The Library: Economic backwardness and poverty: An inside look

Orozbakov, S. (2024). Economic backwardness and poverty: An inside look. Ostrava, Ragusa, Novi Sad: Tuculart Edition, European Institute for Innovation Development, International Business Professors Club.
The book includes two scientific articles the author wrote earlier but has not been published and ten journalistic articles published in the last 20 years. The articles touch upon the economic development problems of the Kyrgyz Republic and its place in the world financial community. The author presents to the public his scientific hypothesis about the existence of a law of equalization of territorial levels of economic development, which, in his opinion, operates similarly to the law of equalization of price levels (the law of a single or one price). The collection of articles contains a new understanding of industrial development. The author’s thesis about the stepwise nature of industrial development, which is due to the limited knowledge and experience of the population of countries, the level of their scientific and technical development, i.e., the transition of industrial development from simple to complex types of production due to this limitation will reveal the nature of many economic diseases, known as the Dutch disease, “traps of medium and low incomes”.
ISBN 978-80-88474-31-9