academic entrepreneurship in the University community: world and Russian experience. Actual Issues of Modern Science. European Scientific e-Journal, 25, pp. 32-50. European Scientific e-Journal. Ostrava: Tuculart Edition & European Institute for Innovation development.

DOI: 10.47451/ecn2023-06-02 ------- Author's Certificate


In modern conditions, the system of higher education is undergoing changes at the national and global levels. The development of innovative areas of economics has led to the fact that higher academic institutions (universities) are now not only preparing specialists for the modern needs of the economy and society, but also becoming centers for innovative research and development. The integration of universities with representatives of the business community is increasing to simplify the process of commercialisation of university innovative developments. The study object was the higher school sector. The study subject was the entrepreneurial activity of universities in Russia and foreign countries. The study purpose was to consider the features of the implementation of the system of academic entrepreneurship in the Russian Federation and in foreign countries and to determine the trends of its development. During the study, the author applied general scientific methods, including comparison, generalisation, comparison, abstraction, deduction and induction. To achieve the purpose and solve the tasks set, regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation, research materials of Russian and foreign specialists in university environment development were used. The author systematised approaches to the definition of the phenomenon of academic entrepreneurship and analysed the features of academic entrepreneurship in leading and regional Russian universities, as well as in foreign countries, at the level of desk studies.


academic entrepreneurship, innovative infrastructure of the university, commercialisation of the results of innovative activity of universities, innovative development of the university, академическое предпринимательство, инновационная инфраструктура университета, коммерциализации результатов инновационной деятельности университетов, инновационное развитие университета.

Article's Index

Oliinyk, A. A., Piankova, O. V., Sierova, L. P., & Slokva, M. G. (2023). The role of the ICT sector in foreign economic activity of Ukraine. Actual Issues of Modern Science. European Scientific e-Journal, 25, pp. 18-31. European Scientific e-Journal. Ostrava: Tuculart Edition & European Institute for Innovation development.

DOI: 10.47451/ecn2023-06-01 ------- Author's Certificate 1 ------- Author's Certificate 2 ------- Author's Certificate 3 ------- Author's Certificate 4


This article explores the role of Ukraine’s Information and Communication Technology (ICT) sector in shaping the nation’s foreign economic activities. It analyses the sector’s trajectory, market positioning, challenges faced, and strategic approaches adopted by Ukrainian IT companies. The study encompasses a comprehensive methodology involving quantitative analysis of trade data, qualitative examination of sector growth and challenges, and comparative assessment of strategies for international market entry. The analysis reveals the transformative impact of the ICT sector on Ukraine’s foreign economic activities, highlighting its role in reshaping trade patterns and market access. Despite challenges posed by geopolitical events, including a full-scale war, the ICT sector demonstrates resilience and adaptability. The authors offer insights for policymakers and industry leaders to foster a conducive business environment, promote innovation, and sustain the sector’s growth. Ukraine’s engagement with the ICT sector positions it as a significant contender in the global technology landscape, contributing to the transformation of the international economic order.


ICT, foreign economic activity, export, import, world market, ІКТ, зовнішньоекономічна діяльність, експорт, імпорт, світовий ринок.

Article's Index

Rohozian, Yu. S. (2023). Problems of evaluating the efficiency of local area restoration in Ukraine through the prism of humanitarian demining. Actual Issues of Modern Science. European Scientific e-Journal, 25, pp. 7-17. European Scientific e-Journal. Ostrava: Tuculart Edition & European Institute for Innovation development.

DOI: 10.47451/ecn2023-05-03 ------- Author's Certificate


The presented study is devoted to highlighting the role of humanitarian demining in the process of restoring local territories of Ukraine affected by military operations, with an emphasis on the problems of assessing the effectiveness of this process. The study purpose was to substantiate the role of humanitarian demining in the process of evaluating the efficiency of the restoration of local territories of Ukraine in the context of war. The theoretical basis was the provisions of economic theory, regional economics, scientific works of domestic and foreign scholars on the restoration of local territories. The article also uses an additional method of regional economics – analysis and synthesis (in the theoretical justification of humanitarian demining before planning the restoration of territories). The information base of the study was statistical data and legal acts of Ukraine, European and Ukrainian information and analytical reviews, scientific and methodical publications. The author presents humanitarian demining as the first stage of territorial restoration, based on the results of modern scientific research and analytical materials. It concludes impossibility to restore the local territories of Ukraine without the successful implementation of all stages of humanitarian demining and security. Before planning the further life of the territories, the author stresses the crucial importance of successful implementation of all stages of humanitarian demining. The author examines the local dimension of evaluating the effectiveness of territorial development using the example of the Trostianets urban territorial community in the Sumy region as well as identifies the main social prerequisites for its restoration.


efficiency, restoration, evaluation, local territories, territorial communities, humanitarian demining, результативність, відновлення, оцінка, локальні території, територіальні громади, гуманітарне розмінування.

Article's Index

Khelemskyi, V. Yu. (2023). The theoretical bases of the definition of capital investment of sustainable development. Actual Issues of Modern Science. European Scientific e-Journal, 25, pp. 51-58. European Scientific e-Journal. Ostrava: Tuculart Edition & European Institute for Innovation development. (in Ukrainian)

DOI: 10.47451/ecn2023-05-02 ------- Author's Certificate


The need to define the term capital investment of sustainable development is due to the availability of various theoretical and methodological approaches to the definition of capital investment as such, challenges of a socio-economic and environmental nature, the causes and methods of overcoming, which are constantly changing and improving. In view of this, the theoretical foundations for determining capital investments in sustainable development have scientific and methodological value. The study object was capital investments of sustainable development. The study subject was the theoretical and methodological foundations, the current state of socio-economic and environmental problems, mechanisms and tools for their solution, which determine the change in theoretical approaches to determining the term of capital investment of sustainable development. The study purpose was to provide a definition of sustainable development capital investment, considering the latest trends in both approaches to defining capital investment and current characteristics and goals of sustainable development. To achieve the study purpose and solve the tasks set, such scientific methods as generalization, induction, analysis and synthesis were used. The main researchers of sustainable capital investment are Herman E. Daly, John Boswell Cobb, Jr., Thomas Prugh, Gro Harlem Brundtland, J. H. Hulse, A. A. Leiserowitz, R. W. Kates, T. M. Parris. The characteristic features of capital investments identified by us make it possible to formulate our interpretation of the concept of “capital investments of sustainable development” – as investments in the acquisition, creation or restoration of tangible and (or) intangible assets subject to depreciation for a period of more than 1 year, the result of which may be financial, economic, social or environmental effects according to the Sustainable Development Goals. This definition reveals not only the essential characteristic of capital investment – to provide expanded social reproduction with the necessary resources through the acquisition, creation or renewal of tangible and intangible assets of production, but also to contribute to the sustainable development of the country.


sustainable development, capital investments, capital investment of sustainable development, сталий розвиток, капітальні інвестиції, капітальні інвестиції сталого розвитку.

Article's Index

Belanova, K. (2023). Business environment of SMEs in the Slovak Republic in the context of evaluation of international and domestic institutions. Actual Issues of Modern Science. European Scientific e-Journal, 24, 7-15. Ostrava: Tuculart Edition & European Institute for Innovation Development.

DOI: 10.47451/ecn2023-03-02 ------- Author's Certificate


Small and medium-sized enterprises play an important and irreplaceable role in the market economy. A key condition for their functioning and further development is a high-quality business environment. The study purpose is to evaluate the business environment in the Slovak Republic according to selected specialized international and domestic assessments. The most frequently used methods include qualitative and quantitative research, thanks to which a more comprehensive view of various areas and specifics of the business environment can be obtained. This article is based on selected quantitative surveys. Findings of the 2021 Global Entrepreneurship Monitor point to the need for further simplification of the conditions for starting a business, as more than half of Slovaks are convinced that it is not easy to start a business in Slovakia. According to the Business Environment Index, Slovak entrepreneurs perceive the worst situation in the area of price stability when evaluating the second half of 2022. Based on the results, we recommend some measures for improving of the business environment.


business environment, small and medium-sized enterprises, Global Entrepreneurship Monitor, Business Environment Index, podnikateľské prostredie, malé a stredné podniky, Global Entrepreneurship Monitor, Index podnikateľského prostredia.

Article's Index

Semykina, M. V. (2023). Employment transformation in the context of digitalisation of the economy and Ukraine’s movement to the European Union. Actual Issues of Modern Science. European Scientific e-Journal, 24, 41-55. Ostrava: Tuculart Edition & European Institute for Innovation Development. (In Ukrainian

DOI: 10.47451/ecn2023-03-01 ------- Author's Certificate


Digitalisation of the economy has become a leading factor in human development in the 21st century, which has affected all spheres of life, in particular employment of the population. There is a digital transformation of employment, which requires understanding, in-depth study by economic science to find opportunities to improve the efficiency of human labour and progressive development. The study of this problem is particularly relevant for Ukraine in the context of the need to accelerate the movement towards European integration, ensure the recovery of the economy and jobs after the end of the large-scale war unleashed by the Russian Federation against Ukraine. The study subject is a set of theoretical, methodological, and practical bases of employment of the population. The study object is the processes of employment transformation in the context of digitalisation of the economy and Ukraine’s movement to the European integration. The study purpose was to determine the specifics of the processes of employment transformation under the impacting digitalisation of the economy by analysing trends in the development of digital employment in Ukraine and the world, justifying the possibilities of supporting digitalisation of employment in Ukraine with priority incentives for young people. There was used such the methods as general scientific and special research methods, including analytical, dialectical, classification and analytical, comparative, statistical and sociological analysis, and a systematic approach. The author used the publications of such Ukrainian scientists as M. Biel, O. Mulskaya, I. Baranyak, O. Makhonyuk, M. Karpyak, M. Aleksinskaya, A. Bastrakova and N. Kharchenko and also foreign researchers as M. Mattessa, S. Kunkel, V. Ignat, L. Charles, S. Xia, A. P. Kutts, O. Cassie, V. Ledonwirth. The essence and significance of economy digitalisation and its impact on various spheres, in particular employment, are revealed. The essence of employment transformations under the impacting digitalisation of the economy is identified. The author revealed the content of employment digitalisation, its challenges, opportunities, consequences, in particular in terms of the emergence of new types and forms of employment, among which digital employment is dynamically developing. The importance of spreading digital employment for young people as the main progressive and knowledge-oriented social group is actualised. The global trends of economy and employment digitalisation are analysed with an emphasis on the EU countries, which allows to substantiate the strategic orientation of the post-war reconstruction of Ukraine based on the digital economy. In the context of Ukraine’s movement to the EU, it is proposed to intensify measures to stimulate employment digitalisation within the framework of the state initiative “Industry 4.0” implementation, which will have a significant role in the post-war reconstruction of Ukraine and its successful movement to the EU. Urgent measures have been identified to create favourable conditions for digital transformations in employment with an emphasis on supporting young people. In the conditions of economy digitalization, the employment transformations are investigated, which allowed to identify the features of this process for the economy and labour of the population in the conditions of Ukraine’s movement to the EU. The challenges, opportunities, and consequences of economy and employment digitalisation are identified. It is proved that the economy and employment digitalisation should be considered as a strategic guideline for the post-war reconstruction of Ukraine and its successful movement into the EU. The basis of this process should be the support of digital population employment, especially young people. The measures for the further development of digital employment in Ukraine are systematised. It is proved that their implementation in conditions of targeted state support can give a cumulative effect for the economy, increase the welfare of the population and reduce the emigration of young people, accelerate the country’s movement towards European integration.


economy digitalisation, employment transformation, digital employment, Industry 4.0, цифровізація економіки, трансформація зайнятості, цифрова зайнятість, Industry 4.0.

Article's Index

Druzhynska, N. S. (2023). Problems of implementation in Ukraine of the report on payments in favour of the state in the context of ensuring transparency of forestry activities and priorities of sustainable development. Actual Issues of Modern Science. European Scientific e-Journal, 24, 33-40. Ostrava: Tuculart Edition & European Institute for Innovation Development. (In Ukrainian

DOI: 10.47451/ecn2023-01-02 ------- Author's Certificate


In the process of implementing European standards on environmental impact regulation, adaptation of sustainable development purposes in Ukraine and the organisation of further monitoring of the tasks set, the problem of objective measurement of social progress as a whole arose, as a result of which a request was formed to improve the system of national statistics and, accordingly, reporting. Modern reporting models provide coverage not only of financial performance indicators, but also of non-financial indicators that characterise the retention of the sustainable development concept, recognised by the international common new ideology of modernity, which determines the relevance of this study. The study subject was a set of theoretical, methodological, and practical provisions on the preparation and submission of a report on payments in favour of the Ukrainian state. The study object was a report on payments in favour of the state as an information source for assessing economic growth, social justice, and environmental management in Ukraine. The study purpose was to analyse the state of implementation of the report on payments in favour of the Ukrainian state and determine the possibilities of expanding the scope of its application to ensure transparency of rational nature management in forestry. When analysing the current state of the studied problem, methods of system analysis and synthesis, economic and statistical observation and general, historical method are used. Studies are conducted on the basis of a diagnostic approach, using analogs and comparison methods. Guided by the methods of systematisation, common similarities and differences, common approaches to the compilation and presentation of a report on payments in favour of the Ukrainian state are substantiated. The author concludes that the study of the problems of introducing a report on payments in favour of the Ukrainian state gives grounds to assert that it is an important information source for a wide range of interested users about the use of natural resources and payments for them to the budget by enterprises, since information from tax returns on taxes and fees paid by business entities is not publicly available. In addition, the report on payments in favour of the state does not relate to the composition of the financial statements and, accordingly, the legislation does not define the obligation to submit it to the regulatory authorities together with the income tax declaration.


report on payments to the state, forestry activities, priorities of sustainable development, forests of Ukraine, звіт про платежі на користь держави, лісогосподарська діяльність, пріоритети сталого розвитку, ліси України.

Article's Index

Batrak, O. V. (2023). Assessing the systemic risk of a country’s financial sector. European Scientific e-Journal, 24, 16-32. Ostrava: Tuculart Edition & European Institute for Innovation Development.

DOI: 10.47451/ecn2023-01-01 ------- Author's Certificate


Assessment of systemic risk is a mandatory element of effective public regulation of the financial sector, which aims to ensure its financial stability. The quality of analytical work conducted, and analytical data generated based on its results, are the basis for the development and adoption of sound regulatory decisions that minimize the emergence of systemic risk of the financial sector and mitigate the negative consequences of its implementation. The article deals with current theoretical and methodological and applied issues of assessment of systemic risk of the financial sector, based in an integrative systems and processes approach. The paper singles out information and analytic, diagnostic, preventive, signaling and control functions of assessment of systemic risk of the financial sector. The structure of the institutional subsystem of assessment of systemic risk of the financial sector of Ukraine with the in-depth coverage of the role of the NBU has been considered in detail. To achieve the purpose of the study, we summarized approaches to the disclosure of the essence of the concept of «systemic risk», which made it possible to identify the characteristics of systemic risk of the financial sector as an object of assessment. The stochastic and non-linear nature of the systemic risk of the financial sector requires innovative tools to identify patterns of the financial sector of the economy as a complex dynamic system, the formation of a system of indicators, which can be combined into different consistent scenarios. In view of domestic and international experience, we have determined the key instruments that form an instrumental component of assessment of systemic risk of the financial sector, which should provide its structural and cyclical measurement. It was determined that the assessment of systemic risk of the financial sector can have a «horizontal» perspective, where the focus is on the financial sector, and a «vertical» perspective, which predominantly considers the bilateral interaction between the financial system and the economy. The main tool for assessing systemic risk of the financial sector is macro-prudential stress testing. It was determined that the instrumental component of assessment of systemic risk of the financial sector under the NBU approach includes monitoring of indicators; analysis of financial and industrial groups with emphasis on their solvency; stress testing and qualitative analysis of the obtained data.


financial sector, financial stability, systemic risk, systemic risk of the financial sector, assessment, stress testing, фінансовий сектор, фінансова стабільність, системний ризик, системний ризик фінансового сектора, оцінювання, стрес-тестування.

Article's Index

Buychik, A., & Gontar, N. N. (2022). Analysis of the regional budget of the subject of the Russian Federation on the example of St. Petersburg. European Scientific e-Journal, 22, 32-47. Ostrava: Tuculart Edition & European Institute for Innovation Development.

DOI: 10.47451/ecn2022-10-05 ------- Author's Certificate 1 ------- Author's Certificate 2


The analysis of the budget of large urban systems is an important component of the general analysis of the state of the state economy. More than 5,376 million citizens officially live in St. Petersburg. Taking into account temporary residents and those who come to work from the suburbs, this number increases to 6.5 million people. The turnover of organisations in St. Petersburg by the end of 2021 amounted to more than 21,382 billion rubles, which is second only to the turnover of organisations in Moscow, one of the largest cities in the world. Retail trade turnover in January-December 2021 amounted to 1,875.4 billion rubles, which amounted to 4.78% of the retail trade turnover in the entire Russian Federation. The study purpose was to analyse the regional budget of the subject of the Russian Federation on the example of St. Petersburg. Analytical, logical, historical, comparative, and statistical research methods were applied to achieve the set goal and solve the problems. The study used both legislative and statistical material, as well as analytical work of researchers in statistics. The result of the study was an assessment of its financial stability using the V.V. Ivanov’s method. This material will be useful for analysts, scientists, researchers and students working in the field of economic statistics and strategy and also to analyse the changes in the economy of St. Petersburg in the conditions of sanctions pressure.


annual city budget, budget code, expenditure obligations, state internal debt, St. Petersburg, бюджетный кодекс, государственный внутренний долг, годовой городской бюджет, расходные обязательства, Санкт-Петербург.

Article's Index

Kolomiiets, V. (2022). Specific functioning of human capital of the medical industry. Actual Issues of Modern Science. European Scientific e-Journal, 22, 23-31. Ostrava: Tuculart Edition & European Institute for Innovation Development.

DOI: 10.47451/ecn2022-10-04 ------- Author's Certificate


The peculiarity of this study is a comprehensive look at the chosen topic from the standpoint of economics, psychology, and medicine. The qualitative characteristics of human capital in the medical industry differ from those already defined in other industries. The medical industry and human capital are seen as areas of constant development. They require systematic analysis, careful study by scientists, acquisition of new knowledge. This study is aimed at determining the specifics of the functioning of human capital in the medical industry. This will make it possible to analyze the human capital of the medical field and propose directions for its development and improvement of its competence. Characteristic and specific features of the medical field have been studied. It is emphasized that the state of the medical industry is noted as negative. Funding of the medical industry is insufficient. The medical industry works as a single space with close connections between the population, employers, and the state budget. The specificity of the functioning of the human capital of the medical industry is determined by the specified features of the health care system, the internal and external environment of the medical industry. Accordingly, human capital belongs to the medical field and has specific features, functions in an internal industry environment with certain characteristics. The study made it possible to determine the specifics of the functioning of human capital in the medical field in the next points: psychological stress, high degree of responsibility, intensive work; violation of the physiological state of medical personnel; professional burnout; the development of human capital in the medical industry requires the automation of the workplaces of the personnel of the medical organization, the improvement of the level of information support of medical workers; inconsistency in the tasks of structural restructuring of the health care system; low degree of social protection of medical personnel; the need for continuous professional growth of medical personnel; the need to introduce new payment methods; using the joint responsibility of medical professionals and the medical community to each other.


human capital, human capital of the medical industry, medical industry, medical personnel, людський капітал, людський капітал медичної галузі, медична галузь, медичний персонал.

Article's Index

Brînzaru, S.-M., Grosu, V., Socoliuc, M., & Petrescu, C. (2022). Stakeholders’ trust in the global performance information of companies applying integrated reporting: pros and cons. European Scientific e-Journal, 23, 7-23. Ostrava: Tuculart Edition & European Institute for Innovation Development.

DOI: 10.47451/ecn2022-10-03 ----- Author's Certificate 1 --- Author's Certificate 2 --- Author's Certificate 3 --- Author's Certificate 4


Integrated reporting (IR) is the latest form of corporate reporting that has radically changed the communication way with stakeholders by integrating financial and non-financial information into a single report. The main purpose of this paper is to evaluate stakeholders’ trust in the global performance information provided by companies that have already adopted IR. The objectives of the paper are to establish the role of stakeholders in the context of IR adoption, assess the global performance of companies applying IR from the perspective of stakeholders and to identify possible causes that negatively affect stakeholders’ trust in the performance information of companies applying IR. The results can be found in the conceptualization of seven econometric models in the form of indices that evaluate the credibility of stakeholders in the context of adopting IR from the perspective of evaluating the performance of these companies. These results are useful to stakeholders, companies that have adopted or will adopt IR because they provide an opportunity to assess the global performance of companies from a stakeholder perspective and involves the credibility of the information provided through an integrated report.


integrated reporting, stakeholders, credibility, global performance, raportare integrată, părţi interesate, credibilitate, performanţă globală.

Article's Index

Nicorici, R.-C. (2022). The transition to performance management in Eastern European countries. Actual Issues of Modern Science. European Scientific e-Journal, 22, 48-62. Ostrava: Tuculart Edition & European Institute for Innovation Development. (in Romanian)

DOI: 10.47451/ecn2022-10-02 ------- Author's Certificate


The purpose of this paper is to reflect on how to apply the research process for the elaboration of a theoretical explanation in studies on performance management and management control systems. This is important because ambitious theoretical research tends to require explanatory study results, but previous research frameworks provide little guidance on this, potentially facilitating poorly defined research projects and a lack of common vocabulary and criteria for study evaluation. The methodology was undertaken by an examination of the literature to review empirical studies dealing with PM in ex-communist countries in the EEC. Its illustrated framework and application make the systematic logic of the research process visible and accessible to researchers. The authors explain how the framework supports the shift from empirical description to theoretical explanation during the research process and where the three levels could open up spaces for positioning new practices and conceptual and theoretical innovations. The framework provides guidance for a research explanatory design and a theory-building purpose, and has been developed in response to recent industry criticisms that highlight the large gap between cutting-edge practice and the delayed state of theory. It offers interdisciplinary vocabulary and evaluation criteria that can be applied by any researcher in accounting and management, whether it pursues critical, interpretive or positivist research and whether it primarily uses qualitative or quantitative research methods.


management, cost calculation, new public management, calculaţie a costurilor, noul management public.

Article's Index

Hlaciuc, E., & Creţu, F. (2022). Bibliometric analysis of scientific publications on tax evasion using bibliometrix R and the VOSviewer tool. Actual Issues of Modern Science. European Scientific e-Journal, 22, 7-22. Ostrava: Tuculart Edition & European Institute for Innovation Development. (in Romanian)

DOI: 10.47451/ecn2022-10-01 ------- Author's Certificate 1 ------- Author's Certificate 2


Tax evasion is an illegal activity that consists in not paying taxpayers’ obligations to the state, through fraudulent maneuvers that change the amount of taxes to be paid. This research analyzes the scientific production with reference to the phenomenon of tax evasion in the Scopus database during the years 2010-2022. This research aims to determine the state of knowledge of the phenomenon of tax evasion at the global level, identify future research trends, the most frequently cited authors in the field, the collaboration between research institutions, the co-author network of countries, as well as the most addressed publications from different studies, journals and countries that address the topic of tax evasion. Publications with reference to the phenomenon of tax evasion were retrieved and extracted from Scopus, which is a bibliographic and bibliometric database in online format, including scientific journals, delivered via the Internet. Provides access to abstracts of scientific articles from more than 22,400 international scientific journals published by more than 5,000 international publishing houses, without language restrictions, in the reference period 2010-2022. Bibliometrix R was used in calculating and visualizing bibliographic information extraction and performing descriptive analysis. The VOSviewer tool was used to construct, review and visualize the geographical areas with the most frequent studies on this topic, by analyzing the international collaboration of the authors.


bibliometrics, tax evasion, scientific mapping, bibliometrie, evaziune fiscală, cartografiere ştiinţifică.

Article's Index

Buychik, A. (2022). Features of economic deformation due to the adoption of political decisions leading to the formation of economic crises of a synthetic secondary nature on the example of the sanctions policy of the European Union against Russia. Actual Issues of Modern Science. European Scientific e-Journal, 6(21), 7-23. Ostrava: Tuculart Edition.

DOI: 10.47451/ecn2022-08-01 ------- Author's Certificate


The economic analysis of political decisions is the most complex and complex due to the fact that in the course of the study it is necessary to take into account the specific features of political logic, which, in many respects, does not coincide with the implementation and transformation of economic laws and trends and puts itself above the economy. This leads to extremely negative consequences for states and regions. Political ideology, political will does not necessarily destroy the economy. Often, putting itself above the economy, it leads to the deformation of economic ties and the reduction of economic stability. Then economic crises of a synthetic secondary nature are formed, i.e., crises that could be smoothed out from the outset, subject to competent consideration of economic laws and international economic relations. The subject of the study is the sanctions economic measures of the European Union. The purpose of the study is to detect economic deformation due to the adoption of political decisions that lead to the formation of crises of a synthetic secondary nature. To achieve the purpose of the study and solve the tasks set, logical, historical, comparative and deductive methods of studying and analysing materials were used. The study used the documents of the European Commission, statistical data and publications of researchers in economic and political crises. The author concludes that the sanctions economic policy of the European Union, which also covers the EU candidate and partner states, for all its general logic, has five main and fundamental errors. These errors are so critical and obvious that they cannot contribute to the expected results. On the contrary, this sanctions policy helped Russia significantly strengthen its political position in the international arena and attract a sufficient proportion of Russian citizens to the side of the authoritarian government in order to start fundamental social transformations in the country aimed at distancing Russian society from the European community so that the principle of catholicity becomes again leading in social behaviour of the majority of Russians.


economic sanctions, economic crisis, European Union, European Council, Russia, Russian annexation, Ukraine.

Article's Index

Ilchenko, V. M., & Onyshchenko, U. V. (2022). Social entrepreneurship: a challenge or rescue for modern Ukraine. The Third Special Humanitarian Issue of Ukrainian Scientists. European Scientific e-Journal, 5(20), 7-16. Ostrava: Tuculart Edition. (in Ukrainian)

DOI: 10.47451/ecn2022-05-02 ------- Author's Certificate 1 ------- Author's Certificate 2


Significantly growing interest in social entrepreneurship as a new direction of research and practical activities. Society is increasingly in need of new forms of socially oriented activities, one of which is social entrepreneurship. Social entrepreneurship changes people’s lives, improves their living environment, increases welfare, creates conditions for access of socially vulnerable groups to the benefits of the modern world. In modern realities, social entrepreneurship is positioned as an innovative form of business, able to implement innovations, economic and social solutions to social problems, including poverty, support for vulnerable groups, environmental protection, human rights, energy security, conservation and restoration of land resources, uneven distribution of capital etc. Social entrepreneurship does not exclude profitability, but in the first place there is the solution of social problems or the creation of social value to help society. To do this, use effective business models that ensure sustainable development of the enterprise. In many countries, social entrepreneurship is an indicator of the most progressive and “human” business. Crowdfunding is considered to be an effective mechanism for financing social business as an opportunity to involve a significant number of entities in the implementation of a social action project, which is interested in its implementation because it corresponds to their own invested funds. The possibility of implementing social entrepreneurship projects with the participation of the crowdfunding mechanism depends on how mature the society is.


соціальне підприємництво, соціальний стартап, соціальні проблеми, фандрайзінг, краудфандинг, гранти, інновації, social entrepreneurship, social startup, social problems, fundraising, crowdfunding, grants, innovation.

Article's Index

Piskarev, D. I. (2022). Application of a letter of credit in the fuel business. Actual Issues of Modern Science. European Scientific e-Journal, 6(21), 59-66. Ostrava: Tuculart Edition.

DOI: 10.47451/ecn2022-05-01 ------- Author's Certificate


Trade in petroleum products has specific features that radically distinguish this type of business from other foreign trade transactions. Working in the fuel business is very difficult, because the spot market is very volatile. Almost every contract exceeds the approximate cost of 2 million dollars US. Also, it should be remembered that oil is taken into account in barrels during production, but in trade it is taken into account both in barrels and in tons. This article discusses the important elements that make up foreign trade contract work in the fuel business, as well as the use of a letter of credit in oil trading. The purpose of the study is to show in practice the use of a letter of credit and its role in the fuel business. Currently, a small number of scientific papers have been published on the application of a letter of credit in the fuel business. The author concludes that in the fuel business, haste will be a bad helper in the conclusion and execution of contracts. Details that are overlooked, even the most insignificant and unprincipled, can become an obstacle when disclosing a letter of credit.


oil trading, letter of credit, oil, trade, fuel business, tanker, нефтетрейдинг, аккредитив, нефть, торговля, топливный бизнес, танкер.

Article's Index

Oryshchyn, T. (2022). Transformation of the financial mechanism in the conditions of decarbonization of the national economy. The Second Special Humanitarian Issue of Ukrainian Scientists. European Scientific e-Journal, 3(18), 57-66. Ostrava: Tuculart Edition. (in Ukrainian)

DOI: 10.47451/ecn2022-04-06 ------- Author's Certificate


The global nature of climate change necessitates the introduction of effective mechanisms that can significantly reduce the risks and negative consequences of climate change at the international and national levels. The opposition to climate change is possible under the condition of complete decarbonization of national energy systems and zero net greenhouse gas emissions in the long term. Decarbonization is a tool for mitigating the effects of climate change, represented by a system of measures to reduce greenhouse gas emissions to curb the growth of global average temperature, institutionalized in several international documents. The article considers the essence of decarbonization, the EU’s top steps to achieve climate neutrality. The impact of Russia’s large-scale aggression against Ukraine and the conditions for fulfilling its commitments to reduce carbon emissions and achieve a renewed nationally determined contribution of Ukraine to the Paris Agreement. The number of objective factors that complicate the goals. The necessity of formation of effective mechanisms of counteraction to climate change that should be based on decarbonization trends and their influence on reforming of components of the financial mechanism is substantiated.


декарбонізація, зміни клімату, трансформація, світова економіка, чинники, фінансова політика, тренди, фінансовий механізм, decarbonization, climate change, transformation, world economy, factors, financial policy, trends, financial mechanism.

Article's Index

Barabash, L. (2022). Improvement of tax policy within the harmonization of the tax system of Ukraine. The Second Special Humanitarian Issue of Ukrainian Scientists. European Scientific e-Journal, 3(18), 49-56. Ostrava: Tuculart Edition.

DOI: 10.47451/ecn2022-04-05 ------- Author's Certificate


The article considers the essence and modern conditions of tax policy functioning in Ukraine and the directions of its optimization in the context of harmonization of the tax system are offered. The formation of the author’s vision of the economic essence of tax policy was carried out on the basis of analysis of scientific opinion of scientists from different countries, as well as the official interpretation using the dialectical method. With the help of a group of analytical methods, the conditions for the functioning of Ukraine’s tax policy in pre-war and wartime were assessed. The use of abstract-logical method contributed to the generalization of key objectives of tax policy in the future and outline areas for its optimization. Based on the results obtained, in connection with the changing economic environment of the country, the need to develop a new model of tax policy, taking into account the demands of tax participants and budget needs, which would be an effective complement to the tax system.


education, development, knowledge, sustainable development, system.

Article's Index

Zahorskyi, V.S., & Borshchuk, Y.M. (2022). Education in the processes of transition of functioning social and economic systems on the principles of sustainable development. The Second Special Humanitarian Issue of Ukrainian Scientists. European Scientific e-Journal, 3(18), 37-48. Ostrava: Tuculart Edition. (in Ukrainian)

DOI: 10.47451/ecn2022-04-04 ------- Author's Certificate 1 ------- Author's Certificate 2


The article is devoted to analysing the role of the education system in the development of socio-economic systems. There is a correlation between the level of education and the pace of socio-economic development of any country – leading modern scientists analyzed. The article scientifically substantiates the conclusion that in current conditions, education increases individual and social productivity by acquiring knowledge and acquiring more effective skills on this basis. The work aimed to determine the functioning peculiarities of the educational institute in the context of ensuring the goals of sustainable development. The authors prove that education for sustainable development should play an essential role in the development of modern civilization. Reasonable provisions and requirements of tasks for continuous development are an opportunity for each person to make individual and collective decisions of local and global character, which improve the life of the human community without threats to the future existence of the person. The result of educational motives should change each person’s behavior. The development of humanity and the environment will be safe at both environmental and social levels.


education, development, knowledge, sustainable development, system.

Article's Index

Horiashchenko, Yu. (2022). New challenges for the high-tech sector of the economy in Ukraine. The Second Special Humanitarian Issue of Ukrainian Scientists. European Scientific e-Journal, 3(18), 30-36. Ostrava: Tuculart Edition.

DOI: 10.47451/ecn2022-04-03 ------- Author's Certificate


In difficult conditions, when at the same time, some industries are collapsing and the digital sector is developing rapidly, the issues of supporting the high-tech sector of the national economy are becoming crucial. The article evaluates the modernization potential of entrepreneurship based on value added indicators of high-tech products. In particular, the dynamics of value added by the costs of production of economic entities by type of economic activity: information and communication technologies, production using high technologies, production using medium, medium, low and low technologies, information sector, services using high technologies, services related to the use of computer equipment and intelligent market services. It is proved that enterprises with high economic status (potential) should influence the growth of value added of goods and services, increasing the innovation component, thereby opening new markets for sales and trade policy. The influence of disincentives in the growth of value added is substantiated, among which – the lack of business scalability, weak legal framework, low level of technological production, depreciation of production assets.


entrepreneurship, economy, added value, high-tech sector, innovative development, evaluation, innovation.

Article's Index

Kebko, V.V., Popko, Y. Yu., & Ostapchuk, S. M. (2022). Development of integrated reporting based on online technologies. The Second Special Humanitarian Issue of Ukrainian Scientists. European Scientific e-Journal, 3(18), 17-29. Ostrava: Tuculart Edition. (in Ukrainian)

DOI: 10.47451/ecn2022-04-02 ------- Author's Certificate 1 ------- Author's Certificate 2 ------- Author's Certificate 3


Low efficiency of reporting of Ukrainian agricultural enterprises and inefficiency of current methods of its publication necessitates the definition of effective drivers for the development of integrated reporting. Such, according to research in the field of corporate reporting, are modern information technologies. The article aims to determine the prospects of the online direction of the development of integrated reporting to increase the availability and efficiency of consolidated accounting data. The article reveals the preconditions for integrated online reporting, the indicators of which are future-oriented and which is an alternative to paper reporting formed by an accountant with a view to past facts and events. Technologies for presenting integrated online reporting based on the analysis of reporting practices in Ukraine and taking into account international trends in this field were described. The information content of the integrated online reporting is substantiated based on the production and resource specifics of the agricultural sector. The mechanism of interactive interaction within the framework of dynamic online reporting was offered. The development of integrated reporting based on online technologies solves the problem of efficiency and accessibility of accounting information and, thus, provides a comprehensive implementation of integrated thinking and strategic business management.


integrated reporting, online technologies, non-financial indicators, dynamic reporting, interactive reporting, agricultural enterprises of Ukraine, інтегрована звітність, онлайн-технології, нефінансові показники, динамічне звітування, інтерактивний характер звітності, сільськогосподарські підприємства України.

Article's Index

Derevianko, S. I. (2022). On the interpretation of intangible assets. The Second Special Humanitarian Issue of Ukrainian Scientists. European Scientific e-Journal, 3(18), 7-16. Ostrava: Tuculart Edition. (in Ukrainian)

DOI: 10.47451/ecn2022-04-01 ---------- Author's Certificate


Intangible assets play an important role in determining the competitiveness of enterprises. Foreign companies compete fiercely with those Ukrainian companies in which the share of intangible assets is insignificant. Users of accounting information make increased demands on the reliability of information about the movement of assets of the enterprise, an important place among which is occupied by intangible assets. The article considers scientific approaches to the interpretation of intangible assets of the enterprise. Economic, legal, accounting and valuation approaches are described, which fully reveal the essence of intangible assets, their place, role and significance for the development and implementation of financial and economic activities of the entity. The lack of a unified interpretation of the concept of «intangible asset», which creates difficulties in understanding their essence. Developments can be used during the theoretical substantiation and practical development of methods of accounting for intangible assets in enterprises of Ukraine.


intangible assets, intellectual property, property rights, identification, accounting, international accounting standards.

Article's Index

Kvasniі, L. H., & Vaskiv, M. B. (2022). Features of e-commerce and its disadvantages. The First Special Humanitarian Issue of Ukrainian Scientists. European Scientific e-Journal, 2(17), 17-23. Ostrava: Tuculart Edition. (in Ukrainian)

DOI: 10.47451/ecn2022-03-02 ---------- Author's Certificate 1 ------ Author's Certificate 2


The article is devoted to the growing role of e-commerce in the world. The article examines the features of e-commerce and its role in the world economy. The purpose of writing the article is to substantiate the features of e-commerce and its shortcomings in the context of digitalization. The author substantiates the hierarchical characteristics of e-commerce and describes the main shortcomings. The study used methods of logical thinking, descriptive methods, generalizing methods and methods of comparison. During the writing of the article used scientific works of domestic and foreign authors, in particular: G. Androschuk, M. Burov, J. Zadvirny, A. Orlovskaya, F. Kotler, A. Maevskaya, K. Simonenko, I. Khovrak and others who have studied e-commerce. The authors conclude that e-commerce refers to doing business on the Internet. Its main functions include online advertising, ordering, payment, customer service and delivery of goods and other sales, pre-sales and after-sales service, as well as market research and analysis, financial accounting and production activities and many other activities developed via the Internet.


e-commerce, functions of e-commerce, features of e-commerce, shortcomings of e-commerce, digitalization, business.

Article's Index

Kunytska-Iliash, M. (2022). World experience in ensuring the development of priority sectors of the economy. The First Special Humanitarian Issue of Ukrainian Scientists. European Scientific e-Journal, 2(17), 7-16. Ostrava: Tuculart Edition.

DOI: 10.47451/ecn2022-03-01 ---------- Author's Certificate


The author of the article substantiates the methodological and applied nature of world experience in ensuring the development of priority sectors of the economy. The processes of identification of priority industries, sectors of the economy in the world economy are considered. The purpose of the article is to scientifically substantiate the theoretical and methodological aspects of the formation of world experience in ensuring the development of priority sectors of the economy. To perform the tasks in the research process used general and special methods – theoretical generalization, grouping, historical knowledge, systems design. The works of Y. Berezivskyi, O. Ilyash, P. Kutsyk, R. Lupak, and T. Vasyltsiv were used to study the problems of ensuring the development of priority sectors of the economy. Scientific works of researchers allow to understand the sources of experience, features and tools, conclusions for public policy to ensure the development of priority sectors of the economy. The author identifies aspects of strategy and planning, formation and implementation of structural policies for the development of priority sectors of the economy in some highly developed countries. It was possible to characterize the conceptual provisions for improving the management system of strategic sectors of the economy at the level of countries with a high level of technological potential. According to the world experience, the tools of economic support of formation and intensification of development of priority branches of economy are offered.


priority sectors of the economy, public policy, national economy, structural policy, development, governance.

Article's Index

Buychik, A. (2021). Updating the parameters of the development of effective economic thought in order to motivate society to finance innovative activities. Economy at the crossroads of time, 04-2021 (010), 7-16. European Scientific e-Journal. Hlučín-Bobrovníky: “Anisiia Tomanek” OSVČ.

DOI: 10.47451/ecn2021-02-004 ------ Certificate


The article considers the intermediate research results on determining the parameters of effective economic thought development to motivate society to finance the innovative activities of researchers in various fields of science. Historical, comparative, inductive, and deductive methods were used to solve the problems set in the study. The research uses the works of well-known scientists in the field of studying the development of society and innovative thought, for example, J.A. Schumpeter, Henry W. Chesbrough, Lars Schweizer, R. Rothwell, and others. It is concluded that at the present stage of the society’s evolution from industrial to informational, economic thought should form a fundamentally new financial approach to innovation, more complex and complex. It is necessary to develop a three-dimensional approach model to innovation. The study results can be used by specialists and researchers in the field of innovative economy, economic history and social economics.


economic thought, innovation, innovation economy, economic efficiency.

Article's Index

Komissarov, P. V. (2021). Determination of the centric rate of the economic stability domain for manufacturing enterprises. Economy at the crossroads of time, 04-2021 (10), 27-36. European Scientific e-Journal. Hlučín-Bobrovníky: “Anisiia Tomanek” OSVČ.

DOI: 10.47451/ecn2021-02-003 ------ Certificate


The relevance of the topic is related to the problem of determining the strategic stability reserve for production cycles. The study object was economic and production relations transformed into the economic rates of the enterprise. The study aimed to determine the centric indicator of the stability domain. To implement this study, methods of statistical analysis, data grouping, sample ranking, and methods for studying time series components were used. Scientific materials of leading researchers in the space of economic and economic-mathematical analysis were used during the study. The results of the study are intended for specialists and researchers in the field of development and application of mathematical methods in the modelling of economic rates of technological processes at enterprises.


economic stability domain, centric rate, production stability rate, strategic security.

Article's Index

Lavrentsov, N. A. (2021). Optimization in warehouse for assembly and construction company. Economy at the crossroads of time, 04-2021 (10), 37-48. European Scientific e-Journal. Hlučín-Bobrovníky: “Anisiia Tomanek” OSVČ.

DOI: 10.47451/ecn2021-02-002 ------ Certificate


Optimisation of warehouse for assembly and construction company is actual in modern stage of logistics development in the cities and urban regions. One of the most important criteria during dynamical logistic development is to be guarantee of quality for company’s clients. In the research, logistic complex issues on the example of the “Aria TV” company were studied. Comparative, mathematical methods and methods of spatial analysis were used to reach the purposes. The materials of specific documentation and regalements, and research works of leading specialists in the field of logistics as D. Cattaruzza, W. Yu, C. Harland and others were used in the research. There is conclusion that it is necessary to include international standards of ISO 9000 family to optimize professional activities of the company and support high level of the quality. It is offered to separate main warehouse by creating of additional warehouses in the megapolis districts actualized for the company. The research results are intended for specialists from huge logistics companies operating in the area of the cities.


ISO 9000, warehouse, driven-data logistic, logistic process.

Article's Index

Belanová, K. (2021). Support measures for small and medium-sized enterprises in Slovakia in response to COVID-19. Economy at the Crossroads of Time. European Scientific e-Journal, 4(10), 17-26. Hlučín-Bobrovníky: “Anisiia Tomanek” OSVČ.

DOI: 10.47451/ecn2021-02-001 ---------- Certificate


The current coronavirus crisis represents a severe external shock that threatens especially small and medium-sized enterprises. In their case, measures related to saving of human lives sometimes have an existential impact. Due to the economic and social importance of small and medium-sized enterprises for the Slovak economy, it is necessary to carefully monitor the impact of the crisis on small and medium-sized enterprises and to develop measures to its mitigation and fast recovery. The aim of the article is to evaluate the measures to help SMEs in the Slovak Republic through a comparison with selected EU countries and to evaluate the financial impact of these measures on the Slovak economy. To evaluate the measures to help small and medium-sized enterprises in the Slovak Republic due to COVID-19 pandemic, it was used a method of comparison, i.e., the measures taken in the SR with selected EU countries compared. The financial impact of these measures on the Slovak economy in a way of adjustment of public revenues and public expenditures was analyzed. The materials of the article are intended for economists who study national and regional economic structures and markets.


SMEs, support measures, coronavirus crisis, covid-19.

Article's Index

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