Články: Kulturní dědictví

Buychik, A., & Tomanek, A. (2023). The relevance of studying the cultural heritage of the territory of the Republic of Ukraine. Culture and Arts in the Context of world Cultural Heritage. Klironomy, 2(8), pp. 52-73. Ostrava: Tuculart Edition & European Institute for Innovation Development.

DOI: 10.47451/her2023-06-01 -------- Author's Certificate 1 -------- Author's Certificate 2


The Ukraine’s cultural heritage is of great historical importance for world culture and the study of the history of the formation of Eastern European civilizations. Archaeological research indicates that the territory of modern Ukraine has been actively developed by people for the last 5,000 years. Crimea became the center of the development of the Scythian civilization. In the 4th-5th century, the formation of the Slavic civilization, which later developed into Kievan Rus, one of the most powerful centers of Slavic culture, began. The culture of the modern Ukraine’s territories developed further under the administration of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania, the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth and the Russian Empire. The Ukrainian people have even preserved their identity in the era of their development as part of the Soviet Union. In the topic of the Slavic War between Ukraine and Russia, it becomes extremely urgent to preserve the unique cultural heritage, which is in danger of disappearing during military operations and uncontrolled bombing of the Ukraine’s territory. To date, objects of material cultural heritage of the annexed territories of Donetsk region, Luhansk region, Kharkiv region, Kherson region, Zaporizhian region, Odesa region, and the Crimean Autonomous Republic are located in the immediate zone of potential destruction. The study subject was the tangible cultural heritage of the Republic of Ukraine. The study objects were objects of international, republican, and regional cultural heritage. The study purpose was to actualise the development of research on the Ukraine’s tangible cultural heritage, which is particularly endangered as a result of military actions by the Russian Federation. In the study course, logical, historical, documentary, comparative, and deductive methods of scientific work were used. Materials of archives and statistical data of UNESCO and the Ministry of Culture of Ukraine were used to achieve the purpose and solve the tasks set. The authors conclude that the relevance of the research of the fund of Ukraine’s tangible cultural heritage objects is obvious due to the ongoing military operations on the territory of the country and the use of modern military technologies of high-precision weapons of destruction at long distances. This poses a direct threat to any objects throughout the territory of Ukraine, regardless of their purpose and the causes of potential damage.


cultural heritage, klironomical worldview, Ukraine, UNESCO, World Heritage List nomination, historical and cultural reserve, tangible cultural heritage object.

Article Index

Lebedev, S., & Lebedeva, G. (2023). Western European philosophy on folk art as the basis of the national cultural heritage. Culture and Arts in the Context of world Cultural Heritage. Klironomy, 2(8), pp. 74-95. Ostrava: Tuculart Edition & European Institute for Innovation Development.

DOI: 10.47451/her2023-05-02 -------- Author's Certificate 1 -------- Author's Certificate 2


Scientific research should always be based on some kind of philosophical basis. Since ancient times, philosophy has also tried to find its answers to questions about pressing social problems, about the relationship of the universe with its laws and people. This fully applies to klironomy as well. Can cultural heritage be considered a philosophical problem? Undoubtedly, after all, figuratively speaking, the philosophical problem is knowledge about ignorance and some subjective assumption about an unknown phenomenon to be disclosed. Cultural heritage is not limited only to the presence of any historical ruins or texts of classical writers. At its core, the cultural heritage of the nation is folk traditional art. It is precisely this that should be considered as the fundamental basis of klironomy. The study object was the Western European philosophical thought about folk art. The study subject was the view of various representatives of Western European philosophy about folk art as the basis of the national cultural heritage. The study purpose was to present the evolution of Western European philosophy about folk art as the basis of the national cultural heritage. Logical, historical, comparative and deductive methods were used to achieve the set goal and solve the research tasks. The study used materials from prominent experts in philosophy of art, culture, and cultural heritage, e.g., Johann Gottlieb Fichte, Jurgen Habermas, Immanuel Kant, Friedrich Schiller, Valentina Maksimovich, Alexander Buychik, Elena Borzova. The author concludes that for the philosophy of klironomy to be born and develop, it is necessary to first create a philosophy of folk art as part of the philosophy of art. This is the task facing philosophers in the age of globalisation.


philosophy of art, Western European philosophy, cultural heritage, klironomy.

Article Index

Fomicheva, N. M. (2023). Restoration of the church gilded wall icon case. Culture and Arts in the Context of world Cultural Heritage. Klironomy, 2(8), pp. 40-51. Ostrava: Tuculart Edition & European Institute for Innovation Development.

DOI: 10.47451/her2023-05-01 -------- Author's Certificate


A huge number of church decorative and applied art monuments, which lost their original appearance during the years of timelessness and persecution of religion, need competent, scientifically based conservation and restoration, which will prolong the life of these monuments and revive them for contemporaries and descendants. The article is devoted to the restoration of two gilded frames of a kiot (icon case) with mastic stucco ornament in the neoclassical style of the late 19th century. The study subject was wooden gilded frames of kiots with mastic decoration in the neoclassical style. The project purpose was to return the exposition form to the church decorative and applied art object – the kiot (icon case), which lost it as a result of a prolonged violation of storage and operation conditions. In preparation for the restoration work, a study of the theoretical works of Russian and foreign specialists in this field was conducted. In the course of the work, complex techniques of conservation, restoration and recreation, associated with local losses of stucco decoration, the presence of solid late paints of the author’s finishing of the kiot (icon case) with bronze paint, were applied. The article is intended both for professionals who are directly involved in the restoration of church cultural heritage works, fund and museum exposition curators, guides, and art historians.


icon case, kiot, church decorative and applied art, conservation, restoration, mastic decor, recreation of local loss of gilding, tinting of recreated gilding.

Article Index

Buychik, A. (2023). The relevance of creating a scientific and educational complex for training specialists in revitalization. Culture and Arts in the Context of world Cultural Heritage. Klironomy, 1(7), pp. 71-81. Ostrava: Tuculart Edition & European Institute for Innovation Development.

DOI: 10.47451/her2023-03-01 -------- Author's Certificate


At the present stage of development of the advanced society of the planet, a more careful attitude to the objects of the past, which have the value of cultural heritage, becomes relevant. One of the problems is the lack of uniform norms for the interpretation of objects as cultural heritage units. Consequently, in each society the fund of such objects is formed according to different principles. Some of these units, which become objects and structures of cultural heritage, fall into significant disrepair or lose harmony with the renewing environment, landscape, and buildings over time. The relevance of their existence or the profitability of their restoration is under threat. The way out of this situation was the process of revitalization, i.e., giving an object or structure a new life while preserving the part of the authentic appearance (exterior) survived to this day. The study subject was the processes of evolution and transformation of klironomical thought in revitalization of cultural heritage objects and objects. The study object was a scientific and educational complex for the revitalization of cultural heritage objects and objects. The study purpose was to identify the evolutionary regularity of the actualisation for creating a scientific and educational complex to train future specialists in revitalization. To achieve the set purpose and solve problems, historical, logical, and comparative methods were used in the study course. In the study course, the works of scientists and researchers in the history of urban planning and architecture, in revitalization, culture and cultural heritage (Klironomy) were used. The author concludes that the study revealed an evolutionary need for the emergence of a new specialty that would represent specialists in revitalization, who will have a broader professional view of the principles, processes and conditions for the revitalization of cultural heritage objects and structures. For the emergence of specialists in revitalization in state, municipal, and commercial structures, it is necessary to create a scientific and educational complex for training specialists on the basis of universities and research institutes that deal with the problems of urbanisation, urban planning, architectural and landscape design. However, the fundamentally distinctive feature of such a scientific and educational complex should be an approach from a klironomical worldview, i.e., the main mental activity of a specialist should be the maximum preservation of the cultural and historical forms of an object or structure and the desire to adapt the environment to the historical appearance of the revitalized object using the latest technologies and new art forms.


revitalization, cultural heritage, scientific and educational complex, specialist in revitalization, urbanistic, urban renewal.

Article Index

Fomicheva, N. M. (2023). Riddles and mysteries of grandfather clocks from the palaces of Peterhof and Tsarskoye Selo. Culture and Arts in the Context of world Cultural Heritage. Klironomy, 1(7), pp. 82-98. Ostrava: Tuculart Edition & European Institute for Innovation Development.

DOI: 10.47451/her2023-02-01 -------- Author's Certificate


The article is devoted to the conservation and restoration of the upper part of the wooden carved gilded case of the grandfather clock from the White Dining Room of the Grand Peterhof Palace, which lost its expositional appearance as a result of the distortion of its appearance by late multi-layered oil painting, as well as the reconstruction of the lost lower part of the watch case with its subsequent finishing on the basis of an analogue and documentary research. The novelty of the topic lies in the comprehension and understanding by the restorers of the uniqueness of artworks, both at the time of their creation by the authors, and in the individuality of the conditions for their utilitarian use, storage, and exhibition, which were reflected in the distortion of the exhibition view as a result of various negative impact factors. The study subject was the works of European arts and crafts of the 18th century with a wooden base and decoration in the form of combined decorative gilding. The study object was the combined gilding of the wooden case of an 18th-century grandfather clock with a musical mechanism, made in Berlin by watchmaker Konrad Erbar. The study purpose was to identify the author’s finish of the object of restoration and to determine the methods of its conservation and reconstruction in order to return the work of exposition. In the study course, historical-archival, iconographic and comparative-analytical methods were used. The article highlights the process of technology research related to the history of finishing the wooden gilded case of the 18th-century grandfather clock, created by the watchmaker Konrad Erbar; the process of removing late multi-layered layers of oil paints from the author’s finish in the form of decorative combined gilding, conservation of the ground with finishing, reconstruction of various types of gilding on gesso, applying tinting to restoration gesso and gilding are described.


conservation, restoration, reconstruction, reconstruction, glossy and matt gilding, late painting, White Dining Room of the Grand Peterhof Palace, Great Hall of the Catherine Palace, Tsarskoye Selo, консервация, реставрация, воссоздание, реконструкция, глянцевое и матовое золочение, поздние закраски, Белая столовая Большого Петергофского дворца, Большой зал Екатерининского дворца Царского Села.

Article Index

Lebedev, S. V. (2022). Features of the event-geographical distribution of folk-art products in Russia. Culture and Arts in the Context of world Cultural Heritage. Klironomy, 3(6), pp. 77-90. Ostrava: Tuculart Edition & European Institute for Innovation Development.

DOI: 10.47451/her2022-10-01 -------- Author's Certificate


Russian folk crafts are a form of folk art, in which Russian traditional customs, which originated many centuries ago, are clearly traced. Russian handicrafts combine the uniqueness of Russian traditional culture. Russian art painting has at least 28 geographical varieties, fabric products have at least 11 geographical varieties, metal products and bone carvings have six geographical varieties each, toys have at least 16 geographical varieties. All of them were distributed in various ways on the territory of both Russia and foreign countries. The object of the study was the processes of distribution of works of folk art in Russia. The subject of the study was the mechanisms of distribution of folk-art products in Russia. The purpose of the study was to comprehend the historical practice of the realisation of works of traditional folk-art crafts, characteristics of the role of small retailers (ofenias, peddlers, walkers), fairs, national and international exhibitions in this process. Historical, logical, and critical research methods were applied to achieve the tasks set. The research used scientific articles and monographs of famous Russian and Soviet researchers in traditional applied art of Russia. The author concludes that in the new millennium, the traditional applied art of Russia has entered into conditions when interest in its ancestral roots and folk art has already covered a considerable part of Russian society. However, certain difficulties for the traditional applied art of Russia arise due to weak and ineffective advertising, and the lack of a distribution system for artistic products. If the sale of antiques, as well as the so-called “modern art” rely on a wide network of relevant institutions and organisations, then the sale of Russian folk-art products is just beginning to acquire organised forms. It seems that over time, a network of sales and distribution of folk-art products should still develop. When creating such a network, the experience of the past may well be useful.


ofenias, peddlers, fairs, exhibitions, kitsch, офени, коробейники, ярмарки, выставки, китч.

Article Index

Fomicheva, N. M. (2022). Comprehensive conservation and restoration of two frames for the temple icons of the Sampson Cathedral in St. Petersburg. Culture and Arts in the Context of world Cultural Heritage. Klironomy, 3(6), pp. 49-76. Ostrava: Tuculart Edition and European Institute for Innovation Development.

DOI: 10.47451/her2022-09-01 -------- Author's Certificate


The article is devoted to the restoration of two carved gilded frames to the temple icons of the 1760s in the Rococo style, during the work on which the techniques of conservation, restoration, reconstruction and recreation associated with the severe physical condition of the objects of church decorative and applied art received in the restoration were comprehensively applied. The purpose of the research and practical work was to return the expositional appearance of church objects of decorative and applied art as monuments of cultural heritage of Russia. Thanks to the well-coordinated and consistent restoration and restoration processes performed on the monuments, professional craftsmen: sculptors, carpenters, wood carvers and gilding restorers managed to turn the shapeless, heavily soiled fragments of fragments of two frames to the temple icons back into frames. After a comprehensive restoration of the two frames, it was possible to restore them to their former expositional appearance, prolong their life and preserve these monuments of church art for contemporaries and descendants, and then place them in the temple in their former historical places, i.e., to fulfill the main task of the restorers – to preserve the cultural heritage of Russia.


conservation, restoration, reconstruction, recreation, carved wooden ornamental, sculptural decor, gilding, frames for temple icons, rococo style, church decorative and applied art, silvering, gilding tinting, консервация, реставрация, реконструкция, воссоздание, резной деревянный орнаментальный, скульптурный декор, золочение, рамы к храмовым иконам, стиль рококо, церковное декоративно-прикладное искусство, серебрение, тонирование позолоты.

Article Index

Urmina, I. A. (2022). Documentary scientific heritage – actual contextual representation. Culture and Arts in the Context of world Cultural Heritage. Klironomy, 2 (5), pp. 114-120. Ostrava: Tuculart Edition.

DOI: 10.47451/her2022-05-02 -------- Author's Certificate


The report analyses the process of the heritage model formation as the choice of different generations of different parts of it. The field of scientific knowledge is considered as a set of systematised objective knowledge accumulated by mankind. The role of science is considered, in which rational, i.e., reasonable, true, reliable knowledge of people about the environment and themselves is concentrated, which is intersubjective, can be shared and translated by people in communicative processes. The significance of cultural heritage, including scientific, is also evaluated, which for new generation is only illustrative information that is not related to current life and requires updating, i.e., rational development in order to be used in solving vital tasks for an individual. The problem of reliable and objective interpretation of historical events and circumstances of scientists’ activities reflected in the submitted documents, letters, diaries, notes, photographs, etc. is revealed.


heritage, historical and cultural heritage, scientific documentary heritage, document, actualisation, social and cultural competence, наследие, историко-культурное наследие, научное документальное наследие, документ, актуализация, социокультурная компетентность.

Article Index

Parkhomenko, T. A. (2022). Cultural heritage of the Russian abroad – Russian envoy to the world. Culture and Arts in the Context of world Cultural Heritage. Klironomy, 2(5), pp. 108-113. Ostrava: Tuculart Edition.

DOI: 10.47451/her2022-05-01 -------- Author's Certificate


The report examines the cultural heritage of the Russian diaspora from the viewpoint of a complex socio-cultural system that has been formed over a long historical period and includes objects of cultural heritage that are different in their composition, kinds, types and forms. Many of them are part of rossika – a vast array of foreign materials related to Russia (historical, socio-political, scientific, religious, literary and artistic), its authorship belonged to both foreigners and representatives of the Russian diaspora, who were engaged in diversified studies of the fatherland in a foreign land. All heritage objects are united by their involvement in Russia, by connection with its past and present, by transmission of the historical experience and cultural memory of the Russian people, as well as the preservation of the national and cultural self-identification of compatriots. It allows us to consider them as a historical and cultural phenomenon, which deserves a detailed description and study.


Russia, Russian abroad, cultural heritage, monuments, architectural objects, archival and book rossika, museums, museum collections, necropolis, Россия, русское зарубежье, культурное наследие, памятники, архитектурные объекты, архивная и книжная россика, музеи, музейные коллекции, некрополь.

Article Index

Strenáčiková, M. Jr., Strenáčiková, M. Sr., & Kološtová, M. (2022). Music teachers influencing lives. Culture and Arts in the Context of world Cultural Heritage. Klironomy, 2(5), pp. 101-107. Ostrava: Tuculart Edition.

DOI: 10.47451/her2022-04-02 -------- Author's Certificate 1 -------- Author's Certificate 2 -------- Author's Certificate 3


There are many teachers in Slovak music history and in present times who have educated generations of musicians with love and who have influenced many artistic careers and lifestyles. Paying homage to these personalities and making their activities accessible to the public is the goal of the national project KEGA 003UMB-4/2021, Lexicon of Personalities of Slovak Music Pedagogy. The aim of this paper is to briefly present two exceptional personalities who work with talented pupils/students of different ages, in different cities, different types and levels of schools, but with a common mission. They are united by their love for the teaching profession, their way of communicating, and their responsibility and exceptional human values. We present piano teacher, performer and accompanist Viera Horváthová, a prominent figure in primary art education; we also present Gregorian chant teacher, researcher and author of theoretical works Janka Bednáriková, a respected pedagogue at the Catholic university. The method used in this research is a questionnaire and interviews conducted in 2021-2022.


music, teacher, Horváthová, Bednáriková, education, hudba, učiteľ, vzdelávanie.

Article Index

Shulgin, A. (2022). The relevance of klironomy as a complex of scientific knowledge of cultural heritage preservation. Culture and Arts in the Context of world Cultural Heritage. Klironomy, 2(5), pp. 121-134. Ostrava: Tuculart Edition.

DOI: 10.47451/her2022-04-01 -------- Author's Certificate


The relevance of the topic Klironomy Relevance as a Complex of Scientific Knowledge of Cultural Heritage Preservation concludes in consideration of klironomy not as a separate science but as a scientific knowledge complex, connected with many sciences from social and humanitarian fields. Despite klironomy includes three fundamental scientific directions, each of them has few sciences, cumulative existing knowledge forming united humanitarian outlook directed to researching of the main tangible and intangible values. Each klironomical science is clearly identified, withal has close connection together and uses knowledge received in adjacent sciences development, e.g., history, philosophy, anthropology, archaeology, physics, chemistry, etc. The study subject is the complex of klironomical sciences. The study object is cultural heritage preservation phenomenon. The study purpose is to detect interconnection of separate klironomical directions and sciences on example of each direction’s representative. In the study, historical, comparative, and logical analysis and also analyses and synthesis methods were used. To reach the set destination and solve tasks made, the works of the native and foreign specialists in culture, art, philosophy, history, geography, archaeology, and other sciences that help form klironomical outlook. The author concludes that to analyse three separated klironomical sciences each of which is included in separated klironomical direction it was concluded that they are interconnected, complete each other, and present complex and full characteristics to an object, subject, or element of cultural heritage. Thus, it can be concluded that Klironomy as the science of cultural heritage is a set of multiple separated klironomical sciences united in three scientific directions.


klironomy, klironomical sciences, cultural heritage preservation, humanitarian, natural sciences, social sciences, art history.

Article Index

Fomicheva, N. M. (2022). Comprehensive conservation and restoration of two frames for the temple icons of the Sampson Cathedral in St Petersburg. Culture and Arts in the Context of world Cultural Heritage. Klironomy, 1(4), pp. 54-74. Ostrava: Tuculart Edition.

DOI: 10.47451/her2022-02-04 -------- Author's Certificate


The article is devoted to the restoration of two carved gilded frames to the temple icons of the 1760s in the Rococo style, during the work on which the techniques of conservation, restoration, reconstruction and recreation associated with the severe physical condition of the objects of church decorative and applied art received in the restoration were comprehensively applied. The study purpose was to return the expositional appearance of church objects of decorative applied art as monuments of the cultural heritage of our country. Thanks to the well-coordinated and consistent conservation and restoration processes carried out on the monuments, professional craftsmen managed to turn the shapeless, heavily polluted fragments of two frames to the temple icons back into frames. After a comprehensive restoration of two frames, it was possible to return them to their former expositional and aesthetic appearance, prolong their life and preserve these monuments of church art for contemporaries and descendants, and then place them in the temple in their former historical places, i.e., to fulfil the main task of professional restorers to preserve the cultural heritage of Russia.


conservation, restoration, reconstruction, recreation, carved wooden ornamental and sculptural decor, gilding, frames for temple icons, rococo style, church decorative and applied art, silvering, gilding tinting.

Article Index

Salca, H. (2022). A recollection: early aircraft construction, the prerogative of wood craftsmen. Culture and Arts in the Context of world Cultural Heritage. Klironomy, 1(4), pp. 16-32. Ostrava: Tuculart Edition.

DOI: 10.47451/her2022-02-03 -------- Author's Certificate


In this article, the author tried to consider the place and role of wood processors in the early period of the aeronautical industry, approximately 1910-1940, when most aircraft were built of wood. The professions in this field and the woodworking tools or machines used at that time are brought back to attention. Starting from the accounts of a first-rate craftsman who worked during the WWII at the Romanian Aeronautical Industry Plants in Braşov, Romania (going through the hierarchy from carpenter to foreman) and from the way the Bristol and Colonial Airplane Company in Filton, United Kingdom works (as reflected in the aerospace museum from Filton), but also from a technical regulation imposed by the United States War Department on factories that produced and repaired military aircraft, the author tries to reconstruct the form of organization and work during the pioneering period of aviation and during the first factories in the field. It can be considered that this article is a tribute to these woodworkers, but also a reconsideration of how the aeronautical industry developed and a remember of its beginnings for those of today. The author also tries to give pertinent answers, in his opinion, related to the causes of wood replacement as the main material for the construction of aircraft. Later days steel and aluminium, then fiberglass, modern composites, and, nowadays, the nanomaterials have taken its place, but it can never be forgotten or ignored. This year is the half-centenary of the death of Henri Coanda (Crystal, 1998:214), a Romanian scientist, one of the pioneers of jet aviation, since 1910. This article is intended to be the first in a series of homage articles, designed to bring the work and personality to this genius.


wood, aviation, aeronautical industry, woodworkers, woodworking tools, woodworking machines, Coanda.

Article Index

Diachok, O. M., Kuziv, M. P., Volska, S. O., & Datsiuk, N. M. (2022). Protection of cultural heritage. Yazlovets Palace. Culture and Arts in the Context of world Cultural Heritage. Klironomy, 1(4), pp. 7-15. Ostrava: Tuculart Edition.

DOI: 10.47451/her2022-02-02 ------ Author's Certificate 1 ------ Author's Certificate 2 ------ Author's Certificate 3 ------ Author's Certificate 4


The article examines the history of formation and architectural planning of the palace complex in the village of Yazlovets, Ternopil region. The monument of architecture and urban planning of national importance has partially lost its suitability for operation, needs urgent restoration and renovation, which is confirmed by field inspections. During its long history, the palace has undergone many reconstructions, prosperity, destruction and restoration, was at the centre of historical and political events in the region. Built as a defence complex, its buildings performed ideological, cultural, social, sacred functions. Today, the complex still has significant historical and cultural value, contains valuable artistic artifacts and attracts pilgrims and tourists from around the world. The palace gives ideological colour to the small town, is its bright dominant. The castle in the village of Yazlovets became part of the Ternopil Castles National Reserve. In the course of the research a historical reference about the object of cultural heritage was made, a recommendation on the use of the palace complex was given. The purpose of the article is to introduce into scientific circulation updated data on the valuable monument of urban planning and architecture of Ternopil region – Palace of the 17th and 18th centuries in the village of Yazlovets.


Yazlovets, Ternopil region, cultural heritage, palace, castle, restoration.

Article Index

Creţiu, A.-E. (2022). William Blake. Artist, poet, visionary imaginarian. Culture and Arts in the Context of world Cultural Heritage. Klironomy, 1(4), pp. 33-53. Ostrava: Tuculart Edition.

DOI: 10.47451/her2022-02-01 -------- Author's Certificate


So many times, in humanity’s history, a genius was mistaken for a madman, or, at least, a too eccentric person for the accepted standards of society. Posterity, though, brought the value of a genius to light since usually genii are also visionaries. So was William Blake. Some think of him as a poet; some say he was, in fact, an artist with a hobby for writing, and some understood the power of his creative force in both fields and beyond those. In his “Prefatory Memoir” to an edition of Blake’s poems, W.M. Rosetti (1890, XI) called him “a glorious luminary.” The purpose of the present study is to analyze how his verse interlaces with his fine artworks, as well as ways in which, through his artworks, he related to already existent cultural masterpieces, offering us a new approach to them. The study also aims to follow the light he cast to reach future generations and reveal how he enlightened future creators. His cultural legacy in poetry, music, art, philosophy, and religion is overwhelming, as is his huge personality.


William Blake, poetry, painting, printmaking, cultural legacy, poezie, pictură, gravură, moştenire culturală.

Article Index

Fomicheva, N. M., & Valuev, D. A. (2021). The connection of times and generations in the restoration of cultural heritage monuments. Culture and arts in the context of cultural heritage. Klironomy, 3(3), pp. 45-90. Hlučín-Bobrovníky: “Anisiia Tomanek” OSVČ.

DOI: 10.47451/her2021-10-001 -------- Author's Certificate 1 -------- Author's Certificate 2


The topic relevance lies in the fact that the preservation of cultural heritage monuments of our country has been, is and will be the most important at any time for the patriotic, aesthetic, and moral education of young people, who should be instilled with love for the Motherland, for people, who create and preserve beautiful works of art, love of creativity in a variety of fields for contemporaries and descendants. The purpose of the study is to create the Book of Memory of the Restorers of St. Petersburg through the history of the revival of suburban palaces of St Petersburg after the Great Patriotic War on the example of restoring the interiors of the Golden Suite of the Catherine Palace in Tsarskoye Selo and in particular – the Great Hall or the Light Gallery. The article is devoted to the master restorers who recreated from the ruins and ashes the unique interiors of the Catherine Palace of the architectural palace and park reserve Tsarskoye Selo in the city of Pushkin after its destruction during the Second World War. It tells about the continuity of generations of restorers of the 20th and 21st centuries. In the study course, the works of leading experts and scientists in the field of restoration of the Russian cultural heritage were used.


recreation, conservation, restoration, imitation of gilding by potting and bronzing, Catherine Palace of Tsarskoye Selo, Great Hall, education of the younger generation of restorers, continuity of generations.

Article Index

Lebedev, S. V. (2021). Cultural heritage protection in the globalization context. The Collection of Mini Monographs. Klironomy, 2(2), pp. 7-26. Hlučín-Bobrovníky: “Anisiia Tomanek” OSVČ.

DOI: 10.47451/her2021-08-001 -------- Author's Certificate


The article actualizes the problem of national identity through the preservation of the basis of the cultural heritage of peoples and ethnic groups in the era of globalization and the emergence of a large number of ‘melting pots’ that erase the edges of the uniqueness of individual peoples of the world. The author argues that for any emerging nation, the cultural heritage, even if artificial, determines to a large extent the ‘core culture’ and is one of the basic foundations of national identity. Consequently, an important role is played by the adaptation of immigrants, who bring and lobby their culture and traditions in new territories for themselves. It forces some countries seeking to preserve their history and cultural heritage to actively hinder the immigration process, even sacrificing the development of their ethnic group, which does not tend to reduce the birth rate. However, on other way, multiculturalism only contributes to the rooting of specific customs and traditions among immigrant diasporas, which finally turn into separate communities leading to a close existence. The author concludes that in conditions, when one’s cultural heritage is withering and the core culture is disintegrating, new cultural values belonging to new minorities begin to arise.


national identity, cultural heritage, melting pot, globalization, culture, traditions, immigration.

Article Index

Buychik, A. (2021). The relevance of the formation of the science of the cultural heritage preservation as the evolution of social and scientific thought. Cultural Heritage in the Context of Social Development. Klironomy, 1(1), pp. 7-21. Hlučín-Bobrovníky: “Anisiia Tomanek” OSVČ.

DOI: 10.47451/her2021-06-001 -------- Author's Certificate


Research in the field of cultural heritage preservation has been actively conducted over the past 150 years. The world community has achieved great success in forming a school of objects’ restoration and conservation of past civilizations’ cultures. However, in the early 21st century, a lot of knowledge began to go beyond what is already available in the classification of the sciences of art and culture. In the last third of the 20th century, a separate science of restoration began to emerge, which is also looking for its place between culture and art. The need to form a new scientific direction on cultural heritage preservation appeared due to the formation of a huge amount of scientific knowledge, which was supported by the evolution of the philosophical thought of the world-leading thinkers, who came close to defining the Concept of Klironomical Outlook, i.e., structural views on determining the value of cultural heritage. The author justifies that the world community has objectively approached the understanding and separation of the klironomical outlook, which contributes to the formation of a new complex of sciences of the cultural heritage preservation – klironomy. The research used the scientific works of the author of the article, as well as leading experts in the field of culture and philosophers.


klironomy, cultural heritage preservation, world community, klironomical outlook.

Article Index

Nosan, T. M. (2021). Local traditions of the Northern folk costume design of the Olonets Province from the late 19th to the mid-20th century. Cultural Heritage in the Context of Social Development. Klironomy, 1(1), pp. 54-83. Hlučín-Bobrovníky: “Anisiia Tomanek” OSVČ.

DOI: 10.47451/her2021-05-002 -------- Author's Certificate


The article is devoted to the original types of traditional design of the Northern folk costume of the Olonets Province from the late 19th to the mid-20th century. The article deals with the history of traditional folk costume, its functions: festive, ceremonial, professional, regional, class, indicating the occupation and religion. The author analyzes the materials, various methods of decorating the decor with embroidery, weaving, lace, as well as the ornament and colour scheme of the costume. The general sources of studying the history of the folk costume are works of fine and applied art, literary works and historical documents. The author concludes that the constant appeal to the modelling folk costume creativity is very important for a modern designer. The analysis of models created based on folk costume revealed various creative approaches of artists to the use of folk motifs in a modern costume created in the process of creative reinterpretation of folk traditions with regards to modern conditions.


folk costume, creative activity, national characteristics, folk traditions, colour scheme, cultural experience, information and aesthetic properties.

Article Index

Lebedeva, G. N. (2021). Literary magazine as a historical memory keeper. Cultural Heritage in the Context of Social Development. Cultural Heritage in the Context of Social Development. Klironomy, 1(1), pp. 32-42. Hlučín-Bobrovníky: “Anisiia Tomanek” OSVČ.

DOI: 10.47451/her2021-05-001 -------- Author's Certificate


The study object was 19th-century Russian journalism as a social institution associated with preserving cultural heritage and historical memory. The issues of cultural heritage preservation in the Russian Empire of the first half of the 19th century are considered using a 19th-century literary magazine as an example. Journalism occupies no less a place in culture than art, morality, science and technology. Influencing the public consciousness, journalism is important, because addressing, it raises the question of public confidence in the authorities. Thus, journalists are the keepers of the heritage. This can contribute to the stability and development of society. In the course of the study, it was possible to trace how the journalistic and practical activities of writers, intellectuals and publishers contributed to the unification of publicists, statesmen and scientists and influenced the formation of public consciousness, as well as programs and institutions for the preservation of cultural heritage.


A.A. Guseynov, literary magazine, cultural heritage, journalism as a heritage, heritage keepers, control over information, publishing, institutional and non-institutional ways of heritage preservation.

Article Index

Kirgizbekova, S. S. (2021). Historical and cultural significance of the collection of Russian artists in the A. Kasteeva Museum. Cultural Heritage in the Context of Social Development. Klironomy, 1(1), pp. 110-126. Hlučín-Bobrovníky: “Anisiia Tomanek” OSVČ. (in Russian)

DOI: 10.47451/her2021-04-004 -------- Author's Certificate


The article is devoted to the collection of Russian art, presented today in the State Museum of Arts. Abylkhana Kasteeva in Almaty. Practice has shown that the main stream of artistic forces rushed to Kazakhstan from Moscow. The value of the entire Kazakh exposition of the museum is colossal not so much in material terms as in its historical and cultural significance for descendants and contemporaries. In the context of the style diversity of images, shapes and colors, one can grasp the sensations, and through them to find answers to many questions, understand the historical processes in Kazakhstan, beliefs, our attitude to nature, to life and to each other. Therefore, it is so important to identify the circle of artists who worked in Kazakhstan, in the years when Kazakhstan’s fine arts were just getting on their feet, the process of consolidating a few creative forces was taking place. Anyway, these artists visited Kazakhstan, worked here, created their own works. Among them were eminent Russian painters, who entered the history of Soviet Art. The masterpieces of Kazakh and Russian art will allow the viewer to trace the history of the formation and development of the Kazakh national school of painting, over a thousand paintings, prints and drawings are the pride of the collection of the State Museum of Arts of Kazakhstan. A. Kasteev.


art, museums, creativity, artists, history, culture, painting, collection, exhibits, exhibition, искусство, музеи, творчество, художники, история, культура, живопись, коллекция, экспонаты.

Article Index

Fomicheva, N. M. (2021). Garden chair restoration. Cultural Heritage in the Context of Social Development. Cultural Heritage in the Context of Social Development. Klironomy, 1(1), pp. 84-109. Hlučín-Bobrovníky: “Anisiia Tomanek” OSVČ.

DOI: 10.47451/her2021-04-003 -------- Author's Certificate


The article is devoted to the realization of unique practical methods of restoration of decorative and applied art objects, which is a significant work in cultural heritage preservation because the topic is practically inexhaustible, both for researchers, art historians and for restorers-performers. The subject of the study was household garden gilded furniture of Russia of the 19th century. The project aimed to return the garden chair to the exhibition form for further use in the museum halls, as an object of 19th-century garden furniture art. To understand the restoration problems of the kind of furniture, the author of the article turned to the researchers’ publications devoted to the aspects of the creation, decoration and restoration of 19th-century furniture. The author presents in detail the stages of furniture restoration. As well as the technologies used for this type of restoration work. As a result of the comprehensive restoration of the garden chair with rattan, the master restorer acquired a certain useful theoretical knowledge of the topic and practical experience of working with the decorative and applied art subject, which had only characteristic features of its technical condition and methods of working to return the chair to its aesthetic and exposition appearance. The materials presented in the article will be useful for practising restorers and novice young professionals.


19th-century garden gilded furniture, glossy and matt gilding, gilding imitation with Dutch metal, tinting, decorative coatings’ protection from oxidation.

Article Index

Duduleanu, L. (2021). Arthropods. Aesthetic approaches through selective methods of representation in personal creation. Cultural Heritage in the Context of Social Development..Klironomy, 1(1), pp. 43-53. Hlučín-Bobrovníky: “Anisiia Tomanek” OSVČ.

DOI: 10.47451/her2021-04-002 -------- Author's Certificate


The article purpose is to analyze the theme of insects in the sphere of visual arts from the perspective of the visual artist, as basis of the research, presenting certain historical, technical, artistic and conceptual aspects. The present study highlights the representations of certain specimens in the area of artistic creation and analyzes three stages of the creative act – from simple curiosity to science and to purely aesthetic value – the observations made in the field of entomology being part this. Surprising the phenomenon of decontextualization of arthropods in the natural environment leads the research towards original artistic manifestations and concerns, which leads me to pay great attention to the aesthetic side in the context of the elaboration of compositional structures in personal artistic creation.


arthropods, insects, entomology, specimen, watercolor, paper, graphic, papercutting.

Article's Index

Andreescu, D. (2021). Cultural heritage through design thinking. Cultural Heritage in the Context of Social Development. Klironomy, 1(1), pp. 22-31. Hlučín-Bobrovníky: “Anisiia Tomanek” OSVČ.

DOI: 10.47451/her2021-04-001 -------- Author's Certificate


The general purpose of the Design Thinking approach (concept taken over in Romanian without its translation and which involves conception-oriented thinking) is to support the conception and design of products, services, processes, strategies, spaces, architecture and experiences ideal for use optimal. Applying the approach leads to the development of practical and innovative solutions to the problems identified in the product and/or technology design departments of companies. As described in the article Design Thinking is a process springing from the user-centered conception-design paradigm. The objective of the article is to highlight the need to combine urban study within Design Thinking, in the case of all areas of conception-design of solutions.


design thinking, innovation, creativity, experience, empathy, thinking, consumer, health.

Article Index

Nosan, T. M. (2021). Regional features of traditional embroidery of the North-West of Russia (Leningrad, Vologda, Novgorod and Pskov regions) of the late 19th and early 20th century. Eastern European Humanitarian Collection of Mini Monographs. European Scientific e-Journal, 1(7), 155-210. Hlučín-Bobrovníky: “Anisiia Tomanek” OSVČ. (In Russian)

DOI: 10.47451/her2020-12-006 ---------- Certificate


The history of the development of artistic embroidery in the North-West of Russia has not yet been sufficiently studied. In popular scientific publications, the main attention was paid to folk embroidery from the 18 to 20th centuries, and sewing techniques that existed in the noble and urban environment remained little explored. The lack of publications of generalizing works on a number of techniques of artistic sewing does not allow us to identify with sufficient completeness the overall picture of the development of this type of sewing in Russia. The article is devoted to the history and theory of ancient technological features of embroidery in the works of traditional applied art of the North-West of Russia (Leningrad, Vologda, Novgorod and Pskov regions). The author analyzes various techniques, ornaments, and color solutions of traditional embroidery. Describing a kind of technological variety of embroidery skill, the author believes that the artistic merits of embroidery in the North-West of Russia is the brightest page in the world history of art.


traditional applied art, European art, color scheme, national features, artistic and technological techniques, folk customs, ornament.

Article's Index

Buychik, A. (2020). Allocation of basic research in the field of cultural heritage preservation in a separate scientific direction. Eurasia: Current Issues of Cultural Heritage. European Scientific e-Journal, 3(3), 4-14. Hlučín-Bobrovníky: “Anisiia Tomanek” OSVČ.

DOI: 10.47451/her2020-12-005 ---------- Certificate


Over the past 150 years, active work has been carried out to form the basis for the restoration and preservation of the objects of art that bear a specific cultural code of humanity as a whole and each nation individually. Despite the fact that the first restoration work known to us today, were held around 1400 BC, states and leading statesmen did not attach due importance to the preservation of the heritage of the past for many centuries. The author of the article considers topical issues of development of a unified new science of cultural heritage preservation – Klironomy – and the definition of theoretical sciences that should become the basis for the formation of a new scientific field. The sciences of culture and art based on philosophical thought have already created the necessary foundation for the formation of a separate complex of Cultural Heritage Sciences rather than a scientific trend. The author concludes that the preservation of cultural heritage has long outgrown the conditional study of individual areas of activity – restoration, conservation, renovation and revitalization. In the early 21st century need to this question to look from a new perspective and to consider the preservation of tangible and intangible cultural heritage as part of cultural and art sciences, and some complex science.


cultural heritage, preservation, klironomy, restoration, conservation, renovation, revitalization.

Article's Index

Ivanova, A., & Marinova I. (2020). Role of colours in historical buildings preservation. Eurasia: Current Issues of Cultural Heritage. European Scientific e-Journal, 3(3), 107-116. European Scientific e-Journal. Hlučín-Bobrovníky: “Anisiia Tomanek” OSVČ.

DOI: 10.47451/her2020-12-004 ---------- Certificate ---------- Certificate


Colour has leading complex role in forming living environment. It brings information on many levels of perception and completes aesthetic value of the objects that surround us. Contemporary researches reveal that colours can be observed as a means to manipulate inhabitants’ thermal, light, acoustical comfort and space configuration and it is a growing tendency in building and urban design. The article studies the role of colour in historic buildings and to what extent it can be altered during the preservation process according to its properties and to society perception. Data from survey upon specific historical buildings conducted by the team is analyzed and compared with results from external researches. Aspects of historical building colour are specified and conclusions are made. Practical recommendations are defined.


historic building, color, preservation, urban development, living comfort.

Article's Index

Nosan, T. M. (2020). Regional features of traditional embroidery in the Russian North of Russia (Olonets sewing-Karelia). Eurasia: Current Issues of Cultural Heritage. European Scientific e-Journal, 3(3), 117-163. Hlučín-Bobrovníky: “Anisiia Tomanek” OSVČ.

DOI: 10.47451/her2020-12-003 ---------- Certificate


In the traditional applied art of the Olonets province, Republic of Karelia, artistic embroidery is not only one of the most popular types of folk art, the formation and development of which was influenced by ethnic Karelian and Russian culture, but also a significant material and spiritual base, a natural form of transmitting historical and cultural experience to subsequent generations. The article is devoted to regional features of traditional embroidery in the North of Russia. The author analyzes various techniques, ornaments, and colours of Karelian embroidery. Describing a kind of embroidery skill, the author believes that the artistic merits of embroidery in the North of Russia is the brightest page in the world history of art. The author concludes that with the advent of new materials, the art of embroidery itself develops and improves, new techniques appear and the possibilities of performing various drawings and ornamental motifs that are inextricably linked with national culture and local traditions expand.


traditional applied art, technological techniques, color scheme, national features, folk customs and rituals, ornament.

Article's Index

Lebedev, S. V. (2020). Folk art as a phenomenon of philosophical understanding. Eurasia: Current Issues of Cultural Heritage. European Scientific e-Journal, 3(3), 15-36. Hlučín-Bobrovníky: “Anisiia Tomanek” OSVČ.

DOI: 10.47451/her2020-12-002 ---------- Certificate


Folk art is fundamentally based on the cultural and traditional heritage of previous generations. Traditional applied art cannot exist without relying on the cultural heritage of society. The article is devoted to the philosophical understanding of the phenomenon of folk art. Folk art, which originated in the Paleolithic period and is based on the artistic tradition of the ethnic group, continues to exist in some industrialized countries, including Russia. The author concludes that folk art of the world and Russia has passed a contradictory path. Having generated the ‘great’ art of the classical type, folk art has moved down to the level of subsidiary crafts, and in some countries – to kitsch. However, in the modern conditions of globalization and the ‘return of ethnicity’, folk art takes on new features.


cultural heritage, folk art, tradition, traditional applied art, conservation, renovation, revitalization, industrial era, post-industrial era.

Article's Index

Lebedeva, G. N. (2020). Philosophy of cultural heritage: scientific and public organizations of the Russian Empire. Eurasia: Current Issues of Cultural Heritage. European Scientific e-Journal, 3(3), 51-61. Hlučín-Bobrovníky: “Anisiia Tomanek” OSVČ.

DOI: 10.47451/her2020-12-001 ---------- Certificate


Cultural processes of globalization affect not only the life of an individual, group or professional corporations, but also affect the internal social and economic sphere of any civilization or community, changing even complex and entrenched social institutions. The author considers the philosophical foundations of cultural heritage preservation in the Russian Empire in the first half of the 19th century. The article traces how the scientific and practical activities of Russian statesmen and scientists have shaped programs and institutions for the preservation of cultural heritage. The author concludes that cultural heritage is used to determine the organization of society. In general, culture, as a factor of social change, preserves both customs, established forms of behavior regulation, and new but not always dynamic factors and values. The main function of cultural heritage is to maintain national memory and stability in the life of the people.


S.G. Stroganov, F.I. Buslaev, cultural heritage as an activity, social movements and scientific organizations, mobilization of private resources, Imperial Moscow Society of Russian History and Antiquities, Society of Old Russian Art Lovers, synthetic discipline on folk culture.

Article's Index

Lonchinskaya, T. E. (2020). Renovation of the fan of the Empress Maria Feodorovna. Eurasia: Current Issues of Cultural Heritage. European Scientific e-Journal, 3(3), 62-74. Hlučín-Bobrovníky: “Anisiia Tomanek” OSVČ.

DOI: 10.47451/her2020-11-002 ---------- Certificate


The works of lace-making art are our artistic heritage, material evidence of the creative talent and talent of Russian craftswomen. Speaking about the historical significance, aesthetic, artistic and expressive value of the lace fan of the Empress Maria Feodorovna, it is necessary to emphasize the reflection in them of technological traditions that determine the special attractiveness of hand-made artistic products, since they contain information about the lost technological techniques of lace weaving and the high skill of professional execution of ancient patterns. The author discusses the lace fan of the Empress Maria Feodorovna. The author reveals the nature of lace ornament as a mean of artistic expression, which is due to the use of certain techniques of weaving. The significance of research of works of artistic lace weaving, renovation of the most valuable monuments of cultural heritage is proved.


fan, Empress Maria Feodorovna, Mariinsky practical school of lace-makers, Russian lace, renovation.

Article's Index

Kerner, K. F. Different methods of printing transfers for ceramic bases and their ecological aspect. Eurasia: Current Issues of Cultural Heritage. European Scientific e-Journal, 3(3), 62-74. Hlučín-Bobrovníky: “Anisiia Tomanek” OSVČ.
Kerner, K.F. Transfer grafiki na podłoża ceramiczne różne metody i ich ekologiczny aspekt. Eurasia: Current Issues of Cultural Heritage. European Scientific e-Journal, 3(3), 62-74. Hlučín-Bobrovníky: “Anisiia Tomanek” OSVČ.

DOI: 10.47451/her2020-11-001 ---------- Certificate


The relevance of this article is the search for new means for artists to pursue their creative visions. Research done within the creative field furthers creativity and allows for new forms of expression. However, despite the singular purpose of creation itself, there remains responsibility. It is crucial that artists also can find ways of avoiding making more hazardous waste for the environment. This particular research is so timely when the whole world is in search of new methods of saving resources. article describes the various methods used for creating ceramic transfers. The second aspect describes the toxicity of certain chemicals used in specific processes. The research proposes the creation of a new method that would be based on the historical transfer method, but using updated techniques to minimize the toxic waste created from currently practiced methods.


Straffordshire, Spode, Małgorzata Et Ber Warlikowska, Marek Cecuła, transferware, silk-screen printing, digital ceramic printing, etching, ceramic pigments, matrix, porcelain.

Article's Index

Vedrova, A. D. (2020). Conservation and restoration of still-life painting of the 20th century. Current Issues of Cultural Heritage in 2020. European Scientific e-Journal, 1(1), 92-113. Hlučín-Bobrovníky: “Anisiia Tomanek” OSVČ.

DOI: 10.47451/her2020-09-001 ---------- Certificate


The relevance of the topic covered in this article is due to the importance of preserving cultural heritage in the modern world, since many objects of material cultural heritage are destroyed as a result of aggressive environment, improper handling and storage. And, therefore, in order to preserve them, it is necessary to create special conditions for the storage of art monuments, as well as to carry out their conservation and restoration in a timely manner. This article describes the conservation and restoration activities aimed at preserving the picturesque still-life of the 20th century by O.K. Tatevosyan. The complexity of these activities is due to the presence of a large number of surface contaminants, the main of which were dangerous and extremely difficult to remove fly deposits, as well as the thinness of the author’s layer.


conservation of still-life, restoration of still-life, insect spots, thin ground, Uzbekistan SSR, O.K. Tatevosyan.

Article's Index

Velnikovskaya, Y. D. (2020). Restoration of the frames with mastic decor and gilding imitation of three types for the still-life of the late 19th and early 20th centuries. Current Issues of Cultural Heritage in 2020. European Scientific e-Journal, 1(1), 134-148. Hlučín-Bobrovníky: “Anisiia Tomanek” OSVČ. (In Russian)

DOI: 10.47451/her2020-08-007 ---------- Certificate


The peculiarity of the restoration of the restored frame was the fact that the lost decor cannot be restored technologically at the moment in the material of the original creation, since the historical decor of factory production was previously made on a rolling machine. The losses of the stucco, miniature in size, mastic decor of a low profile on the frame are piece-by-piece and require an individual approach to the restoration of each fragment. The article contains information on conservation and restoration of a small frame size to the still-life, the decoration of which is mastic decor with gilding imitation of several types. The author of the article expresses the opinion that the method of carrying out restoration work performed on this frame will undoubtedly be useful in practice for other restorers on similar works with the loss of mastic factory decor and its historical decoration, and will also replenish the treasury of scientific knowledge in this area.


frame restoration, still life, mastic decor, gilding imitation.

Article's Index

Oksentyuk, O. V. (2020). Complex of conservation works to preserve the tombstone of the 18th century from the necropolis of the Alexander Nevsky Lavra in St. Petersburg. Current Issues of Cultural Heritage in 2020. European Scientific e-Journal, 1(1), 203-223. Hlučín-Bobrovníky: “Anisiia Tomanek” OSVČ. (In Russian)

DOI: 10.47451/her2020-08-006 ---------- Certificate


The 18 century St Petersburg Necropolis of the Alexander Nevsky Lavra is a repository of information about thousands of names of statesmen, artists, military men, about the color of the spiritual and political life of Russia. Saving all this information is an important and difficult task. The difficulty lies in the variety and specificity of factors affecting the preservation of monuments. The author describes the conservation measures carried out to preserve the 18th century memorial tombstone. The material of the slab is Putilov limestone. The complexity of such events lies in the fact that horizontally lying tombstones are an excellent springboard for various destructive processes that affect the preservation of the monument’s material. The concept of conservation works was aimed at deliberately emphasizing the places of restoration interventions and maximum preservation of the historical material of the Maremyana Petrovna Nefedova’s tombstone.


tombstone preservation, necropolis, Alexander Nevsky Lavra, St Petersburg.

Article's Index

Zuenkova, O. V. (2020). Conservation and restoration of the frame to the icon of Descent from the Cross of the main iconostasis of the Upper Church of the Cathedral of the Vladimir Icon of the Mother of God in St. Petersburg. Current Issues of Cultural Heritage in 2020. European Scientific e-Journal, 1(1), 253-278. Hlučín-Bobrovníky: “Anisiia Tomanek” OSVČ. (In Russian)

DOI: 10.47451/her2020-08-005 ---------- Certificate


The preservation of the Church’s cultural heritage is one of the most important tasks of the society today. The historical main Baroque iconostasis of the Cathedral of the Vladimir Icon of the Mother of God in St. Petersburg is a unique work of art of its kind, created in the middle of the 18 century by the famous F. Rastrelli. The Iconostasis needs conservation and restoration, and must be preserved in accordance with museum principles as an architectural monument of federal significance. This article describes the questions of attribution, conservation and restoration of the frame to the icon of Descent from the Cross, which is an important element in the complex of historical and cultural heritage of the Cathedral of the Vladimir icon of the Mother of God.


restoration of sculpture, conservation, the necropolis of Alexander Nevsky Lavra, St Petersburg.

Article's Index

Snatkina, E. V. (2020). Conservation and restoration of a fragment of the Royal Gate’s sash with the icon of Omen. Current Issues of Cultural Heritage in 2020. European Scientific e-Journal, 1(1), 224-252. Hlučín-Bobrovníky: “Anisiia Tomanek” OSVČ. (In Russian)

DOI: 10.47451/her2020-08-004 ---------- Certificate


The relevance of this research topic lies in the fact that in our time the public interest in church decorative and applied art has increased, the works of which represent historical cultural heritage and periodically need conservation and restoration. The window frame and the image on the icon are inextricably linked to each other. The author of the article introduces to an unusual and uncharacteristic set of fragments of two monuments, connected in an arbitrary composition in the form of a frame to the icon, for the purpose of its exposure and utilitarian use. She tells about the technological features of the practical restoration of these two monuments with distortions of their original finish as a result of previous unprofessional restoration.


sash restoration, conservation, the Royal Gates, the icon of Omen, St Petersburg.

Article's Index

Baibekova, L. S. (2020). Conservation and restoration of the memorial monument to A.A. Goryainov (1795-1813) in the Necropolis of the 18th-century Alexander Nevsky Lavra. Current Issues of Cultural Heritage in 2020. European Scientific e-Journal, 1(1), 182-202. Hlučín-Bobrovníky: “Anisiia Tomanek” OSVČ. (In Russian)

DOI:10.47451/her2020-08-003 ---------- Certificate


Memorial monuments are a kind of art that follows its canons and forms, having its own ways of artistic plastic expression. It is tombstones that form the aesthetic appeal of necropolises. This article describes the issues of attribution, conservation and restoration of the memorial monument to Alexander Goryainov (1795-1813) in the Necropolis of the 18th century Alexander Nevsky Lavra. Each sculpture is a unique source of information about a bygone era, often without analogues, and at the same time – an integral part of our present, forming the modern appearance of urban space and its aesthetic appeal. Conservation and restoration of outdoor sculptures is one of the main tasks of preserving the cultural heritage of St Petersburg. The author concludes that it is not yet possible to stop the further destruction of the stone and the only thing that is possible is to try to slow down its destruction.


restoration of sculpture, conservation, the necropolis of Alexander Nevsky Lavra, St. Petersburg.

Article's Index

Portugalsky, P. V. (2020). Conservation and restoration of frames with stucco mastic decor. Current Issues of Cultural Heritage in 2020. European Scientific e-Journal, 1(1), 114-133. Hlučín-Bobrovníky: “Anisiia Tomanek” OSVČ.

DOI:10.47451/her2020-08-002 ----------> Certificate


The relevance of the chosen topic is that picture frames are valuable cultural objects. The production of artistic baguette frames with mastic decoration, gilding, imitation gilding and other decorative coatings has a long tradition and developed production technology. The study of frames allows you to get valuable information about the artistic styles of frames, about the technology of their production, to develop acceptable methods of restoration, which many frames need. The author reveals the ways and methods of conservation and restoration of a particular frame with imitation gilding to a painting from a private collection. It describes the state of preservation of the object before restoration and determines the sequence of methods for eliminating defects in the frame to give it an expositional appearance, and then describes the processes of working on the frame. The author concludes that the frame and the painting are separate works of art and craft, but they are created for each other. The picture, of course, takes precedence, the frame plays a secondary role, but they interact and complement each other.


conservation and restoration of objects of applied art, olive decor, frame.

Article's Index

Fomicheva, N. M. (2020). Conservation and restoration of the Agate Rooms of the Summer Park Pavilion “Cold Bath” in Tsarskoye Selo in 2009-2013. Current Issues of Cultural Heritage in 2020. European Scientific e-Journal, 1(1), 149-181. Hlučín-Bobrovníky: “Anisiia Tomanek” OSVČ. (In Russian)

DOI: 10.47451/her2020-08-001 ---------- Certificate


The relevance of the topic lies in the fact that, due to their age and technical condition, cultural World Heritage sites periodically need conservation and restoration due to aging of the base and finishing materials, binders, instability of the indoor microclimate and the impact of force majeure circumstances on them. In this article, the author introduces the reader to the topic of conservation and restoration of interiors of the 18th century of the unique monument of the Agate Rooms of the Cold Bath pavilion, in the decoration of the walls of the interiors of which natural ornamental stones are used: jasper of different colors of the Altai and Ural deposits. The technique of finishing the interiors of the second floor with natural stone, its conservation and restoration, carried out professionally according to specially compiled individual methods, can be useful to restorers of the world community engaged in finishing works of decorative applied art with natural stone and their restoration.


agate rooms, cold bath, complex conservation, restoration

Article's Index

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