Ostrava, Czech Republic
The Library: Homo ideologicis as an ideological man: past and present

Lebedev, S. V., & Lebedeva, G. N. (2021). Homo ideologicis as an ideological man: past and present. Ostrava-Hlučín: Anisiia Tomanek OSVČ. (In Russian)
The monograph examines the content and evolution of the most influential ideologies of the 19th and 20th centuries, which went down in history as the “age of ideologies” – liberalism, conservatism and socialism. The author analyzes the peculiarities of Russian versions of ideologies, their uniqueness due to the peculiarities of mentality and culture. The “post-classical ideologies” that emerged at the beginning of the 21st century – communitarianism, feminism, antiglobalism – raise the ques-tion of either the integrity of society or the possibilities of specific private projects. The materials of the monograph will be interesting for specialists in the field of Humanities and social sciences, politicians and anyone interest-ed in the problems of political life of humanity.
ISBN 978-80-907957-8-5
Address: Hlavnice 163, okr. Opava, Czechia, 74752
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